* @author Brady Miller * @copyright Copyright (c) 2012 tajemo.co.za * @copyright Copyright (c) 2018 Brady Miller * @license https://github.com/openemr/openemr/blob/master/LICENSE GNU General Public License 3 */ /** * Get Portal Alerts function * * @returns array of alerts count */ function GetPortalAlertCounts() { $counts = array(); $s_user = '%' . $_SESSION['authUser'] . '%'; $s_user_id = $_SESSION['authUserID']; $query = "SELECT Count(`m`.message_status) AS count_mail FROM onsite_mail `m` " . "WHERE `m`.owner LIKE ? AND `m`.recipient_id LIKE ? AND `m`.message_status LIKE ? AND `m`.deleted = 0"; $qrtn = sqlQueryNoLog($query, array($s_user, $s_user, '%new%')); $counts['mailCnt'] = $qrtn['count_mail'] ? $qrtn['count_mail'] : "0"; $query = "SELECT Count(`m`.status) AS count_audits FROM onsite_portal_activity `m` " . "WHERE `m`.status LIKE ?"; $qrtn = sqlQueryNoLog($query, array('%waiting%')); $counts['auditCnt'] = $qrtn['count_audits'] ? $qrtn['count_audits'] : "0"; $query = "SELECT Count(`m`.id) AS count_chats FROM onsite_messages `m` " . "WHERE `m`.recip_id LIKE ? AND `m`.date > (CURRENT_DATE()-2) AND `m`.date < (CURRENT_DATE()+1)"; $qrtn = sqlQueryNoLog($query, array($s_user)); $counts['chatCnt'] = $qrtn['count_chats'] ? $qrtn['count_chats'] : "0"; $counts['total'] = $counts['mailCnt'] + $counts['auditCnt'] + $counts['chatCnt']; return json_encode($counts); } /** * RemindersArray function * * @returns array reminders for specified user, defaults to current user if none specified */ function RemindersArray($days_to_show, $today, $alerts_to_show, $userID = false) { if (!$userID) { $userID = $_SESSION['authId']; } global $hasAlerts; // ----- define a blank reminders array $reminders = array(); // ----- sql statement for getting uncompleted reminders (sorts by date, then by priority) $drSQL = sqlStatement( "SELECT dr.pid, dr.dr_id, dr.dr_message_text,dr.dr_message_due_date, u.fname ffname, u.mname fmname, u.lname flname FROM `dated_reminders` dr JOIN `users` u ON dr.dr_from_ID = u.id JOIN `dated_reminders_link` drl ON dr.dr_id = drl.dr_id WHERE drl.to_id = ? AND dr.`message_processed` = 0 AND dr.`dr_message_due_date` < ADDDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL " . escape_limit($days_to_show) . " DAY) ORDER BY `dr_message_due_date` ASC , `message_priority` ASC LIMIT 0," . escape_limit($alerts_to_show), array($userID) ); // --------- loop through the results for ($i = 0; $drRow = sqlFetchArray($drSQL); $i++) { // --------- need to run patient query seperately to allow for reminders not linked to a patient $pRow = array(); if ($drRow['pid'] > 0) { $pSQL = sqlStatement("SELECT pd.title ptitle, pd.fname pfname, pd.mname pmname, pd.lname plname FROM `patient_data` pd WHERE pd.pid = ?", array($drRow['pid'])); $pRow = sqlFetchArray($pSQL); } // --------- fill the $reminders array $reminders[$i]['messageID'] = $drRow['dr_id']; $reminders[$i]['PatientID'] = $drRow['pid']; // ------------------------------------- if there was a patient linked, set the name, else set it to blank $reminders[$i]['PatientName'] = (empty($pRow) ? '' : $pRow['ptitle'] . ' ' . $pRow['pfname'] . ' ' . $pRow['pmname'] . ' ' . $pRow['plname']); // ------------------------------------- $reminders[$i]['message'] = $drRow['dr_message_text']; $reminders[$i]['dueDate'] = $drRow['dr_message_due_date']; $reminders[$i]['fromName'] = $drRow['ffname'] . ' ' . $drRow['fmname'] . ' ' . $drRow['flname']; // --------- if the message is due or overdue set $hasAlerts to true, this will stop autohiding of reminders if (strtotime($drRow['dr_message_due_date']) <= $today) { $hasAlerts = true; } } // --------- END OF loop through the results return $reminders; } // ------------------------------------------------ // @ END OF RemindersArray function // ------------------------------------------------ /** * This function is used to get a count of the number of reminders due for a specified * user. * * @param $days_to_show * @param $today * @param defaults to current user if none specified * @returns int with number of due reminders for specified user */ function GetDueReminderCount($days_to_show, $today, $userID = false) { if (!