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Testing for checkout_externals

Unit tests

    cd checkout_externals/test
    make utest

System tests

    cd checkout_externals/test
    make stest

Example to run a single test:

    cd checkout_externals
    python -m unittest test.test_sys_checkout.TestSysCheckout.test_container_simple_required

Static analysis

checkout_externals is difficult to test thoroughly because it relies on git and svn, and svn requires a live network connection and repository. Static analysis will help catch bugs in code paths that are not being executed, but it requires conforming to community standards and best practices. autopep8 and pylint should be run regularly for automatic code formatting and linting.

    cd checkout_externals/test
    make lint

The canonical formatting for the code is whatever autopep8 generates. All issues identified by pylint should be addressed.

Code coverage

All changes to the code should include maintaining existing tests and writing new tests for new or changed functionality. To ensure test coverage, run the code coverage tool:

    cd checkout_externals/test
    make coverage
    open -a htmlcov/index.html