// Copyright (C) 2010 Tomasz Wyderka // Copyright (C) 2015 Ensoftek // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version. // This report lists non reported patient diagnoses for a given date range. // Ensoftek: Jul-2015: Modified HL7 generation to 2.5.1 spec and MU2 compliant. // This implementation is only for the A01 profile which will suffice for MU2 certification. require_once("../globals.php"); require_once("$srcdir/patient.inc"); require_once("../../custom/code_types.inc.php"); // Ensoftek: Jul-2015: Get the facility of the logged in user. function getLoggedInUserFacility(){ $sql = "SELECT f.name, f.facility_npi FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN facility AS f ON u.facility_id = f.id WHERE u.id=?"; $res = sqlStatement($sql, array($_SESSION['authUserID']) ); while ($arow = sqlFetchArray($res)) { return $arow; } return null; } // Ensoftek: Jul-2015: Map codes to confirm to HL7. function mapCodeType($incode){ $outcode = null; $code = explode(":", $incode); switch ($code[0]) { case "ICD9": $outcode = "I9CDX"; break; case "ICD10": $outcode = "I10"; break; case "SNOMED-CT": $outcode = "SCT"; break; case "US Ext SNOMEDCT": $outcode = "SCT"; break; default: $outcode = "I9CDX"; // default to ICD9 break; // Only ICD9, ICD10 and SNOMED codes allowed in Syndromic Surveillance } return $outcode; } if(isset($_POST['form_from_date'])) { $from_date = $_POST['form_from_date'] !== "" ? fixDate($_POST['form_from_date'], date('Y-m-d')) : 0; } if(isset($_POST['form_to_date'])) { $to_date =$_POST['form_to_date'] !== "" ? fixDate($_POST['form_to_date'], date('Y-m-d')) : 0; } // $form_code = isset($_POST['form_code']) ? $_POST['form_code'] : Array(); // if (empty ($form_code) ) { $query_codes = ''; } else { $query_codes = 'c.id in ('; foreach( $form_code as $code ){ $query_codes .= $code . ","; } $query_codes = substr($query_codes ,0,-1); $query_codes .= ') and '; } // function tr($a) { return (str_replace(' ','^',$a)); } $query = "select " . "l.pid as patientid, " . "p.language, ". "l.diagnosis , " ; if ($_POST['form_get_hl7']==='true') { $query .= "DATE_FORMAT(p.DOB,'%Y%m%d') as DOB, ". "concat(p.street, '^',p.postal_code,'^', p.city, '^', p.state) as address, ". "p.country_code, ". "p.phone_home, ". "p.phone_biz, ". "p.status, ". "p.sex, ". "p.ethnoracial, ". "c.code_text, ". "c.code, ". "c.code_type, ". "DATE_FORMAT(l.date,'%Y%m%d') as issuedate, ". "concat(p.fname, '^',p.mname,'^', p.lname) as patientname, "; } else { $query .= "concat(p.fname, ' ',p.mname,' ', p.lname) as patientname, ". "l.date as issuedate, " ; } $query .= "l.id as issueid, l.title as issuetitle, DATE_FORMAT(l.begdate,'%Y%m%d%H%i') as begin_date ". // Ensoftek: Jul-2015: Get begin date "from lists l, patient_data p, codes c ". "where ". "c.reportable=1 and ". "l.id not in (select lists_id from syndromic_surveillance) and "; if($from_date!=0) { $query .= "l.date >= '$from_date' " ; } if($from_date!=0 and $to_date!=0) { $query .= " and " ; } if($to_date!=0) { $query .= "l.date <= '$to_date' "; } if($from_date!=0 or $to_date!=0) { $query .= " and " ; } $query .= "l.pid=p.pid and ". $query_codes . "l.diagnosis LIKE 'ICD9:%' and ". "substring(l.diagnosis,6) = c.code "; //echo "

