documents = array(); $this->template_mod = $template_mod; $this->assign("FORM_ACTION", $GLOBALS['webroot']."/controller.php?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $this->assign("CURRENT_ACTION", $GLOBALS['webroot']."/controller.php?" . "document&"); //get global config options for this namespace $this->_config = $GLOBALS['oer_config']['documents']; $this->_args = array("patient_id" => $_GET['patient_id']); $this->assign("STYLE", $GLOBALS['style']); $t = new CategoryTree(1); //print_r($t->tree); $this->tree = $t; } function upload_action($patient_id,$category_id) { $category_name = $this->tree->get_node_name($category_id); $this->assign("category_id", $category_id); $this->assign("category_name", $category_name); $this->assign("hide_encryption", $GLOBALS['hide_document_encryption'] ); $this->assign("patient_id", $patient_id); // Added by Rod to support document template download from general_upload.html. // Cloned from similar stuff in manage_document_templates.php. $templatedir = $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . '/documents/doctemplates'; $templates_options = ""; $dh = opendir($templatedir); if ($dh) { $templateslist = array(); while (false !== ($sfname = readdir($dh))) { if (substr($sfname, 0, 1) == '.') continue; $templateslist[$sfname] = $sfname; } closedir($dh); ksort($templateslist); foreach ($templateslist as $sfname) { $templates_options .= ""; } } $this->assign("TEMPLATES_LIST", $templates_options); $activity = $this->fetch($GLOBALS['template_dir'] . "documents/" . $this->template_mod . "_upload.html"); $this->assign("activity", $activity); return $this->list_action($patient_id); } //Upload multiple files on single click function upload_action_process() { // Collect a manually set owner if this has been set // Used when want to manually assign the owning user/service such as the Direct mechanism $non_HTTP_owner=false; if ($this->manual_set_owner) { $non_HTTP_owner=$this->manual_set_owner; } $couchDB = false; $harddisk = false; if($GLOBALS['document_storage_method']==0){ $harddisk = true; } if($GLOBALS['document_storage_method']==1){ $couchDB = true; } if ($_POST['process'] != "true") return; $doDecryption = false; $encrypted = $_POST['encrypted']; $passphrase = $_POST['passphrase']; if ( !$GLOBALS['hide_document_encryption'] && $encrypted && $passphrase ) { $doDecryption = true; } if (is_numeric($_POST['category_id'])) { $category_id = $_POST['category_id']; } $patient_id = 0; if (isset($_GET['patient_id']) && !$couchDB) { $patient_id = $_GET['patient_id']; } else if (is_numeric($_POST['patient_id'])) { $patient_id = $_POST['patient_id']; } $sentUploadStatus = array(); if( count($_FILES['file']['name']) > 0){ $upl_inc = 0; foreach($_FILES['file']['name'] as $key => $value){ $fname = $value; $err = ""; if ($_FILES['file']['error'][$key] > 0 || empty($fname) || $_FILES['file']['size'][$key] == 0) { $fname = $value; if (empty($fname)) { $fname = htmlentities(""); } $error = "Error number: " . $_FILES['file']['error'][$key] . " occured while uploading file named: " . $fname . "\n"; if ($_FILES['file']['size'][$key] == 0) { $error .= "The system does not permit uploading files of with size 0.\n"; } }else{ $tmpfile = fopen($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'][$key], "r"); $filetext = fread($tmpfile, $_FILES['file']['size'][$key]); fclose($tmpfile); if ($doDecryption) { $filetext = $this->decrypt($filetext, $passphrase); } if ( $_POST['destination'] != '' ) { $fname = $_POST['destination']; } $d = new Document(); $rc = $d->createDocument($patient_id, $category_id, $fname, $_FILES['file']['type'][$key], $filetext, empty($_GET['higher_level_path']) ? '' : $_GET['higher_level_path'], empty($_POST['path_depth']) ? 1 : $_POST['path_depth'], $non_HTTP_owner); if ($rc) { $error .= $rc . "\n"; } else { $this->assign("upload_success", "true"); } $sentUploadStatus[] = $d; $this->assign("file", $sentUploadStatus); } // Option to run a custom plugin for each file upload. // This was initially created to delete the original source file in a custom setting. $upload_plugin = $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . "/documentUpload.plugin.php"; if (file_exists($upload_plugin)) { include_once($upload_plugin); } $upload_plugin_pp = 'documentUploadPostProcess'; if (function_exists($upload_plugin_pp)) { $tmp = call_user_func($upload_plugin_pp, $value, $d); if ($tmp) { $error = $tmp; } } // Following is just an example of code in such a plugin file. /***************************************************** function documentUploadPostProcess($filename, &$d) { $userid = $_SESSION['authUserID']; $row = sqlQuery("SELECT username FROM users WHERE id = ?", array($userid)); $owner = strtolower($row['username']); $dn = '1_' . ucfirst($owner); $filepath = "/shared_network_directory/$dn/$filename"; if (@unlink($filepath)) return ''; return "Failed to delete '$filepath'."; } *****************************************************/ } } $this->assign("error", nl2br($error)); //$this->_state = false; $_POST['process'] = ""; //return $this->fetch($GLOBALS['template_dir'] . "documents/" . $this->template_mod . "_upload.html"); } function note_action_process($patient_id) { if ($_POST['process'] != "true") return; $n = new Note(); $n->set_owner($_SESSION['authUserID']); parent::populate_object($n); if ($_POST['identifier'] == "no"){ $n->persist(); }elseif ($_POST['identifier'] == "yes"){ $d = new Document($_POST['foreign_id']); $att = $d->get_url(); $att_mtype = $d->get_mimetype(); $att_mtypearr = explode('/',$att_mtype); $body_notes = attr($_POST['note']); $att = trim(str_replace("file://","",$att)); $att_parts = pathinfo($att); if($att_parts['extension'] == ""){ $att = $att.".".$att_mtypearr[1]; } $pdetails = getPatientData($patient_id); $pname = $pdetails['fname']." ".$pdetails['lname']; $this->document_send($_POST['provide_email'],$body_notes,$att,$pname); } $this->_state = false; $_POST['process'] = ""; return $this->view_action($patient_id,$n->get_foreign_id()); } function default_action() { return $this->list_action(); } function view_action($patient_id="",$doc_id) { // Added by Rod to support document delete: global $gacl_object, $phpgacl_location; global $ISSUE_TYPES; require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../library/"); require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../library/"); $d = new Document($doc_id); $n = new Note(); $notes = $n->notes_factory($doc_id); $this->assign("file", $d); $this->assign("web_path", $this->_link("retrieve") . "document_id=" . $d->get_id() . "&"); $this->assign("NOTE_ACTION",$this->_link("note")); $this->assign("MOVE_ACTION",$this->_link("move") . "document_id=" . $d->get_id() . "&process=true"); $this->assign("hide_encryption", $GLOBALS['hide_document_encryption'] ); // Added by Rod to support document delete: $delete_string = ''; if (acl_check('admin', 'super')) { $delete_string = "" . xl('Delete') . ""; } $this->assign("delete_string", $delete_string); $this->assign("REFRESH_ACTION",$this->_link("list")); $this->assign("VALIDATE_ACTION",$this->_link("validate") . "document_id=" . $d->get_id() . "&process=true"); // Added by Rod to support document date update: $this->assign("DOCDATE", $d->get_docdate()); $this->assign("UPDATE_ACTION",$this->_link("update") . "document_id=" . $d->get_id() . "&process=true"); // Added by Rod to support document issue update: $issues_options = ""; $ires = sqlStatement("SELECT id, type, title, begdate FROM lists WHERE " . "pid = ? " . // AND enddate IS NULL " . "ORDER BY type, begdate", array($patient_id) ); while ($irow = sqlFetchArray($ires)) { $desc = $irow['type']; if ($ISSUE_TYPES[$desc]) $desc = $ISSUE_TYPES[$desc][2]; $desc .= ": " . $irow['begdate'] . " " . htmlspecialchars(substr($irow['title'], 0, 40)); $sel = ($irow['id'] == $d->get_list_id()) ? ' selected' : ''; $issues_options .= ""; } $this->assign("ISSUES_LIST", $issues_options); // For tagging to encounter // Populate the dropdown with patient's encounter list $this->assign("TAG_ACTION",$this->_link("tag") . "document_id=" . $d->get_id() . "&process=true"); $encOptions = ""; $result_docs = sqlStatement("SELECT fe.encounter,,openemr_postcalendar_categories.pc_catname FROM form_encounter AS fe " . "LEFT JOIN openemr_postcalendar_categories ON fe.pc_catid=openemr_postcalendar_categories.pc_catid WHERE = ? ORDER BY desc",array($patient_id)); if ( sqlNumRows($result_docs) > 0) while($row_result_docs = sqlFetchArray($result_docs)) { $sel_enc = ($row_result_docs['encounter'] == $d->get_encounter_id()) ? ' selected' : ''; $encOptions .= ""; } $this->assign("ENC_LIST", $encOptions); //Populate the dropdown with category list $visit_category_list = ""; $cres = sqlStatement("SELECT pc_catid, pc_catname FROM openemr_postcalendar_categories ORDER BY pc_catname"); while ($crow = sqlFetchArray($cres)) { $catid = $crow['pc_catid']; if ($catid < 9 && $catid != 5) continue; // Applying same logic as in new encounter page. $visit_category_list .="\n"; } $this->assign("VISIT_CATEGORY_LIST", $visit_category_list); $this->assign("notes",$notes); $this->_last_node = null; $menu = new HTML_TreeMenu(); //pass an empty array because we don't want the documents for each category showing up in this list box $rnode = $this->_array_recurse($this->tree->tree,array()); $menu->addItem($rnode); $treeMenu_listbox = &new HTML_TreeMenu_Listbox($menu, array("promoText" => xl('Move Document to Category:'))); $this->assign("tree_html_listbox",$treeMenu_listbox->toHTML()); $activity = $this->fetch($GLOBALS['template_dir'] . "documents/" . $this->template_mod . "_view.html"); $this->assign("activity", $activity); return $this->list_action($patient_id); } function encrypt( $plaintext, $key, $cypher = 'tripledes', $mode = 'cfb' ) { $td = mcrypt_module_open( $cypher, '', $mode, ''); $iv = mcrypt_create_iv( mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size( $td ), MCRYPT_RAND ); mcrypt_generic_init( $td, $key, $iv ); $crypttext = mcrypt_generic( $td, $plaintext ); mcrypt_generic_deinit( $td ); return $iv.