load(); } // @TODO This needs to be broken out to it's own function, but for time's sake // @TODO putting it here until we land on a good place. RD 2017-05-02 $twigOptions = [ 'debug' => false, ]; $twigLoader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem(); $twigEnv = new Twig_Environment($twigLoader, $twigOptions); if (array_key_exists('debug', $twigOptions) && $twigOptions['debug'] == true) { $twigEnv->addExtension(new Twig_Extension_Debug()); } $twigEnv->addGlobal('assets_dir', $GLOBALS['assets_static_relative']); $twigEnv->addGlobal('srcdir', $GLOBALS['srcdir']); $twigEnv->addGlobal('rootdir', $GLOBALS['rootdir']); $twigEnv->addFilter(new Twig_SimpleFilter('translate', function ($string) { return xl($string); })); /** Twig_Loader */ $GLOBALS['twigLoader'] = $twigLoader; /** Twig_Environment */ $GLOBALS['twig'] = $twigEnv; // This will open the openemr mysql connection. require_once (dirname(__FILE__) . "/../library/sql.inc"); // Include the version file require_once (dirname(__FILE__) . "/../version.php"); // The logging level for common/logging/logger.php // Value can be TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, or OFF: // - DEBUG/INFO are great for development // - INFO/WARN/ERROR are great for production // - TRACE is useful when debugging hard to spot bugs $GLOBALS["log_level"] = "OFF"; // Should Doctrine make use of connection pooling? Database connection pooling is a method // used to keep database connections open so they can be reused by others. (The only reason // to not use connection pooling is if your server has limited resources.) $GLOBALS["doctrine_connection_pooling"] = true; // Defaults for specific applications. $GLOBALS['weight_loss_clinic'] = false; $GLOBALS['ippf_specific'] = false; // Defaults for drugs and products. $GLOBALS['inhouse_pharmacy'] = false; $GLOBALS['sell_non_drug_products'] = 0; $glrow = sqlQuery("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'globals'"); if (!empty($glrow)) { // Collect user specific settings from user_settings table. // $gl_user = array(); // Collect the user id first $temp_authuserid = ''; if (!empty($_SESSION['authUserID'])) { //Set the user id from the session variable $temp_authuserid = $_SESSION['authUserID']; } else { if (!empty($_POST['authUser'])) { $temp_sql_ret = sqlQuery("SELECT `id` FROM `users` WHERE `username` = ?", array($_POST['authUser'])); if (!empty($temp_sql_ret['id'])) { //Set the user id from the login variable $temp_authuserid = $temp_sql_ret['id']; } } } if (!empty($temp_authuserid)) { $glres_user = sqlStatement( "SELECT `setting_label`, `setting_value` " . "FROM `user_settings` " . "WHERE `setting_user` = ? " . "AND `setting_label` LIKE 'global:%'", array($temp_authuserid) ); for ($iter=0; $row=sqlFetchArray($glres_user); $iter++) { //remove global_ prefix from label $row['setting_label'] = substr($row['setting_label'], 7); $gl_user[$iter]=$row; } } // Set global parameters from the database globals table. // Some parameters require custom handling. // $GLOBALS['language_menu_show'] = array(); $glres = sqlStatement( "SELECT gl_name, gl_index, gl_value FROM globals " . "ORDER BY gl_name, gl_index" ); while ($glrow = sqlFetchArray($glres)) { $gl_name = $glrow['gl_name']; $gl_value = $glrow['gl_value']; // Adjust for user specific settings if (!empty($gl_user)) { foreach ($gl_user as $setting) { if ($gl_name == $setting['setting_label']) { $gl_value = $setting['setting_value']; } } } if ($gl_name == 'language_menu_other') { $GLOBALS['language_menu_show'][] = $gl_value; } elseif ($gl_name == 'css_header') { $GLOBALS[$gl_name] = $rootdir.'/themes/'.$gl_value.'?v='.$v_js_includes; $temp_css_theme_name = $gl_value; } elseif ($gl_name == 'weekend_days') { $GLOBALS[$gl_name] = explode(',', $gl_value); } elseif ($gl_name == 'specific_application') { if ($gl_value == '2') { $GLOBALS['ippf_specific'] = true; } elseif ($gl_value == '3') { $GLOBALS['weight_loss_clinic'] = true; } } elseif ($gl_name == 'inhouse_pharmacy') { if ($gl_value) { $GLOBALS['inhouse_pharmacy'] = true; } if ($gl_value == '2') { $GLOBALS['sell_non_drug_products'] = 1; } elseif ($gl_value == '3') { $GLOBALS['sell_non_drug_products'] = 2; } } elseif ($gl_name == 'gbl_time_zone') { // The default PHP time zone is set here if it was specified, and is used // as source data for the MySQL time zone here and in some other places // where MySQL connections are opened. if ($gl_value) { date_default_timezone_set($gl_value); } // Synchronize MySQL time