DEBUG query: $query

\n"; // debugging $D="\r"; $nowdate = date('YmdHi'); $now = date('YmdGi'); $now1 = date('Y-m-d G:i'); $filename = "syn_sur_". $now . ".hl7"; // Ensoftek: Jul-2015: Get logged in user's facility to be used in the MSH segment $facility_info = getLoggedInUserFacility(); // GENERATE HL7 FILE if ($_POST['form_get_hl7']==='true') { $content = ''; $res = sqlStatement($query); while ($r = sqlFetchArray($res)) { // MSH $content .= "MSH|^~\&|".strtoupper($openemr_name). "|" . $facility_info['name'] . "^" . $facility_info['facility_npi'] . "^NPI" . "|||$now||". "ADT^A01^ADT_A01" . // Hard-code to A01: Patient visits provider/facility "|$nowdate|P^T|2.5.1|||||||||PH_SS-NoAck^SS Sender^2.16.840.1.114222.4.10.3^ISO" . // No acknowlegement "$D"; // EVN $content .= "EVN|" . "|" . // 1.B Event Type Code "$now" . // 2.R Recorded Date/Time "||||" . "|" . $facility_info['name'] . "^" . $facility_info['facility_npi'] . "^NPI" . "$D" ; if ($r['sex']==='Male') $r['sex'] = 'M'; if ($r['sex']==='Female') $r['sex'] = 'F'; if ($r['status']==='married') $r['status'] = 'M'; if ($r['status']==='single') $r['status'] = 'S'; if ($r['status']==='divorced') $r['status'] = 'D'; if ($r['status']==='widowed') $r['status'] = 'W'; if ($r['status']==='separated') $r['status'] = 'A'; if ($r['status']==='domestic partner') $r['status'] = 'P'; // PID $content .= "PID|" . "1|" . // 1. Set id "|" . $r['patientid']."^^^^MR"."|". // 3. (R) Patient indentifier list "|" . // 4. (B) Alternate PID "^^^^^^~^^^^^^S"."|" . // 5.R. Name "|" . // 6. Mather Maiden Name $r['DOB']."|" . // 7. Date, time of birth $r['sex'] . // 8. Sex "|||^^^||||||||||||||||||||||||||||" . "$D" ; $content .= "PV1|" . "1|" . // 1. Set ID "|||||||||||||||||" . // Restrict the string to 15 characters. Will fail if longer. substr($now . "_" . $r['patientid'], 0, 15) . "^^^^VN" . // Supposed to be visit number. Since, we don't have any encounter, we'll use the format 'date_pid' to make it unique "|||||||||||||||||||||||||" . $r['begin_date'] . "$D" ; // OBX: Records chief complaint in LOINC code $content .= "OBX|" . "1|" . // 1. Set ID "CWE|8661-1^^LN||" . // LOINC code for chief complaint "^^^^^^^^" . $r['issuetitle'] . "||||||" . "F" . "$D" ; // DG1 $r['diagnosis'] = mapCodeType($r['diagnosis']); // Only ICD9, ICD10 and SNOMED $r['code'] = str_replace(".", "", $r['code']); // strip periods code $content .= "DG1|" . "1|" . // 1. Set ID "|" . $r['code'] . "^" . $r['code_text'] . "^" . $r['diagnosis'] . "|||W" . "$D" ; // mark if issues generated/sent $query_insert = "insert into syndromic_surveillance(lists_id,submission_date,filename) " . "values (" . $r['issueid'] . ",'" . $now1 . "','" . $filename . "')"; sqlStatement($query_insert); } // Ensoftek: Jul-2015: No need to tr the content //$content = tr($content); // send the header here header('Content-type: text/plain'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $filename ); // put the content in the file echo($content); exit; } ?> <?php xl('Syndromic Surveillance - Non Reported Issues','e'); ?> -
: \n"; //echo " : [?]'> : [?]'>
DEBUG query: $query

\n"; // debugging $res = sqlStatement($query); while ($row = sqlFetchArray($res)) { ?>