$crypttext; } function decrypt( $crypttext, $key, $cypher = 'tripledes', $mode = 'cfb' ) { $plaintext = ''; $td = mcrypt_module_open( $cypher, '', $mode, '' ); $ivsize = mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size( $td) ; $iv = substr( $crypttext, 0, $ivsize ); $crypttext = substr( $crypttext, $ivsize ); if( $iv ) { mcrypt_generic_init( $td, $key, $iv ); $plaintext = mdecrypt_generic( $td, $crypttext ); } return $plaintext; } function retrieve_action($patient_id="",$document_id,$as_file=true,$original_file=true) { $encrypted = $_POST['encrypted']; $passphrase = $_POST['passphrase']; $doEncryption = false; if ( !$GLOBALS['hide_document_encryption'] && $encrypted == "true" && $passphrase ) { $doEncryption = true; } //controller function ruins booleans, so need to manually re-convert to booleans if ($as_file == "true") { $as_file=true; } else if ($as_file == "false") { $as_file=false; } if ($original_file == "true") { $original_file=true; } else if ($original_file == "false") { $original_file=false; } $d = new Document($document_id); $url = $d->get_url(); $storagemethod = $d->get_storagemethod(); $couch_docid = $d->get_couch_docid(); $couch_revid = $d->get_couch_revid(); if($couch_docid && $couch_revid && $original_file){ $couch = new CouchDB(); $data = array($GLOBALS['couchdb_dbase'],$couch_docid); $resp = $couch->retrieve_doc($data); $content = $resp->data; if($content=='' && $GLOBALS['couchdb_log']==1){ $log_content = date('Y-m-d H:i:s')." ==> Retrieving document\r\n"; $log_content = date('Y-m-d H:i:s')." ==> URL: ".$url."\r\n"; $log_content .= date('Y-m-d H:i:s')." ==> CouchDB Document Id: ".$couch_docid."\r\n"; $log_content .= date('Y-m-d H:i:s')." ==> CouchDB Revision Id: ".$couch_revid."\r\n"; $log_content .= date('Y-m-d H:i:s')." ==> Failed to fetch document content from CouchDB.\r\n"; $log_content .= date('Y-m-d H:i:s')." ==> Will try to download file from HardDisk if exists.\r\n\r\n"; $this->document_upload_download_log($d->get_foreign_id(),$log_content); die(xl("File retrieval from CouchDB failed")); } header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: public'); $tmpcouchpath = $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'].'/documents/temp/couch_'.date("YmdHis").$d->get_url_file(); $fh = fopen($tmpcouchpath,"w"); fwrite($fh,base64_decode($content)); fclose($fh); $f = fopen($tmpcouchpath,"r"); if ( $doEncryption ) { $filetext = fread( $f, filesize($tmpcouchpath) ); $ciphertext = $this->encrypt( $filetext, $passphrase ); $tmpfilepath = $GLOBALS['temporary_files_dir']; $tmpfilename = "/encrypted_".$d->get_url_file(); $tmpfile = fopen( $tmpfilepath.$tmpfilename, "w+" ); fwrite( $tmpfile, $ciphertext ); fclose( $tmpfile ); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$tmpfilename ); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream" ); header("Content-Length: " . filesize( $tmpfilepath.$tmpfilename ) ); ob_clean(); flush(); readfile( $tmpfilepath.$tmpfilename ); unlink( $tmpfilepath.$tmpfilename ); } else { header("Content-Disposition: " . ($as_file ? "attachment" : "inline") . "; filename=\"" . basename($d->get_url()) . "\""); header("Content-Type: " . $d->get_mimetype()); header("Content-Length: " . filesize($tmpcouchpath)); fpassthru($f); } fclose($f); if($content!='') unlink($tmpcouchpath); exit;//exits only if file download from CouchDB is successfull. } //strip url of protocol handler $url = preg_replace("|^(.*)://|","",$url); //change full path to current webroot. this is for documents that may have //been moved from a different filesystem and the full path in the database //is not current. this is also for documents that may of been moved to //different patients. Note that the path_depth is used to see how far down //the path to go. For example, originally the path_depth was always 1, which //only allowed things like documents/1/, but now can have more structured //directories. For example a path_depth of 2 can give documents/encounters/1/ // etc. // NOTE that $from_filename and basename($url) are the same thing $from_all = explode("/",$url); $from_filename = array_pop($from_all); $from_pathname_array = array(); for ($i=0;$i<$d->get_path_depth();$i++) { $from_pathname_array[] = array_pop($from_all); } $from_pathname_array = array_reverse($from_pathname_array); $from_pathname = implode("/",$from_pathname_array); if($couch_docid && $couch_revid){ //for couchDB no URL is available in the table, hence using the foreign_id which is patientID $temp_url = $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . '/documents/temp/' . $d->get_foreign_id() . '_' . $from_filename; } else{ $temp_url = $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . '/documents/' . $from_pathname . '/' . $from_filename; } if (file_exists($temp_url)) { $url = $temp_url; } if (!file_exists($url)) { echo xl('The requested document is not present at the expected location on the filesystem or there are not sufficient permissions to access it.','','',' ') . $url; } else { if ($original_file) { //normal case when serving the file referenced in database header('Content-Description: File Transfer'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: public'); $f = fopen($url,"r"); if ( $doEncryption ) { $filetext = fread( $f, filesize($url) ); $ciphertext = $this->encrypt( $filetext, $passphrase ); $tmpfilepath = $GLOBALS['temporary_files_dir']; $tmpfilename = "/encrypted_".$d->get_url_file(); $tmpfile = fopen( $tmpfilepath.$tmpfilename, "w+" ); fwrite( $tmpfile, $ciphertext ); fclose( $tmpfile ); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$tmpfilename ); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream" ); header("Content-Length: " . filesize( $tmpfilepath.$tmpfilename ) ); ob_clean(); flush(); readfile( $tmpfilepath.$tmpfilename ); unlink( $tmpfilepath.$tmpfilename ); } else { header("Content-Disposition: " . ($as_file ? "attachment" : "inline") . "; filename=\"" . basename($d->get_url()) . "\""); header("Content-Type: " . $d->get_mimetype()); header("Content-Length: " . filesize($url)); fpassthru($f); } exit; } else { //special case when retrieving a document that has been converted to a jpg and not directly referenced in database $convertedFile = substr(basename($url), 0, strrpos(basename($url), '.')) . '_converted.jpg'; if($couch_docid && $couch_revid){ $url = $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . '/documents/temp/' . $convertedFile; } else{ $url = $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . '/documents/' . $from_pathname . '/' . $convertedFile; } header("Pragma: public"); header("Expires: 0"); header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); header("Content-Disposition: " . ($as_file ? "attachment" : "inline") . "; filename=\"" . basename($url) . "\""); header("Content-Type: image/jpeg"); header("Content-Length: " . filesize($url)); $f = fopen($url,"r"); fpassthru($f); if($couch_docid && $couch_revid){ fclose($f); unlink($url); $url=str_replace("_converted.jpg",'.pdf',$url); unlink($url); } exit; } } } function queue_action($patient_id="") { $messages = $this->_tpl_vars['messages']; $queue_files = array(); //see if the repository exists and it is a directory else error if (file_exists($this->_config['repository']) && is_dir($this->_config['repository'])) { $dir = opendir($this->_config['repository']); //read each entry in the directory while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false) { //concat the filename and path $file = $this->_config['repository'] .$file; $file_info = array(); //if the filename is a file get its info and put into a tmp array if (is_file($file) && strpos(basename($file),".") !== 0) { $file_info['filename'] = basename($file); $file_info['mtime'] = date("m/d/Y H:i:s",filemtime($file)); $d = Document::document_factory_url("file://" . $file); preg_match("/^([0-9]+)_/",basename($file),$patient_match); $file_info['patient_id'] = $patient_match[1]; $file_info['document_id'] = $d->get_id(); $file_info['web_path'] = $this->_link("retrieve",true) . "document_id=" . $d->get_id() . "&"; //merge the tmp array into the larger array $queue_files[] = $file_info; } } closedir($dir); } else { $messages .= "The repository directory does not exist, it is not a directory or there are not sufficient permissions to access it. '" . $this->config['repository'] . "'\n"; } $this->assign("queue_files",$queue_files); $this->_last_node = null; $menu = new HTML_TreeMenu(); //pass an empty array because we don't want the documents for each category showing up in this list box $rnode = $this->_array_recurse($this->tree->tree,array()); $menu->addItem($rnode); $treeMenu_listbox = &new HTML_TreeMenu_Listbox($menu, array()); $this->assign("tree_html_listbox",$treeMenu_listbox->toHTML()); $this->assign("messages",nl2br($messages)); return $this->fetch($GLOBALS['template_dir'] . "documents/" . $this->template_mod . "_queue.html"); } function queue_action_process() { if ($_POST['process'] != "true") return; $messages = $this->_tpl_vars['messages']; //build a category tree so we can have a list of category ids that are valid $ct = new CategoryTree(1); $categories = $ct->_id_name; //see if there were and posted files and assign them $files = null; is_array($_POST['files']) ? $files = $_POST['files']: $files = array(); //loop through posted files foreach($files as $doc_id=> $file) { //only operate on files checked as active if (!$file['active']) continue; //run basic validation checks if (!is_numeric($file['patient_id']) || !is_numeric($file['category_id']) || !is_numeric($doc_id)) { $messages .