_I would really love to write a nice proper CONTRIBUTING.md, so excuse me for what you are about to see._ We would really love for you to tackle one of our burning issues, which you can view by clicking this link: https://github.com/buildaworldnet/IrrlichtBAW/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+sort%3Aupdated-desc (sorted by the most recently updated) In order to contribute: 1. **Do not** open pull requests which "fix" code formatting, the use of `NULL`, C-style casts, C++11, exceptions, or directory structure. This is a "DO NOT WANT"(TM) ESPECIALLY for your first pull requests. If your need to do this is so burning, then provide us with a pull request containing a script to do this instead. 2. Split your larger contributions into as many separate independent features as practical. 3. Fork from the master branch or the last stable tag (with exceptions for some features) 4. Develop your contribution in your fork or a separate branch. 5. Comment your code, even just a tiny bit. 6. Supply an example which also serves as a test to the examples_test folder so that we can see how to use your contribution and that it works. 7. Open a pull request with just the code relevant to that one feature. 8. Engage in discussion in the pull request and polish your submission while taking some really minor and mild constructive criticism 9. Get your pull request merged 10. If in doubt, look at point 1 Happy coding!