$userID) { $userID = $_SESSION['authId']; } // ----- sql statement for getting uncompleted reminders (sorts by date, then by priority) $drSQL = sqlStatement( "SELECT count(dr.dr_id) c FROM `dated_reminders` dr JOIN `users` u ON dr.dr_from_ID = u.id JOIN `dated_reminders_link` drl ON dr.dr_id = drl.dr_id WHERE drl.to_id = ? AND dr.`message_processed` = 0 AND dr.`dr_message_due_date` < ADDDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL " . escape_limit($days_to_show) . " DAY)", array($userID) ); $drRow = sqlFetchArray($drSQL); return $drRow['c']; } // ------------------------------------------------ // @ END OF GetDueReminder function // ------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------ // @ GetAllReminderCount function // @ returns int with number of unprocessed reminders for specified user, defaults to current user if none specified // ------------------------------------------------ function GetAllReminderCount($userID = false) { if (!$userID) { $userID = $_SESSION['authId']; } // ----- sql statement for getting uncompleted reminders $drSQL = sqlStatement( "SELECT count(dr.dr_id) c FROM `dated_reminders` dr JOIN `users` u ON dr.dr_from_ID = u.id JOIN `dated_reminders_link` drl ON dr.dr_id = drl.dr_id WHERE drl.to_id = ? AND dr.`message_processed` = 0", array($userID) ); $drRow = sqlFetchArray($drSQL); return $drRow['c']; } // ------------------------------------------------ // @ END OF GetAllReminderCount function // ------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------ // @ getRemindersHTML(array $reminders) // @ returns HTML as a string, for printing // ------------------------------------------------ function getRemindersHTML($today, $reminders = array()) { global $hasAlerts; // --- initialize the string as blank $pdHTML = ''; // --- loop through the $reminders foreach ($reminders as $r) { // --- initialize $warning as the date, this is placed in front of the message $warning = text($r['dueDate']); // --- initialize $class as 'text dr', this is the basic class $class = 'text dr'; // --------- check if reminder is overdue if (strtotime($r['dueDate']) < $today) { $warning = ' ' . xlt('OVERDUE'); //$class = 'bold alert dr'; $class = ''; } elseif (strtotime($r['dueDate']) == $today) { // --------- check if reminder is due $warning = ' ' . xlt('TODAY'); $class = ''; } elseif (strtotime($r['dueDate']) > $today) { $warning = ' ' . xlt('UPCOMING'); $class = ''; } // end check if reminder is due or overdue // apend to html string $pdHTML .= '

' . xlt('Forward') . ' ' . xlt('Set As Completed') . ' ' . $warning . ' ' . text($r['PatientName']) . ' ' . text($r['message']) . ' - [' . text($r['fromName']) . ']

'; } return ($pdHTML == '' ? ' ' . xlt('No Reminders') : $pdHTML); } // ------------------------------------------------ // @ END OF getRemindersHTML function // ------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------ // @ setReminderAsProccessed(int $rID) // @ marks reminder as processed // ------------------------------------------------ function setReminderAsProcessed($rID, $userID = false) { if (!$userID) { $userID = $_SESSION['authId']; } if (is_numeric($rID) and $rID > 0) { // --- check if this user can remove this message // --- need a better way of checking the current user, I don't like using $_SESSION for checks $rdrSQL = sqlStatement("SELECT count(dr.dr_id) c FROM `dated_reminders` dr JOIN `dated_reminders_link` drl ON dr.dr_id = drl.dr_id WHERE drl.to_id = ? AND dr.