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This module/service will provide the necessary template engine to create a Patient Summary CCD. CCD's can be generated from the Onsite Patient Portal or the Carecoordination Module.


  • If not already completed, you must install/initialize the CCM features by going to the Modules->Manage Modules top menu then click Unregistered tab and install the necessary components.
  • Add any appropriate settings like granting Access Control for the appropriate users. Menu item: Modules->Manage Modules->Access Control->General->Care Coordination.
  • Ignore any errors that do not throw you back to command prompt when using npm install as some libs need to be compiled and is verbose about it.


Whenever there are new versions or updates, be sure to navigate into the ccdaservice directory and run:

  • npm i --production

This will ensure the lastest libraries are installed.

Ubuntu Setup

  • Latest version tested is node v14.0

If node is not already installed then do the following:

  • cd ~
  • apt-get remove --purge nodejs npm // Ensures clean install and will allow chance to cleanup.
  • curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
  • sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

Navigate to: openemr/ccdaservice and run the following to install requires dependencies.

  • sudo npm install --production

Windows Setup

  • Download and install nodejs for your windows version.
    • Latest version tested is node v12.18.2
  • Ensure system variable NODE_PATH is set i.e %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules.

Navigate to: openemr/ccdaservice and run the following from an elevated PowerShell or CMD.exe (run as Administrator):

  • npm install --global --production windows-build-tools
  • npm install --production


  • CCDA service must be enabled in OpenEMR's menu Globals->Connectors.
  • This service will automatically start on demand when required by OpenEMR.


  • Note that these scripts run in strict mode so javascript will hold you very much accountable with how objects and variables are handled.
  • For now, node modules are run local to service directory so all support dependecies are installed there.


  • The nodejs ccda service now starts on demand.


    Copyright 2018-2019 [email protected] GNU General Public License 3