zone with PHP time zone. sqlStatement("SET time_zone = ?", array((new DateTime())->format("P"))); } else { $GLOBALS[$gl_name] = $gl_value; } } // Language cleanup stuff. $GLOBALS['language_menu_login'] = false; if ((count($GLOBALS['language_menu_show']) >= 1) || $GLOBALS['language_menu_showall']) { $GLOBALS['language_menu_login'] = true; } // Added this $GLOBALS['concurrent_layout'] set to 3 in order to support legacy forms // that may use this; note this global has been removed from the standard codebase. $GLOBALS['concurrent_layout'] = 3; // Additional logic to override theme name. // For RTL languages we substitute the theme name with the name of RTL-adapted CSS file. $rtl_override = false; if (isset( $_SESSION['language_direction'] )) { if ($_SESSION['language_direction'] == 'rtl' && !strpos($GLOBALS['css_header'], 'rtl') ) { // the $css_header_value is set above $rtl_override = true; } } elseif (isset( $_SESSION['language_choice'] )) { //this will support the onsite patient portal which will have a language choice but not yet a set language direction $_SESSION['language_direction'] = getLanguageDir($_SESSION['language_choice']); if ($_SESSION['language_direction'] == 'rtl' && !strpos($GLOBALS['css_header'], 'rtl')) { // the $css_header_value is set above $rtl_override = true; } } else { //$_SESSION['language_direction'] is not set, so will use the default language $default_lang_id = sqlQuery('SELECT lang_id FROM lang_languages WHERE lang_description = ?', array($GLOBALS['language_default'])); if (getLanguageDir($default_lang_id['lang_id']) === 'rtl' && !strpos($GLOBALS['css_header'], 'rtl')) { // @todo eliminate 1 SQL query $rtl_override = true; } } // change theme name, if the override file exists. if ($rtl_override) { // the $css_header_value is set above $new_theme = 'rtl_' . $temp_css_theme_name; // Check file existance if (file_exists($include_root.'/themes/'.$new_theme)) { $GLOBALS['css_header'] = $rootdir.'/themes/'.$new_theme.'?v='.$v_js_includes; } else { // throw a warning if rtl'ed file does not exist. error_log("Missing theme file ".text($include_root).'/themes/'.text($new_theme)); } } unset( $temp_css_theme_name, $new_theme,$rtl_override); // end of RTL section // // End of globals table processing. } else { // Temporary stuff to handle the case where the globals table does not // exist yet. This will happen in sql_upgrade.php on upgrading to the // first release containing this table. $GLOBALS['language_menu_login'] = true; $GLOBALS['language_menu_showall'] = true; $GLOBALS['language_menu_show'] = array('English (Standard)','Swedish'); $GLOBALS['language_default'] = "English (Standard)"; $GLOBALS['translate_layout'] = true; $GLOBALS['translate_lists'] = true; $GLOBALS['translate_gacl_groups'] = true; $GLOBALS['translate_form_titles'] = true; $GLOBALS['translate_document_categories'] = true; $GLOBALS['translate_appt_categories'] = true; $timeout = 7200; $openemr_name = 'OpenEMR'; $css_header = "$rootdir/themes/style_default.css"; $GLOBALS['css_header'] = $css_header; $GLOBALS['schedule_start'] = 8; $GLOBALS['schedule_end'] = 17; $GLOBALS['calendar_interval'] = 15; $GLOBALS['phone_country_code'] = '1'; $GLOBALS['disable_non_default_groups'] = true; $GLOBALS['ippf_specific'] = false; } // If >0 this will enforce a separate PHP session for each top-level // browser window. You must log in separately for each. This is not // thoroughly tested yet and some browsers might have trouble with it, // so make it 0 if you must. Alternatively, you can set it to 2 to be // notified when the session ID changes. $GLOBALS['restore_sessions'] = 1; // 0=no, 1=yes, 2=yes+debug // Theme definition. All this stuff should be moved to CSS. // $top_bg_line = ' bgcolor="#dddddd" '; $GLOBALS['style']['BGCOLOR2'] = "#dddddd"; $bottom_bg_line = $top_bg_line; $title_bg_line = ' bgcolor="#bbbbbb" '; $nav_bg_line = ' bgcolor="#94d6e7" '; $login_filler_line = ' bgcolor="#f7f0d5" '; $logocode = ""; // optimal size for the tiny logo is height 43 width 86 px // inside the open emr they will be auto reduced $tinylogocode1 = ""; $tinylogocode2 = ""; $linepic = "$rootdir/pic/repeat_vline9.gif"; $table_bg = ' bgcolor="#cccccc" '; $GLOBALS['style']['BGCOLOR1'] = "#cccccc"; $GLOBALS['style']['TEXTCOLOR11'] = "#222222"; $GLOBALS['style']['HIGHLIGHTCOLOR'] = "#dddddd"; $GLOBALS['style']['BOTTOM_BG_LINE'] = $bottom_bg_line; // The height in pixels of the Logo bar at the top of the login page: $GLOBALS['logoBarHeight'] = 110; // The height