= "Error processing file '" . $file['name'] ."' the patient id must be a number and the category must exist.\n"; continue; } //validate that the pod exists $d = new Document($doc_id); $sql = "SELECT pid from patient_data where pubpid = '" . $file['patient_id'] . "'"; $result = $d->_db->Execute($sql); if (!$result || $result->EOF) { //patient id does not exist $messages .= "Error processing file '" . $file['name'] ." the specified patient id '" . $file['patient_id'] . "' could not be found.\n"; continue; } //validate that the category id exists if (!isset($categories[$file['category_id']])) { $messages .= "Error processing file '" . $file['name'] . " the specified category with id '" . $file['category_id'] . "' could not be found.\n"; continue; } //now do the work of moving the file $new_path = $this->_config['repository'] . $file['patient_id'] ."/"; //see if the patient dir exists in the repository and create if not if (!file_exists($new_path)) { if (!mkdir($new_path,0700)) { $messages .= "The system was unable to create the directory for this upload, '" . $new_path . "'.\n"; continue; } } //fname is the name of the file after it is moved $fname = $file['name']; //see if patient autonumbering is used in this filename, if so strip out the autonumber part preg_match("/^([0-9]+)_/",basename($fname),$patient_match); if ($patient_match[1] == $file['patient_id']) { $fname = preg_replace("/^([0-9]+)_/","",$fname); } //filenames should not have funny chars $fname = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9_.]/","_",$fname); //see if there is an existing file with the same name and rename as necessary if (file_exists($new_path.$file['name'])) { $messages .= "File with same name already exists at location: " . $new_path . "\n"; $fname = basename($this->_rename_file($new_path.$file['name'])); $messages .= "Current file name was changed to " . $fname ."\n"; } //now move the file if (rename($this->_config['repository'].$file['name'],$new_path.$fname)) { $messages .= "File " . $fname . " moved to patient id '" . $file['patient_id'] ."' and category '" . $categories[$file['category_id']]['name'] . "' successfully.\n"; $d->url = "file://" .$new_path.$fname; $d->set_foreign_id($file['patient_id']); $d->set_mimetype($mimetype); $d->persist(); $d->populate(); if (is_numeric($d->get_id()) && is_numeric($file['category_id'])) { $sql = "REPLACE INTO categories_to_documents set category_id = '" . $file['category_id'] . "', document_id = '" . $d->get_id() . "'"; $d->_db->Execute($sql); } } else { $error .= "The file could not be succesfully stored, this error is usually related to permissions problems on the storage system.\n"; } } $this->assign("messages",$messages); $_POST['process'] = ""; } function move_action_process($patient_id="",$document_id) { if ($_POST['process'] != "true") return; $new_category_id = $_POST['new_category_id']; $new_patient_id = $_POST['new_patient_id']; //move to new category if (is_numeric($new_category_id) && is_numeric($document_id)) { $sql = "UPDATE categories_to_documents set category_id = '" . $new_category_id . "' where document_id = '" . $document_id ."'"; $messages .= xl('Document moved to new category','','',' \'') . $this->tree->_id_name[$new_category_id]['name'] . xl('successfully.','','\' ') . "\n"; //echo $sql; $this->tree->_db->Execute($sql); } //move to new patient if (is_numeric($new_patient_id) && is_numeric($document_id)) { $d = new Document($document_id); // $sql = "SELECT pid from patient_data where pubpid = '" . $new_patient_id . "'"; $sql = "SELECT pid from patient_data where pid = '" . $new_patient_id . "'"; $result = $d->_db->Execute($sql); if (!$result || $result->EOF) { //patient id does not exist $messages .= xl('Document could not be moved to patient id','','',' \'') . $new_patient_id . xl('because that id does not exist.','','\' ') . "\n"; } else { $couchsavefailed = !$d->change_patient($new_patient_id); $this->_state = false; if(!$couchsavefailed){ $messages .= xl('Document moved to patient id','','',' \'') . $new_patient_id . xl('successfully.','','\' ') . "\n"; } else{ $messages .= xl('Document moved to patient id','','',' \'') . $new_patient_id . xl('Failed.','','\' ') . "\n"; } $this->assign("messages",$messages); return $this->list_action($patient_id); } } //in this case return the document to the queue instead of moving it elseif (strtolower($new_patient_id) == "q" && is_numeric($document_id)) { $d = new Document($document_id); $new_path = $this->_config['repository']; $fname = $d->get_url_file(); //see if there is an existing file with the same name and rename as necessary if (file_exists($new_path.$d->get_url_file())) { $messages .= "File with same name already exists in the queue.\n"; $fname = basename($this->_rename_file($new_path.$d->get_url_file())); $messages .