import os import getpass import subprocess from setuptools import setup, find_packages from lib.settings import VERSION from lib.formatter import fatal, error from lib.firewall_found import request_issue_creation try: raw_input except: raw_input = input needs_username_fix = os.getuid() == 0 try: if needs_username_fix: username = raw_input("what is your username (needed for directory fixes): ") else: username = getpass.getuser()["bash", ""]) setup( name='whatwaf', version=VERSION, packages=find_packages(), url='', license='GPLv3', author='ekultek', author_email='', description='Detect and bypass web application firewalls and protection systems', scripts=["whatwaf"], install_requires=open("requirements.txt").read().split("\n") ) if needs_username_fix: if "root" == username: # fixes weird docker issues path = "/root/.whatwaf" else: path = "/home/{}/.whatwaf".format(os.path.expanduser(username))["chown", "-R", "{u}:{u}".format(u=username), path]) except Exception as e: import sys, traceback sep = "-" * 30 fatal( "WhatWaf has caught an unhandled exception with the error message: '{}'.".format(str(e)) ) exception_data = "Traceback (most recent call):\n{}{}".format( "".join(traceback.format_tb(sys.exc_info()[2])), str(e) ) error( "\n{}\n{}\n{}".format( sep, exception_data, sep ) ) request_issue_creation(exception_data)