// // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // // A copy of the GNU General Public License is included along with this program: // openemr/interface/login/GnuGPL.html // For more information write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. // // Author: Eldho Chacko // Paul Simon K // // +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/calendar.inc'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/patient_tracker.inc.php'); //=============================================================================== //This section handles the events of payment screen. //=============================================================================== define('REPEAT_EVERY_DAY', 0); define('REPEAT_EVERY_WEEK', 1); define('REPEAT_EVERY_MONTH', 2); define('REPEAT_EVERY_YEAR', 3); define('REPEAT_EVERY_WORK_DAY',4); define('REPEAT_DAYS_EVERY_WEEK', 6); //=============================================================================== //Create event in calender as arrived function calendar_arrived($form_pid) { $Today=date('Y-m-d'); //Take all recurring events relevent for today. $result_event=sqlStatement("SELECT * FROM openemr_postcalendar_events WHERE pc_recurrtype != '0' and pc_pid = ? and pc_endDate != '0000-00-00' and pc_eventDate < ? and pc_endDate >= ? ", array($form_pid,$Today,$Today)); if(sqlNumRows($result_event)==0)//no repeating appointment { $result_event=sqlStatement("SELECT * FROM openemr_postcalendar_events WHERE pc_pid =? and pc_eventDate = ?", array($form_pid,$Today)); if(sqlNumRows($result_event)==0)//no appointment { echo "

".htmlspecialchars( xl('Sorry No Appointment is Fixed'), ENT_QUOTES ).". ".htmlspecialchars( xl('No Encounter could be created'), ENT_QUOTES )."."; die; } else//one appointment { $enc = todaysEncounterCheck($form_pid);//create encounter $zero_enc=0; sqlStatement("UPDATE openemr_postcalendar_events SET pc_apptstatus ='@' WHERE pc_pid =? and pc_eventDate = ?", array($form_pid,$Today)); } } else//repeating appointment set { while($row_event=sqlFetchArray($result_event)) { $pc_eid = $row_event['pc_eid']; $pc_eventDate = $row_event['pc_eventDate']; $pc_recurrspec_array = unserialize($row_event['pc_recurrspec']); while(1) { if($pc_eventDate==$Today)//Matches so insert. { if(!$exist_eid=check_event_exist($pc_eid)) { update_event($pc_eid); } else { sqlStatement("UPDATE openemr_postcalendar_events SET pc_apptstatus = '@' WHERE pc_eid = ?", array($exist_eid)); } $enc = todaysEncounterCheck($form_pid);//create encounter $zero_enc=0; break; } elseif($pc_eventDate>$Today)//the frequency does not match today,no need to increment furthur. { echo "

".htmlspecialchars( xl('Sorry No Appointment is Fixed'), ENT_QUOTES ).". ".htmlspecialchars( xl('No Encounter could be created'), ENT_QUOTES )."."; die; break; } // Added by Rod to handle repeats on nth or last given weekday of a month: if ($row_event['pc_recurrtype'] == 2) { $my_repeat_on_day = $pc_recurrspec_array['event_repeat_on_day']; $my_repeat_on_num = $pc_recurrspec_array['event_repeat_on_num']; $adate = getdate(strtotime($pc_eventDate)); $adate['mon'] += 1; if ($adate['mon'] > 12) { $adate['year'] += 1; $adate['mon'] -= 12; } if ($my_repeat_on_num < 5) { // not last $adate['mday'] = 1; $dow = jddayofweek(cal_to_jd(CAL_GREGORIAN, $adate['mon'], $adate['mday'], $adate['year'])); if ($dow > $my_repeat_on_day) $dow -= 7; $adate['mday'] += ($my_repeat_on_num - 1) * 7 + $my_repeat_on_day - $dow; } else { // last weekday of month $adate['mday'] = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $adate['mon'], $adate['year']); $dow = jddayofweek(cal_to_jd(CAL_GREGORIAN, $adate['mon'], $adate['mday'], $adate['year'])); if ($dow < $my_repeat_on_day) $dow += 7; $adate['mday'] += $my_repeat_on_day - $dow; } $pc_eventDate = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $adate['mon'], $adate['mday'], $adate['year'])); } // end recurrtype 2 else { // pc_recurrtype is 1 $pc_eventDate_array = explode('-', $pc_eventDate); // Find the next day as per the frequency definition. $pc_eventDate =& __increment($pc_eventDate_array[2], $pc_eventDate_array[1], $pc_eventDate_array[0], $pc_recurrspec_array['event_repeat_freq'], $pc_recurrspec_array['event_repeat_freq_type']); } } } } return $enc; } //=============================================================================== // Checks for the patient's encounter ID for today, creating it if there is none. // function todaysEncounterCheck($patient_id, $enc_date = '', $reason = '', $fac_id = '', $billing_fac = '', $provider = '', $cat = '', $return_existing = true){ global $today; $encounter = todaysEncounterIf($patient_id); if($encounter){ if($return_existing){ return $encounter; }else{ return 0; } } $dos = $enc_date ? $enc_date : $today; $visit_reason = $reason ? $reason : 'Please indicate visit reason'; $tmprow = sqlQuery("SELECT username, facility, facility_id FROM users WHERE id = ?", array($_SESSION["authUserID"]) ); $username = $tmprow['username']; $facility = $tmprow['facility']; $facility_id = $fac_id ? (int)$fac_id : $tmprow['facility_id']; $billing_facility = $billing_fac ? (int)$billing_fac : $tmprow['facility_id']; $visit_provider = $provider ? (int)$provider : '(NULL)'; $visit_cat = $cat ? $cat : '(NULL)'; $conn = $GLOBALS['adodb']['db']; $encounter = $conn->GenID("sequences"); addForm($encounter, "New Patient Encounter", sqlInsert("INSERT INTO form_encounter SET " . "date = ?, " . "reason = ?, " . "facility = ?, " . "facility_id = ?, " . "billing_facility = ?, " . "provider_id = ?, " . "pid = ?, " . "encounter = ?," . "pc_catid = ?", array($dos,$visit_reason,$facility,$facility_id,$billing_facility,$visit_provider,$patient_id,$encounter,$visit_cat) ), "newpatient", $patient_id, "1", "NOW()", $username ); return $encounter; } //=============================================================================== // Get the patient's encounter ID for today, if it exists. // In the case of more than one encounter today, pick the last one. // function todaysEncounterIf($patient_id) { global $today; $tmprow = sqlQuery("SELECT encounter FROM form_encounter WHERE " . "pid = ? AND date = ? " . "ORDER BY encounter DESC LIMIT 1",array($patient_id,"$today 00:00:00")); return empty($tmprow['encounter']) ? 0 : $tmprow['encounter']; } //=============================================================================== // Get the patient's encounter ID for today, creating it if there is none. // function todaysEncounter($patient_id, $reason='') { global $today, $userauthorized; if (empty($reason)) $reason = xl('Please indicate visit reason'); // Was going to use the existing encounter for today if there is one, but // decided it's right to always create a new one. Leaving the code here // (and corresponding function above) in case it is ever wanted later. /******************************************************************* $encounter = todaysEncounterIf($patient_id); if ($encounter) return $encounter; *******************************************************************/ $tmprow = sqlQuery("SELECT username, facility, facility_id FROM users " . "WHERE id = ?", array($_SESSION["authUserID"])); $username = $tmprow['username']; $facility = $tmprow['facility']; $facility_id = $tmprow['facility_id']; $conn = $GLOBALS['adodb']['db']; $encounter = $conn->GenID("sequences"); $provider_id = $userauthorized ? $_SESSION['authUserID'] : 0; addForm($encounter, "New Patient Encounter", sqlInsert("INSERT INTO form_encounter SET date = ?, onset_date = ?, " . "reason = ?, facility = ?, facility_id = ?, pid = ?, encounter = ?, " . "provider_id = ?", array($today, $today, $reason, $facility, $facility_id, $patient_id, $encounter, $provider_id) ), "newpatient", $patient_id, $userauthorized, "NOW()", $username ); return $encounter; } //=============================================================================== // get the original event's repeat specs function update_event($eid) { $origEventRes = sqlStatement("SELECT * FROM openemr_postcalendar_events WHERE pc_eid = ?",array($eid)); $origEvent=sqlFetchArray($origEventRes); $oldRecurrspec = unserialize($origEvent['pc_recurrspec']); $duration=$origEvent['pc_duration']; $starttime=$origEvent['pc_startTime']; $endtime=$origEvent['pc_endTime']; $selected_date = date("Ymd"); if ($oldRecurrspec['exdate'] != "") { $oldRecurrspec['exdate'] .= ",".$selected_date; } else { $oldRecurrspec['exdate'] .