`dr_id` = ? LIMIT 0,1", array($userID, $rID)); $rdrRow = sqlFetchArray($rdrSQL); // --- if this user can delete this message (ie if it was sent to this user) if ($rdrRow['c'] == 1) { // ----- update the data, set the message to proccesses sqlStatement("UPDATE `dated_reminders` SET `message_processed` = 1, `processed_date` = NOW(), `dr_processed_by` = ? WHERE `dr_id` = ? ", array(intval($userID), intval($rID))); } } } // ------------------------------------------------ // @ END OF setReminderAsProccessed function // ------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------ // @ getReminderById(int $mID) // @ returns an array with message details for forwarding // ------------------------------------------------ function getReminderById($mID, $userID = false) { if (!$userID) { $userID = $_SESSION['authId']; } $rdrSQL = sqlStatement("SELECT * FROM `dated_reminders` dr JOIN `dated_reminders_link` drl ON dr.dr_id = drl.dr_id WHERE drl.to_id = ? AND dr.`dr_id` = ? LIMIT 0,1", array($userID, $mID)); $rdrRow = sqlFetchArray($rdrSQL); if (!empty($rdrRow)) { return $rdrRow; } return false; } // ------------------------------------------------ // @ END OF getReminderById function // ------------------------------------------------ // ------------------------------------------------ // @ getReminderById( // array $sendTo // int $fromID // string $message // date $dueDate // int $patID // int $priority // ) // @ returns an array with message details for forwarding // ------------------------------------------------ function sendReminder($sendTo, $fromID, $message, $dueDate, $patID, $priority) { if (// ------- Should run data checks before running this function for more accurate error reporting // ------- check sendTo is not empty !empty($sendTo) and // ------- check dueDate, only allow valid dates, todo -> enhance date checker preg_match('/\d{4}[-]\d{2}[-]\d{2}/', $dueDate) and // ------- check priority, only allow 1-3 intval($priority) <= 3 and // ------- check message, only up to 255 characters strlen($message) <= 255 and strlen($message) > 0 and // ------- check if PatientID is set and in numeric is_numeric($patID) ) { // ------- check for valid recipient $cRow = sqlFetchArray(sqlStatement('SELECT count(id) FROM `users` WHERE `id` = ?', array($sendDMTo))); if ($cRow == 0) { return false; } // ------- if no errors // --------- insert the new message $mID = sqlInsert( "INSERT INTO `dated_reminders` (`dr_from_ID` ,`dr_message_text` ,`dr_message_sent_date` ,`dr_message_due_date` ,`pid` ,`message_priority` ,`message_processed` ,`processed_date`) VALUES (?, ?, NOW( ), ?, ?, ?, '0', '');", array($fromID, $message, $dueDate, $patID, $priority) ); foreach ($sendTo as $st) { sqlInsert( "INSERT INTO `dated_reminders_link` (`dr_id` ,`to_id`) VALUES (?, ?);", array($mID, $st) ); }; return true; } //---- end of if block return false; } // ------- get current patient name // ---- returns string, blank if no current patient function getPatName($patientID) { $patientID = intval($patientID); $pSQL = sqlStatement("SELECT pd.title ptitle, pd.fname pfname, pd.mname pmname, pd.lname plname FROM `patient_data` pd WHERE pd.pid = ?", array($patientID)); $pRow = sqlFetchArray($pSQL); return (empty($pRow) ? '' : $pRow['ptitle'] . ' ' . $pRow['pfname'] . ' ' . $pRow['pmname'] . ' ' . $pRow['plname']); } // -- log reminders array function uses $_GET to filter function logRemindersArray() { // set blank array for data to be parsed to sql $input = array(); // set blank string for the query $where = ''; $sentBy = $_GET['sentBy']; $sentTo = $_GET['sentTo']; //------------------------------------------ // ----- HANDLE SENT BY FILTER if (!empty($sentBy)) { $sbCount = 0; foreach ($sentBy as $sb) { $where .