= "Current file name was changed to " . $fname ."\n"; } //now move the file if (rename($d->get_url_filepath(),$new_path.$fname)) { $d->url = "file://" .$new_path.$fname; $d->set_foreign_id(""); $d->persist(); $d->persist(); $d->populate(); $sql = "DELETE FROM categories_to_documents where document_id =" . $d->_db->qstr($document_id); $d->_db->Execute($sql); $messages .= "Document returned to queue successfully.\n"; } else { $messages .= "The file could not be succesfully stored, this error is usually related to permissions problems on the storage system.\n"; } $this->_state = false; $this->assign("messages",$messages); return $this->list_action($patient_id); } $this->_state = false; $this->assign("messages",$messages); return $this->view_action($patient_id,$document_id); } function validate_action_process($patient_id="", $document_id) { $d = new Document($document_id); if($d->couch_docid && $d->couch_revid){ $file_path = $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'].'/documents/temp/'; $url = $file_path.$d->get_url(); $couch = new CouchDB(); $data = array($GLOBALS['couchdb_dbase'],$d->couch_docid); $resp = $couch->retrieve_doc($data); $content = $resp->data; //--------Temporarily writing the file for calculating the hash--------// //-----------Will be removed after calculating the hash value----------// $temp_file = fopen($url,"w"); fwrite($temp_file,base64_decode($content)); fclose($temp_file); } else{ $url = $d->get_url(); //strip url of protocol handler $url = preg_replace("|^(.*)://|","",$url); //change full path to current webroot. this is for documents that may have //been moved from a different filesystem and the full path in the database //is not current. this is also for documents that may of been moved to //different patients. Note that the path_depth is used to see how far down //the path to go. For example, originally the path_depth was always 1, which //only allowed things like documents/1/, but now can have more structured //directories. For example a path_depth of 2 can give documents/encounters/1/ // etc. // NOTE that $from_filename and basename($url) are the same thing $from_all = explode("/",$url); $from_filename = array_pop($from_all); $from_pathname_array = array(); for ($i=0;$i<$d->get_path_depth();$i++) { $from_pathname_array[] = array_pop($from_all); } $from_pathname_array = array_reverse($from_pathname_array); $from_pathname = implode("/",$from_pathname_array); $temp_url = $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . '/documents/' . $from_pathname . '/' . $from_filename; if (file_exists($temp_url)) { $url = $temp_url; } if ($_POST['process'] != "true") { die("process is '" . $_POST['process'] . "', expected 'true'"); return; } } $d = new Document( $document_id ); $current_hash = sha1_file( $url ); $messages = xl('Current Hash').": ".$current_hash."
"; $messages .= xl('Stored Hash').": ".$d->get_hash()."
"; if ( $d->get_hash() == '' ) { $d->hash = $current_hash; $d->persist(); $d->populate(); $messages .= xl('Hash did not exist for this file. A new hash was generated.'); } else if ( $current_hash != $d->get_hash() ) { $messages .= xl('Hash does not match. Data integrity has been compromised.'); } else { $messages .= xl('Document passed integrity check.'); } $this->_state = false; $this->assign("messages", $messages); if($d->couch_docid && $d->couch_revid){ //Removing the temporary file which is used to create the hash unlink($GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'].'/documents/temp/'.$d->get_url()); } return $this->view_action($patient_id, $document_id); } // Added by Rod for metadata update. // function update_action_process($patient_id="", $document_id) { if ($_POST['process'] != "true") { die("process is '" . $_POST['process'] . "', expected 'true'"); return; } $docdate = $_POST['docdate']; $docname = $_POST['docname']; $issue_id = $_POST['issue_id']; if (is_numeric($document_id)) { $messages = ''; $d = new Document( $document_id ); $file_name = $d->get_url_file(); if ( $docname != '' && $docname != $file_name ) { $path = $d->get_url_filepath(); $path = str_replace( $file_name, "", $path ); $new_url = $this->_rename_file( $path.$docname ); if ( rename( $d->get_url(), $new_url ) ) { // check the "converted" file, and delete it if it exists. It will be regenerated when report is run $url = preg_replace("|^(.*)://|","",$d->get_url()); $convertedFile = substr(basename($url), 0, strrpos(basename($url), '.')) . '_converted.jpg'; $url = $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR'] . '/documents/' . $patient_id . '/' . $convertedFile; if ( file_exists( $url ) ) { unlink( $url ); } $d->url = $new_url; $d->persist(); $d->populate(); $messages .= xl('Document successfully renamed.')."
"; } else { $messages .= xl('The file could not be succesfully renamed, this error is usually related to permissions problems on the storage system.')."