= $selected_date; } // mod original event recur specs to exclude this date sqlStatement("UPDATE openemr_postcalendar_events SET pc_recurrspec = ? WHERE pc_eid = ?",array(serialize($oldRecurrspec),$eid)); // specify some special variables needed for the INSERT // no recurr specs, this is used for adding a new non-recurring event $noRecurrspec = array("event_repeat_freq" => "", "event_repeat_freq_type" => "", "event_repeat_on_num" => "1", "event_repeat_on_day" => "0", "event_repeat_on_freq" => "0", "exdate" => "" ); // Useless garbage that we must save. $locationspecs = array("event_location" => "", "event_street1" => "", "event_street2" => "", "event_city" => "", "event_state" => "", "event_postal" => "" ); $locationspec = serialize($locationspecs); $args['event_date'] = date('Y-m-d'); $args['duration'] = $duration; // this event is forced to NOT REPEAT $args['form_repeat'] = "0"; $args['recurrspec'] = $noRecurrspec; $args['form_enddate'] = "0000-00-00"; $args['starttime'] = $starttime; $args['endtime'] = $endtime; $args['locationspec'] = $locationspec; $args['form_category']=$origEvent['pc_catid']; $args['new_multiple_value']=$origEvent['pc_multiple']; $args['form_provider']=$origEvent['pc_aid']; $args['form_pid']=$origEvent['pc_pid']; $args['form_title']=$origEvent['pc_title']; $args['form_allday']=$origEvent['pc_alldayevent']; $args['form_apptstatus']='@'; $args['form_prefcat']=$origEvent['pc_prefcatid']; $args['facility']=$origEvent['pc_facility']; $args['billing_facility']=$origEvent['pc_billing_location']; InsertEvent($args,'payment'); } //=============================================================================== // check if event exists function check_event_exist($eid) { $origEventRes = sqlStatement("SELECT * FROM openemr_postcalendar_events WHERE pc_eid = ?",array($eid)); $origEvent=sqlFetchArray($origEventRes); $pc_catid=$origEvent['pc_catid']; $pc_aid=$origEvent['pc_aid']; $pc_pid=$origEvent['pc_pid']; $pc_eventDate=date('Y-m-d'); $pc_startTime=$origEvent['pc_startTime']; $pc_endTime=$origEvent['pc_endTime']; $pc_facility=$origEvent['pc_facility']; $pc_billing_location=$origEvent['pc_billing_location']; $pc_recurrspec_array = unserialize($origEvent['pc_recurrspec']); $origEvent = sqlStatement("SELECT * FROM openemr_postcalendar_events WHERE pc_eid != ? and pc_catid=? and pc_aid=? ". "and pc_pid=? and pc_eventDate=? and pc_startTime=? and pc_endTime=? and pc_facility=? and pc_billing_location=?", array($eid,$pc_catid,$pc_aid,$pc_pid,$pc_eventDate,$pc_startTime,$pc_endTime,$pc_facility,$pc_billing_location)); if(sqlNumRows($origEvent)>0) { $origEventRow=sqlFetchArray($origEvent); return $origEventRow['pc_eid']; } else { if(strpos($pc_recurrspec_array['exdate'],date('Ymd')) === false)//;'20110228' { return false; } else {//this happens in delete case return true; } } } //=============================================================================== // insert an event // $args is mainly filled with content from the POST http var function InsertEvent($args,$from = 'general') { $pc_recurrtype = '0'; if ($args['form_repeat'] || $args['days_every_week']) { if($args['recurrspec']['event_repeat_freq_type'] == "6"){ $pc_recurrtype = 3; } else { $pc_recurrtype = $args['recurrspec']['event_repeat_on_freq'] ? '2' : '1'; } } $form_pid = empty($args['form_pid']) ? '' : $args['form_pid']; $form_room = empty($args['form_room']) ? '' : $args['form_room']; if($from == 'general'){ $pc_eid = sqlInsert("INSERT INTO openemr_postcalendar_events ( " . "pc_catid, pc_multiple, pc_aid, pc_pid, pc_title, pc_time, pc_hometext, " . "pc_informant, pc_eventDate, pc_endDate, pc_duration, pc_recurrtype, " . "pc_recurrspec, pc_startTime, pc_endTime, pc_alldayevent, " . "pc_apptstatus, pc_prefcatid, pc_location, pc_eventstatus, pc_sharing, pc_facility,pc_billing_location,pc_room " . ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,NOW(),?