repos: - repo: rev: v4.1.0 hooks: - id: check-case-conflict - id: check-json - id: check-symlinks - id: check-yaml - id: destroyed-symlinks - id: end-of-file-fixer exclude: ^(docs/CNAME/|configs/ - id: fix-byte-order-marker - id: fix-encoding-pragma args: [--remove] - id: mixed-line-ending args: [--fix=lf] - id: requirements-txt-fixer - id: trailing-whitespace exclude: ^(docs/CNAME/|configs/ - repo: rev: 0.8.0 hooks: - id: clang-format # formatter of C/C++ code based on a style guide: LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla, and WebKit available args: [] - repo: rev: 22.3.0 hooks: - id: black language_version: python3 - repo: rev: v2.1.0 hooks: - id: codespell args: [ '--ignore-words-list=reord,dout', # Word used in error messages that need rewording --check-filenames, --check-hidden, ] exclude: tests/data/hf_cache/tokenizer/gpt2.json