import os from Bio import SeqIO from plotting_helpers import plot_quote, matplotlib_axes_from_gridspec_array from dnaweaver import ( CommercialDnaOffer, GoldenGateAssemblyMethod, FixedCostPricing, PerBasepairPricing, DnaAssemblyStation, GoldenGatePartsLibrary, SequenceLengthConstraint, PcrExtractionStation, TmSegmentSelector, load_record ) # DEFINE THE SUPPLY NETWORK # The EMMA collection of mammalian genetic parts emma_collection = GoldenGatePartsLibrary("EMMA", parts_dict={ str(record.seq) for record in SeqIO.parse("emma_parts.fa", "fasta") }, memoize=True) # A medium-price vendor who can provide long parts company_ingen = CommercialDnaOffer( name="InGen", pricing=PerBasepairPricing(0.14), sequence_constraints=[SequenceLengthConstraint(max_length=2400)] ) # A cheap vendor who can provide small parts < 1kb company_tdi = CommercialDnaOffer( name="TDI", pricing=PerBasepairPricing(0.08), sequence_constraints=[SequenceLengthConstraint(max_length=1000)] ) # An oligos vendor (for oligo assembly and ) company_oligo = CommercialDnaOffer( name="", pricing=FixedCostPricing(5), sequence_constraints=[SequenceLengthConstraint(max_length=100)] ) mouse_pcr_station = PcrExtractionStation( name="E. coli", extra_cost=10, homology_selector=TmSegmentSelector(), primers_supplier=company_oligo, blast_database=os.path.join("..", "..", "data", "ecoli_blast_db", "ecoli"), memoize=True ) all_suppliers = [company_ingen, emma_collection, mouse_pcr_station, company_tdi] assembly_station = DnaAssemblyStation( name='GoldenGate Assembly Station', assembly_method=GoldenGateAssemblyMethod( min_segment_length=40, max_segment_length=5000, enzyme='BsmBI' ), supplier=all_suppliers, coarse_grain=100, logger='bar', ) for station, color in [(company_ingen, '#fdfdb3'), (company_oligo, '#b8b6e6'), (company_tdi, '#c8f8c4'), (mouse_pcr_station, '#eff5f5'), (emma_collection, '#f8c3c3')]: station.report_color = color # LOAD THE SEQUENCE AND PREPARE THE NETWORK FOR IT. HERE THE # PREPARATION WILL ONLY MAKE THE PCR STATION PRE-BLAST THE SEQUENCE record = load_record("") sequence = str(record.seq) assembly_station.prepare_network_on_sequence(sequence) # PLOT SUCCESSIVE FIGURES AS THE PROBLEM GETS RESOLVED WITH EVER MORE # POSSIBLE SUPPLIERS fig, grid_axes = matplotlib_axes_from_gridspec_array([ [0, 1, 2, 3], [0, 1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6, 7], ], figsize=(14, 6)) for i in range(4): # ADD 1 THEN 2... THEN 4 SUPPLIERS assembly_station.set_suppliers(all_suppliers[:i+1]) quote = assembly_station.get_quote(sequence, with_assembly_plan=True) fig, axes = plot_quote(quote, ylim=(-1.2, 1), axes=(grid_axes[i], grid_axes[i + 4])) fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.2) fig.savefig("assembly_plans.png", bbox_inches='tight') print ("Success! See figure assembly_plans.png.")