"; } } if (preg_match('/^\d\d\d\d-\d+-\d+$/', $docdate)) { $docdate = "'$docdate'"; } else { $docdate = "NULL"; } if (!is_numeric($issue_id)) { $issue_id = 0; } $couch_docid = $d->get_couch_docid(); $couch_revid = $d->get_couch_revid(); if($couch_docid && $couch_revid ){ $sql = "UPDATE documents SET docdate = $docdate, url = '".$_POST['docname']."', " . "list_id = '$issue_id' " . "WHERE id = '$document_id'"; $this->tree->_db->Execute($sql); } else{ $sql = "UPDATE documents SET docdate = $docdate, " . "list_id = '$issue_id' " . "WHERE id = '$document_id'"; $this->tree->_db->Execute($sql); } $messages .= xl('Document date and issue updated successfully') . "
"; } $this->_state = false; $this->assign("messages", $messages); return $this->view_action($patient_id, $document_id); } function list_action($patient_id = "") { $this->_last_node = null; $categories_list = $this->tree->_get_categories_array($patient_id); //print_r($categories_list); $menu = new HTML_TreeMenu(); $rnode = $this->_array_recurse($this->tree->tree,$categories_list); $menu->addItem($rnode); $treeMenu = &new HTML_TreeMenu_DHTML($menu, array('images' => 'images', 'defaultClass' => 'treeMenuDefault')); $treeMenu_listbox = &new HTML_TreeMenu_Listbox($menu, array('linkTarget' => '_self')); $this->assign("tree_html",$treeMenu->toHTML()); return $this->fetch($GLOBALS['template_dir'] . "documents/" . $this->template_mod . "_list.html"); } /* * This is a recursive function to rename a file to something that doesn't already exist. * Modified in version 3.2.0 to place a counter within the filename (previously was placed at end) * to ensure documents opened correctly by external browser viewers. If the counter is at the * end of the file, then will use it (to continue to work with older files), however all new * counters will be placed within filenames. */ function _rename_file($fname) { $file = basename($fname); $fparts = split("\.",$fname); $path = dirname($fname); if (count($fparts) > 1) { if (is_numeric($fparts[count($fparts) -2]) && (count($fparts) > 2)) { //increment the counter in filename $fparts[count($fparts) -2] = $fparts[count($fparts) -2] + 1; $fname = join(".",$fparts); } elseif (is_numeric($fparts[count($fparts) -1]) && $fparts[count($fparts) -1] < 1000) { //increment counter at end of filename (so compatible with previous openemr version files $fparts[count($fparts) -1] = $fparts[count($fparts) -1] + 1; $fname = join(".",$fparts); } elseif (is_numeric($fparts[count($fparts) -1])) { //leave date at end and place counter in filename array_splice($fparts, -1, 0, "1"); $fname = join(".",$fparts); } else { //add the counter to filename array_splice($fparts, -1, 0, "1"); $fname = join(".",$fparts); } } else { // (count($fparts) == 1) //place counter at end of filename array_push($fparts,"1"); $fname = join(".",$fparts); } if (file_exists($fname)) { return $this->_rename_file($fname); } else { return($fname); } } function &_array_recurse($array,$categories = array()) { if (!is_array($array)) { $array = array(); } $node = &$this->_last_node; $current_node = &$node; $expandedIcon = 'folder-expanded.gif'; foreach($array as $id => $ar) { $icon = 'folder.gif'; if (is_array($ar) || !empty($id)) { if ($node == null) { //echo "r:" . $this->tree->get_node_name($id) . "
"; $rnode = new HTML_TreeNode(array("id" => $id, 'text' => $this->tree->get_node_name($id), 'link' => $this->_link("upload") . "parent_id=" . $id . "&", 'icon' => $icon, 'expandedIcon' => $expandedIcon, 'expanded' => false)); $this->_last_node = &$rnode; $node = &$rnode; $current_node = &$rnode; } else { //echo "p:" . $this->tree->get_node_name($id) . "
"; $this->_last_node = &$node->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array("id" => $id, 'text' => $this->tree->get_node_name($id), 'link' => $this->_link("upload") . "parent_id=" . $id . "&", 'icon' => $icon, 'expandedIcon' => $expandedIcon))); $current_node = &$this->_last_node; } $this->_array_recurse($ar,$categories); } else { if ($id === 0 && !empty($ar)) { $info = $this->tree->get_node_info($id); //echo "b:" . $this->tree->get_node_name($id) . "
"; $current_node = &$node->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array("id" => $id, 'text' => $info['value'], 'link' => $this->_link("upload") . "parent_id=" . $id . "&", 'icon' => $icon, 'expandedIcon' => $expandedIcon))); } else { //there is a third case that is implicit here when title === 0 and $ar is empty, in that case we do not want to do anything //this conditional tree could be more efficient but working with recursive trees makes my head hurt, TODO if ($id !== 0 && is_object($node)) { //echo "n:" . $this->tree->get_node_name($id) . "