= ($sbCount == 0 ? '(' : ' OR ') . 'dr.dr_from_ID = ? '; $sbCount++; $input[] = $sb; } $where .= ')'; } //------------------------------------------ // ----- HANDLE SENT TO FILTER if (!empty($sentTo)) { $where = ($where == '' ? '' : $where . ' AND '); $stCount = 0; foreach ($sentTo as $st) { $where .= ($stCount == 0 ? '(' : ' OR ') . 'drl.to_id = ? '; $stCount++; $input[] = $st; } $where .= ')'; } //------------------------------------------ // ----- HANDLE PROCCESSED/PENDING FILTER ONLY RUN THIS IF BOTH ARE NOT SET if (isset($_GET['processed']) and !isset($_GET['pending'])) { $where = ($where == '' ? 'dr.message_processed = 1' : $where . ' AND dr.message_processed = 1'); } elseif (!isset($_GET['processed']) and isset($_GET['pending'])) { $where = ($where == '' ? 'dr.message_processed = 0' : $where . ' AND dr.message_processed = 0'); } //------------------------------------------ // ----- HANDLE DATE RANGE FILTERS if (isset($_GET['sd']) and $_GET['sd'] != '') { $where = ($where == '' ? 'dr.dr_message_sent_date >= ?' : $where . ' AND dr.dr_message_sent_date >= ?'); $input[] = $_GET['sd'] . ' 00:00:00'; } if (isset($_GET['ed']) and $_GET['ed'] != '') { $where = ($where == '' ? 'dr.dr_message_sent_date <= ?' : $where . ' AND dr.dr_message_sent_date <= ?'); $input[] = $_GET['ed'] . ' 23:59:59'; } //------------------------------------------ //-------- add the "WHERE" the string if string is not blank, avoid sql errors for blannk WHERE statements $where = ($where == '' ? '' : 'WHERE ' . $where); // ----- define a blank reminders array $reminders = array(); // ----- sql statement for getting uncompleted reminders (sorts by date, then by priority) $drSQL = sqlStatement( "SELECT dr.pid, dr.dr_id, dr.dr_message_text, dr.dr_message_due_date dDate, dr.dr_message_sent_date sDate,dr.processed_date processedDate, dr.dr_processed_by, u.fname ffname, u.mname fmname, u.lname flname, tu.fname tfname, tu.mname tmname, tu.lname tlname FROM `dated_reminders` dr JOIN `dated_reminders_link` drl ON dr.dr_id = drl.dr_id JOIN `users` u ON dr.dr_from_ID = u.id JOIN `users` tu ON drl.to_id = tu.id $where", $input ); // --------- loop through the results for ($i = 0; $drRow = sqlFetchArray($drSQL); $i++) { // --------- need to run patient query seperately to allow for messages not linked to a patient $pSQL = sqlStatement("SELECT pd.title ptitle, pd.fname pfname, pd.mname pmname, pd.lname plname FROM `patient_data` pd WHERE pd.pid = ?", array($drRow['pid'])); $pRow = sqlFetchArray($pSQL); $prSQL = sqlStatement("SELECT u.fname pfname, u.mname pmname, u.lname plname FROM `users` u WHERE u.id = ?", array($drRow['dr_processed_by'])); $prRow = sqlFetchArray($prSQL); // --------- fill the $reminders array $reminders[$i]['messageID'] = $drRow['dr_id']; $reminders[$i]['PatientID'] = $drRow['pid']; $reminders[$i]['pDate'] = ($drRow['processedDate'] == '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? 'N/A' : $drRow['processedDate']); $reminders[$i]['sDate'] = $drRow['sDate']; $reminders[$i]['dDate'] = $drRow['dDate']; // ------------------------------------- if there was a patient linked, set the name, else set it to blank $reminders[$i]['PatientName'] = (empty($pRow) ? 'N/A' : $pRow['ptitle'] . ' ' . $pRow['pfname'] . ' ' . $pRow['pmname'] . ' ' . $pRow['plname']); // ------------------------------------- $reminders[$i]['message'] = $drRow['dr_message_text']; $reminders[$i]['fromName'] = $drRow['ffname'] . ' ' . $drRow['fmname'] . ' ' . $drRow['flname']; $reminders[$i]['ToName'] = $drRow['tfname'] . ' ' . $drRow['tmname'] . ' ' . $drRow['tlname']; $reminders[$i]['processedByName'] = (empty($prRow) ? 'N/A' : $prRow['ptitle'] . ' ' . $prRow['pfname'] . ' ' . $prRow['pmname'] . ' ' . $prRow['plname']); } // --------- END OF loop through the results return $reminders; }