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,1,1,?,?,?)", array($args['form_category'],(isset($args['new_multiple_value']) ? $args['new_multiple_value'] : ''),$args['form_provider'],$form_pid, $args['form_title'],$args['form_comments'],$_SESSION['authUserID'],$args['event_date'], fixDate($args['form_enddate']),$args['duration'],$pc_recurrtype,serialize($args['recurrspec']), $args['starttime'],$args['endtime'],$args['form_allday'],$args['form_apptstatus'],$args['form_prefcat'], $args['locationspec'],(int)$args['facility'],(int)$args['billing_facility'],$form_room) ); //Manage tracker status. if (!empty($form_pid)) { manage_tracker_status($args['event_date'],$args['starttime'],$pc_eid,$form_pid,$_SESSION['authUser'],$args['form_apptstatus'],$args['form_room']); } $GLOBALS['temporary-eid-for-manage-tracker'] = $pc_eid; //used by manage tracker module to set correct encounter in tracker when check in return $pc_eid; }elseif($from == 'payment'){ sqlStatement("INSERT INTO openemr_postcalendar_events ( " . "pc_catid, pc_multiple, pc_aid, pc_pid, pc_title, pc_time, " . "pc_eventDate, pc_endDate, pc_duration, pc_recurrtype, " . "pc_recurrspec, pc_startTime, pc_endTime, pc_alldayevent, " . "pc_apptstatus, pc_prefcatid, pc_location, pc_eventstatus, pc_sharing, pc_facility,pc_billing_location " . ") VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,NOW(),?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", array($args['form_category'],$args['new_multiple_value'],$args['form_provider'],$form_pid,$args['form_title'], $args['event_date'],$args['form_enddate'],$args['duration'],$pc_recurrtype,serialize($args['recurrspec']), $args['starttime'],$args['endtime'],$args['form_allday'],$args['form_apptstatus'],$args['form_prefcat'], $args['locationspec'], 1,1,(int)$args['facility'],(int)$args['billing_facility'])); } } //================================================================================================================ /** * __increment() * returns the next valid date for an event based on the * current day,month,year,freq and type * @private * @returns string YYYY-MM-DD */ function &__increment($d,$m,$y,$f,$t) { if($t == REPEAT_EVERY_DAY) { return date('Y-m-d',mktime(0,0,0,$m,($d+$f),$y)); } elseif($t == REPEAT_EVERY_WORK_DAY) { // a workday is defined as Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri // repeating on every or Nth work day means to not include // weekends (Sat/Sun) in the increment... tricky // ugh, a day-by-day loop seems necessary here, something where // we can check to see if the day is a Sat/Sun and increment // the frequency count so as to ignore the weekend. hmmmm.... $orig_freq = $f; for ($daycount=1; $daycount<=$orig_freq; $daycount++) { $nextWorkDOW = date('w',mktime(0,0,0,$m,($d+$daycount),$y)); if (is_weekend_day($nextWorkDOW)) { $f++; } } // and finally make sure we haven't landed on a end week days // adjust as necessary $nextWorkDOW = date('w',mktime(0,0,0,$m,($d+$f),$y)); if (count($GLOBALS['weekend_days']) === 2){ if ($nextWorkDOW == $GLOBALS['weekend_days'][0]) { $f+=2; }elseif($nextWorkDOW == $GLOBALS['weekend_days'][1]){ $f++; } } elseif(count($GLOBALS['weekend_days']) === 1 && $nextWorkDOW === $GLOBALS['weekend_days'][0]) { $f++; } return date('Y-m-d',mktime(0,0,0,$m,($d+$f),$y)); } elseif($t == REPEAT_EVERY_WEEK) { return date('Y-m-d',mktime(0,0,0,$m,($d+(7*$f)),$y)); } elseif($t == REPEAT_EVERY_MONTH) { return date('Y-m-d',mktime(0,0,0,($m+$f),$d,$y)); } elseif($t == REPEAT_EVERY_YEAR) { return date('Y-m-d',mktime(0,0,0,$m,$d,($y+$f))); }elseif($t == REPEAT_DAYS_EVERY_WEEK) { $old_appointment_date = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $d, $y)); $next_appointment_date = getTheNextAppointment($old_appointment_date, $f); return $next_appointment_date; } } function getTheNextAppointment($appointment_date, $freq){ $day_arr = explode(",", $freq); $date_arr = array(); foreach ($day_arr as $day){ $day = getDayName($day); $date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime("next " . $day, strtotime($appointment_date))); array_push($date_arr, $date); } $next_appointment = getEarliestDate($date_arr); return $next_appointment; } function getDayName($day_num){ if($day_num == "1"){return "sunday";} if($day_num == "2"){return "monday";} if($day_num == "3"){return "tuesday";} if($day_num == "4"){return "wednesday";} if($day_num == "5"){return "thursday";} if($day_num == "6"){return "friday";} if($day_num == "7"){return "saturday";} } function getEarliestDate($date_arr){ $earliest = ($date_arr[0]); foreach ($date_arr as $date){ if(strtotime($date) < strtotime($earliest)){ $earliest = $date; } } return $earliest; } //================================================================================================================ ?>