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An implementation of model parallel autoregressive transformers on GPUs, based on the Megatron and DeepSpeed libraries


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LLeMA Pretraining

This is a modified version of the EleutherAI/GPT-NeoX repository used for the Llemma project. This branch diverged from main at commit 009018e. This branch implements the following features that are not present in 009018e (some of these features may have subsequently been merged into main):

  • FlashAttention-2
  • Grouped Query Attention
  • A numerical precision fix for RoPE
  • Saving checkpoints to Amazon S3.

The remaining portion of this README contains instructions to replicate pretraining of the LLeMA models.

Training was performed across 256 A100 GPUs. We include configuration files and sample SLURM job script for the library to replicate training on a SLURM-managed cluster.

We additionally provide public training logs via Weights and Biases, which can be found in a report here.

Replicating Training

Set up environment

We provide a file containing a dump of our training environment.

You can install all required packages via

pip install -r requirements.txt

Make sure you are installing for your DeepSpeed version and install fused kernels for GPT-NeoX via python ./megatron/fused_kernels/ install from within your GPT-NeoX install.

Converting Llama 2 checkpoints into NeoX format

First, download CodeLlama 7b or 34b from the Meta AI repo and rename the download folder to 7B or 34B within the CodeLlama repository.

Then, to convert either model into the format expected by GPT-NeoX for checkpoints:

Sample command for 7b Meta->NeoX format:

python --input_dir /path/to/codellama/repo --config_file /path/to/this/repo/math-lm/pretraining/llemma_7b.yml --output_dir /path/to/save/into/ --num_output_shards {TP_DEGREE, we use 2}

Sample command for 34b Meta->NeoX format: (Requires large amounts of GPU VRAM or CPU RAM. Pass CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="" to perform conversion on CPU. 34b conversion may take a while)

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES="" python --input_dir /path/to/codellama/repo --config_file /path/to/this/repo/math-lm/pretraining/llemma_34b.yml --output_dir /path/to/save/into/ --num_output_shards {TP_DEGREE, we use 8}

Check Out Codebase

Next, check out the commit used to train the model you are replicating.

Launching Training

Then, edit the provided YML files to set paths based on your own system's saved locations for checkpoints and data files, and edit the SLURM job script as specified (using ) or run the job across multiple nodes using your own system's orchestration.

Tip: Note that the global batch size will be scaled by your number of nodes. Therefore, if running on a number of nodes different from 32 you should scale gradient accumulation steps accordingly.

We used a batch size of 4M tokens. To calculate global batch size, you should compute seq_len * num_gpus * ( train_microbatch_size_per_gpu * gradient_accumulation_steps) / (model_parallel_size * max(pipeline_parallel_size, 1)) .


The files in this folder are as follows:

  • contains a skeleton SLURM job script to launch training with NeoX across 32 nodes.

  • configs/data_mixture.yml contains a list of the domain weights for the final training run.

  • configs/llemma_7b.yml is a cleaned-up version of the config file used to train Llemma-7b.

  • configs/llemma_34b.yml is a cleaned-up version of the config file used to train Llemma-34b.

  • requirements.txt is a dump of the virtual environmment used in training, created via pip freeze.