in pixels of the Navigation bar: $GLOBALS['navBarHeight'] = 22; // The height in pixels of the Title bar: $GLOBALS['titleBarHeight'] = 40; // The assistant word, MORE printed next to titles that can be clicked: // Note this label gets translated here via the xl function // -if you don't want it translated, then strip the xl function away $tmore = xl('(More)'); // The assistant word, BACK printed next to titles that return to previous screens: // Note this label gets translated here via the xl function // -if you don't want it translated, then strip the xl function away $tback = xl('(Back)'); // This is the idle logout function: // if a page has not been refreshed within this many seconds, the interface // will return to the login page if (!empty($special_timeout)) { $timeout = intval($special_timeout); } $versionService = new \services\VersionService(); $version = $versionService->fetch(); if (!empty($version)) { //Version tag $patch_appending = ""; //Collected below function call to a variable, since unable to directly include // function calls within empty() in php versions < 5.5 . $version_getrealpatch = $version->getRealPatch(); if (($version->getRealPatch() != '0') && (!(empty($version_getrealpatch)))) { $patch_appending = " (".$version->getRealPatch().")"; } $openemr_version = $version->getMajor() . "." . $version->getMinor() . "." . $version->getPatch(); $openemr_version .= $version->getTag() . $patch_appending; } else { $openemr_version = xl('Unknown version'); } $srcdir = $GLOBALS['srcdir']; $login_screen = $GLOBALS['login_screen']; $GLOBALS['css_header'] = $css_header; $GLOBALS['backpic'] = $backpic; // 1 = send email message to given id for Emergency Login user activation, // else 0. $GLOBALS['Emergency_Login_email'] = empty($GLOBALS['Emergency_Login_email_id']) ? 0 : 1; //set include_de_identification to enable De-identification (currently de-identification works fine only with linux machines) //Run de_identification_upgrade.php script to upgrade OpenEMR database to include procedures, //functions, tables for de-identification(Mysql root user and password is required for successful //execution of the de-identification upgrade script) $GLOBALS['include_de_identification']=0; // Include the authentication module code here, but the rule is // if the file has the word "login" in the source code file name, // don't include the authentication module - we do this to avoid // include loops. if (($ignoreAuth_offsite_portal === true) && ($GLOBALS['portal_offsite_enable'] == 1)) { $ignoreAuth = true; } elseif (($ignoreAuth_onsite_portal_two === true) && ($GLOBALS['portal_onsite_two_enable'] == 1)) { $ignoreAuth = true; } if (!$ignoreAuth) { include_once("$srcdir/auth.inc"); } // This is the background color to apply to form fields that are searchable. // Currently it is applicable only to the "Search or Add Patient" form. $GLOBALS['layout_search_color'] = '#ffff55'; //EMAIL SETTINGS $SMTP_Auth = !empty($GLOBALS['SMTP_USER']); //module configurations $GLOBALS['baseModDir'] = "interface/modules/"; //default path of modules $GLOBALS['customModDir'] = "custom_modules"; //non zend modules $GLOBALS['zendModDir'] = "zend_modules"; //zend modules // Don't change anything below this line. //////////////////////////// $encounter = empty($_SESSION['encounter']) ? 0 : $_SESSION['encounter']; if (!empty($_GET['pid']) && empty($_SESSION['pid'])) { $_SESSION['pid'] = $_GET['pid']; } elseif (!empty($_POST['pid']) && empty($_SESSION['pid'])) { $_SESSION['pid'] = $_POST['pid']; } $pid = empty($_SESSION['pid']) ? 0 : $_SESSION['pid']; $userauthorized = empty($_SESSION['userauthorized']) ? 0 : $_SESSION['userauthorized']; $groupname = empty($_SESSION['authProvider']) ? 0 : $_SESSION['authProvider']; //This is crucial for therapy groups and patients mechanisms to work together properly $attendant_type = (empty($pid) && isset($_SESSION['therapy_group'])) ? 'gid' : 'pid'; $therapy_group = (empty($pid) && isset($_SESSION['therapy_group'])) ? $_SESSION['therapy_group'] : 0; // global interface function to format text length using ellipses function strterm($string, $length) { if (strlen($string) >= ($length-3)) { return substr($string, 0, $length-3) . "..."; } else { return $string; } } // Override temporary_files_dir if PHP >= 5.2.1. if (version_compare(phpversion(), "5.2.1", ">=")) { $GLOBALS['temporary_files_dir'] = rtrim(sys_get_temp_dir(), '/'); } // turn off PHP compatibility warnings ini_set("session.bug_compat_warn", "off");