import os import random import uuid from collections import Counter from dataclasses import dataclass from pathlib import Path from typing import ClassVar import yaml from jinja2 import BaseLoader, Environment, meta # Truncation of jinja template variables # 1710 = 300 words x 4.7 avg characters per word + 300 spaces TEXT_VAR_LENGTH = 2048 # Local path to the folder containing the templates TEMPLATES_FOLDER_PATH = Path(__file__).parent / "templates" env = Environment(loader=BaseLoader) # type: ignore # Allow the python function zip() env.globals.update(enumerate=enumerate, zip=zip) # These are users whose datasets should be included in the results returned by # filter_english_datasets (regardless of their metadata) INCLUDED_USERS = {"Zaid", "craffel", "lauritowal", "christykoh"} def highlight(input): return "" + input + "" def permutation(n): return random.sample(range(n), n) def reorder(arr, permutation): return [arr[i] for i in permutation] def to_letter(n): return chr(n + ord("A")) def most_frequent(items): """Returns the set of items which appear most frequently in the input""" if not items: return item_counts = Counter(items).most_common() max_freq = item_counts[0][1] most_frequent_items = [c[0] for c in item_counts if c[1] == max_freq] return most_frequent_items env.filters["highlight"] = highlight env.filters["choice"] = random.choice env.filters["most_frequent"] = most_frequent env.filters["permutation"] = permutation env.filters["reorder"] = reorder env.filters["to_letter"] = to_letter class Template(yaml.YAMLObject): """ A prompt template. """ yaml_tag = "!Template" def __init__( self, name, jinja, reference, metadata=None, answer_choices=None, suffix="" ): """ Creates a prompt template. A prompt template is expressed in Jinja. It is rendered using an example from the corresponding Hugging Face datasets library (a dictionary). The separator ||| should appear once to divide the template into prompt and output. Generally, the prompt should provide information on the desired behavior, e.g., text passage and instructions, and the output should be a desired response. :param name: unique name (per dataset) for template :param jinja: template expressed in Jinja :param reference: string describing author or paper reference for template :param metadata: a Metadata object with template annotations :param answer_choices: Jinja expression for answer choices. Should produce a ||| delimited string of choices that enumerates the possible completions for templates that should be evaluated as ranked completions. If None, then the template is open-ended. This list is accessible from within Jinja as the variable `answer_choices`. :param suffix: string to append to the end of the statement before the answer """ = str(uuid.uuid4()) = name self.jinja = jinja self.reference = reference self.metadata = metadata or Template.Metadata() self.answer_choices = answer_choices self.suffix = suffix def get_answer_choices_list(self, example): """ Returns a list of answer choices for a given example :return: list of strings, or None if get_answer_choices_expr is None """ jinja = self.answer_choices if jinja is None: return None rtemplate = env.from_string(jinja) protected_example = self._escape_pipe(example) rendered_choices = rtemplate.render(**protected_example) return [ self._unescape_pipe(answer_choice.strip()) for answer_choice in rendered_choices.split("|||") ] def get_fixed_answer_choices_list(self): """ Returns a list of answer choices that is static across examples, if possible :return: list of strings, or None if no static list exists """ jinja = self.answer_choices if jinja is None: return None parse = env.parse(jinja) variables = meta.find_undeclared_variables(parse) if len(variables) == 0: rtemplate = env.from_string(jinja) rendered_choices = rtemplate.render() return [ answer_choice.strip() for answer_choice in rendered_choices.split("|||") ] else: return None def apply(self, example, truncate=False, highlight_variables=False): """ Creates a prompt by applying this template to an example :param example: the dataset example to create a prompt for :param truncate: if True, fields will be truncated to TEXT_VAR_LENGTH chars :param highlight_variables: highlight the added variables :return: tuple of 2 strings, for prompt and output """ jinja = self.jinja # Truncates the prompt if needed if truncate: # Escaping curly braces requires