# ChangeLog ## Unreleased - NEW Option CABINETMED_DELAY_TO_LOCK_RECORD is now into the setup. It can alse control deletion of uploaded files into bio and radio tab. ## 10.0.1 - NEW Add more substitution for dates - Fix for merging patients - Compatibility Dolibarr 20. Minimal dolibarr version is 16.0 ## 10.0.0 - NEW Add entity column on consultations ## 9.0.3 - NEW Compatibility with v15. No more compatible with v11. - FIX Box of last patient was output on wrong page. ## 9.0.2 - Fix call to undefined dol_cm_strptime() - Fix filters on list of patients, consultations and contacts ## 9.0.1 - Compatibility of export with PHP 7.4 - Can set SOCIETE_DISABLE_PARENTCOMPANY to enable use of parent company. - Add extrafields of consultation into export of patient and consultations. - Show hours on date of last consultation. - Add option CABINETMED_ACCOUNTANCY_CODE_FOR_CONSULTATION (need Dolibarr v13) - Patient record on 2 columns - Need Dolibarr v11+ ## 9.0.0 - NEW Compatibility with v9, v10, v11. - NEW Add preview on files. - NEW Add outcome_comment on document. - NEW Support extrafields on list of consultations. - NEW Add option DIAGNOSTIC_IS_NOT_MANDATORY. - NEW Add tags for extrafields in ODT templates {patient_options_xxx} and {outcome_options_xxx}. - FIX phone and zip. - FIX Do not loose name of banque if the bank was renamed with a different case. ## 7.0.1 - NEW Compatibilty with Dolibarr v8. - Fix disable of old contact tab on patient only. - Fix group by error in stats page of contacts. - Enable document template when enabling module - Fix attachment not sent when sending email from documents tab. - Fix edit of sale representative (following doctor) on patient. - Dolivarr v6+ required. - Support extrafields on list of patients. ## 7.0.0 - NEW Compatibility with Dolibarr v7 - NEW Can filter on contact on list of patients - NEW Better menu organization - NEW Add substitution key outcome_id and patient_id - External users (care giveers contacts) can have an external account to see patient and consultations by adding option MAIN_DISABLE_RESTRICTION_ON_THIRDPARTY_FOR_EXTERNAL to 1 ## 5.0.1 - Better Look and feel v6 - Fix compatibility with MAIN_DB_PREFIX (avoid error on llx_c_type not found) - Fix translation - Security fixes - Fix attachment of document when sending email ## 5.0.0 - Can link elements to consultations. - Minimum version of Dolibarr is 4.0 ## 4.1.0 - Add extrafields on consultations. ## 4.0.0 - Can keep or not feature of thirdparties (invoice, proposal) on patients. - Use the new Dolibarr 4.0 look. ## 3.7.0 - Work with 3.7 - Add filter on sale representative - Can send email to patient from patient card. - Fields Profession, birthdate, weight, heigth are not extrafields. - Added nb of notes into badge of tabs. ## 3.6.0 - Add position into databse for combo list. - CABINETMED_DELAY_TO_LOCK_RECORD option is not visible into setup. ## 3.5.2 - Add hidden option CABINETMED_DELAY_TO_LOCK_RECORD to lock edition of all consultations older than CABINETMED_DELAY_TO_LOCK_RECORD days. - Add a button to create a consultation from an event linked to a patient. - Fix: Pb with textarea on small screen. - Compatible with Dolibarr 3.5.* and 3.6.* ## 3.5.1 - Minor fixes into translation. - Prepare compatibility with Dolibarr 3.6. - Added filter on birthdate into list of patient. - Fix: Bug when you close an account. Closed account must appears into list.