"; $current_node = &$node->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array("id" => $id, 'text' => $this->tree->get_node_name($id), 'link' => $this->_link("upload") . "parent_id=" . $id . "&", 'icon' => $icon, 'expandedIcon' => $expandedIcon))); } } } // If there are documents in this document category, then add their // attributes to the current node. $icon = "file3.png"; if (is_array($categories[$id])) { foreach ($categories[$id] as $doc) { if($this->tree->get_node_name($id) == "CCR"){ $current_node->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array( 'text' => $doc['docdate'] . ' ' . basename($doc['url']), 'link' => $this->_link("view") . "doc_id=" . $doc['document_id'] . "&", 'icon' => $icon, 'expandedIcon' => $expandedIcon, 'events' => array('Onclick' => "'ccr/display.php?type=CCR&doc_id=" . $doc['document_id'] . "','CCR');") ))); }elseif($this->tree->get_node_name($id) == "CCD"){ $current_node->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array( 'text' => $doc['docdate'] . ' ' . basename($doc['url']), 'link' => $this->_link("view") . "doc_id=" . $doc['document_id'] . "&", 'icon' => $icon, 'expandedIcon' => $expandedIcon, 'events' => array('Onclick' => "'ccr/display.php?type=CCD&doc_id=" . $doc['document_id'] . "','CCD');") ))); }else{ $current_node->addItem(new HTML_TreeNode(array( 'text' => $doc['docdate'] . ' ' . basename($doc['url']), 'link' => $this->_link("view") . "doc_id=" . $doc['document_id'] . "&", 'icon' => $icon, 'expandedIcon' => $expandedIcon ))); } } } } return $node; } //function for logging the errors in writing file to CouchDB/Hard Disk function document_upload_download_log($patientid,$content){ $log_path = $GLOBALS['OE_SITE_DIR']."/documents/couchdb/"; $log_file = 'log.txt'; if(!is_dir($log_path)) mkdir($log_path,0777,true); $LOG = fopen($log_path.$log_file,'a'); fwrite($LOG,$content); fclose($LOG); } function document_send($email,$body,$attfile,$pname) { if (empty($email)) { $this->assign("process_result","Email could not be sent, the address supplied: '$email' was empty or invalid."); return; } require_once($GLOBALS['fileroot'] . "/library/classes/postmaster.php" ); $desc = "Please check the attached patient document.\n Content:".attr($body); $mail = new MyMailer(); $from_name = $GLOBALS["practice_return_email_path"]; $from = $GLOBALS["practice_return_email_path"]; $mail->AddReplyTo($from,$from_name); $mail->SetFrom($from,$from ); $to = $email ; $to_name =$email; $mail->AddAddress($to, $to_name); $subject = "Patient documents"; $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->Body = $desc; $mail->AddAttachment($attfile); if ($mail->Send()) { $retstatus = "email_sent"; } else { $email_status = $mail->ErrorInfo; //echo "EMAIL ERROR: ".$email_status; $retstatus = "email_fail"; } } //place to hold optional code //$first_node = array_keys($t->tree); //$first_node = $first_node[0]; //$node1 = new HTML_TreeNode(array('text' => $t->get_node_name($first_node), 'link' => "test.php", 'icon' => $icon, 'expandedIcon' => $expandedIcon, 'expanded' => true), array('onclick' => "alert('foo'); return false", 'onexpand' => "alert('Expanded')")); //$this->_last_node = &$node1; // Function to tag a document to an encounter. function tag_action_process($patient_id="", $document_id) { if ($_POST['process'] != "true") { die("process is '" . text($_POST['process']) . "', expected 'true'"); return; } // Create Encounter and Tag it. $event_date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $encounter_id = $_POST['encounter_id']; $encounter_check = $_POST['encounter_check']; $visit_category_id = $_POST['visit_category_id']; if (is_numeric($document_id)) { $messages = ''; $d = new Document( $document_id ); $file_name = $d->get_url_file(); if (!is_numeric($encounter_id)) { $encounter_id = 0; } $encounter_check = ( $encounter_check == 'on') ? 1 : 0; if ($encounter_check) { $provider_id = $_SESSION['authUserID'] ; // Get the logged in user's facility $facilityRow = sqlQuery("SELECT username, facility, facility_id FROM users WHERE id = ?", array("$provider_id")); $username = $facilityRow['username']; $facility = $facilityRow['facility']; $facility_id = $facilityRow['facility_id']; // Get the primary Business Entity facility to set as billing facility, if null take user's facility as billing facility $billingFacility = sqlQuery("SELECT id FROM facility WHERE primary_business_entity = 1"); $billingFacilityID = ( $billingFacility['id'] ) ? $billingFacility['id'] : $facility_id; $conn = $GLOBALS['adodb']['db']; $encounter = $conn->GenID("sequences"); $query = "INSERT INTO form_encounter SET date = ?, reason = ?, facility = ?, sensitivity = 'normal', pc_catid = ?, facility_id = ?, billing_facility = ?, provider_id = ?, pid = ?, encounter = ?"; $bindArray = array($event_date,$file_name,$facility,$_POST['visit_category_id'],(int)$facility_id,(int)$billingFacilityID,(int)$provider_id,$patient_id,$encounter); $formID = sqlInsert($query,$bindArray); addForm($encounter, "New Patient Encounter",$formID,"newpatient", $patient_id, "1", date("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $username ); $d->set_encounter_id($encounter); } else { $d->set_encounter_id($encounter_id); } $d->set_encounter_check($encounter_check); $d->persist(); $messages .= xlt('Document tagged to Encounter successfully') . "
"; } $this->_state = false; $this->assign("messages", $messages); return $this->view_action($patient_id, $document_id); } } ?>