doubling them trunc_command = f" | string | truncate({TEXT_VAR_LENGTH}) }}}}" jinja = jinja.replace("}}", trunc_command) # Highlights text that was substituted for variables, if requested if highlight_variables: jinja = jinja.replace("}}", " | highlight }}") rtemplate = env.from_string(jinja) protected_example = self._escape_pipe(example) # Adds in answer_choices variable if "answer_choices" in protected_example: raise ValueError("Example contains the restricted key 'answer_choices'.") try: protected_example["answer_choices"] = self.get_answer_choices_list(example) except AttributeError: # there's no answer_choices field pass # Renders the Jinja template rendered_example = rtemplate.render(**protected_example) # Splits on the separator, and then replaces back any occurrences of the # separator in the original example statement_text, *_ = rendered_example.split("|||") return Template._strip_spaces(self._unescape_pipe(statement_text)) @staticmethod def _strip_spaces(string): """Same functionality as str.strip(), but ignores newlines""" if string.isspace(): return "\n" * string.count("\n") num_newlines = 0 # Remove leading whitespace while string and string[0].isspace(): if string[0] == "\n": num_newlines += 1 string = string[1:] string = "\n" * num_newlines + string num_newlines = 0 # Remove trailing whitespace while string and string[-1].isspace(): if string[-1] == "\n": num_newlines += 1 string = string[:-1] string = string + "\n" * num_newlines return string pipe_protector = "3ed2dface8203c4c9dfb1a5dc58e41e0" @classmethod def _escape_pipe(cls, example): # Replaces any occurrences of the "|||" separator in the example, which # which will be replaced back after splitting protected_example = { key: ( value.replace("|||", cls.pipe_protector) if isinstance(value, str) else value ) for key, value in example.items() } return protected_example @classmethod def _unescape_pipe(cls, string): # replaces back any occurrences of the separator in a string return string.replace(cls.pipe_protector, "|||") @dataclass class Metadata(yaml.YAMLObject): """Metadata for a prompt template.""" yaml_tag: ClassVar[str] = "!TemplateMetadata" original_task: bool | None = None """If True, this prompt asks a model to perform the original task designed for this dataset.""" choices_in_prompt: bool | None = None """If True, the answer choices are included in the templates such that models see those choices in the input. Only applicable to classification tasks.""" metrics: list[str] | None = None """Strings denoting metrics to use for evaluation""" languages: list[str] | None = None """Strings denoting languages used in the prompt""" class DatasetTemplates: """ Class that wraps all templates for a specific dataset/subset and implements all the helper functions necessary to read/write to the yaml file """ binarize: bool = False label_column: str | None templates: dict[str, Template] def __init__(self, dataset_name: str, subset_name: str | None = None): self.dataset_name = dataset_name self.subset_name = subset_name with open(self.yaml_path, "r") as f: yaml_dict = yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) # Required field; contains all the templates keyed by ID self.templates = yaml_dict["templates"] for template in self.templates.values(): if not hasattr(template, "suffix"): template.suffix = "" self.binarize = yaml_dict.get("binarize", False) self.label_column = yaml_dict.get("label_column") def drop_non_mc_templates(self) -> int: """Drop all templates that aren't multiple choice, return the number dropped""" mc_templates = { k: v for k, v in self.templates.items() if v.answer_choices is not None } if not mc_templates: raise ValueError("No multiple choice templates found") num_dropped = len(self.templates) - len(mc_templates) self.templates = mc_templates return num_dropped @property def all_template_names(self) -> list[str]: """ Sorted list of all templates names for this dataset """ return sorted([ for template in self.templates.values()]) @property def folder_path(self) -> str: if self.subset_name: return os.path.join( TEMPLATES_FOLDER_PATH, self.dataset_name, self.subset_name ) else: return os.path.join(TEMPLATES_FOLDER_PATH, self.dataset_name) @property def yaml_path(self) -> str: path = os.path.join(self.folder_path, "templates.yaml") if not os.path.exists(path): raise ValueError(f"Expected prompt templates to exist at {path}") return path