route_array = load_drug_attributes('drug_route'); $this->form_array = load_drug_attributes('drug_form'); $this->interval_array = load_drug_attributes('drug_interval'); $this->unit_array = load_drug_attributes('drug_units'); $this->substitute_array = array("",xl("substitution allowed"), xl ("do not substitute")); $this->medication_array = array(0 => xl('No'), 1 => xl('Yes')); if (is_numeric($id)) { $this->id = $id; } else { $id = "";} //$this->unit = UNIT_MG; //$this->route = ROUTE_PER_ORIS; //$this->quantity = 1; //$this->size = 1; $this->refills = 0; //$this->form = FORM_TABLET; $this->substitute = false; $this->_prefix = $_prefix; $this->_table = "prescriptions"; $this->pharmacy = new Pharmacy(); $this->pharmacist = new Person(); $this->provider = new Provider($_SESSION['authId']); $this->patient = new Patient(); $this->start_date = date("Y-m-d"); $this->date_added = date("Y-m-d"); $this->date_modified = date("Y-m-d"); $this->per_refill = 0; $this->note = ""; $this->drug_id = 0; $this->active = 1; for($i=0;$i<21;$i++) { $this->refills_array[$i] = sprintf("%02d",$i); } if ($id != "") { $this->populate(); } } function persist() { $this->date_modified = date("Y-m-d"); if ($this->id == "") { $this->date_added = date("Y-m-d"); } if (parent::persist()) { } } function populate() { parent::populate(); } function toString($html = false) { $string .= "\n" ."ID: " . $this->id . "\n" ."Patient:" . $this->patient . "\n" ."Patient ID:" . $this->patient->id . "\n" ."Pharmacist: " . $this->pharmacist . "\n" ."Pharmacist ID: " . $this->pharmacist->id . "\n" ."Date Added: " . $this->date_added. "\n" ."Date Modified: " . $this->date_modified. "\n" ."Pharmacy: " . $this->pharmacy. "\n" ."Pharmacy ID:" . $this->pharmacy->id . "\n" ."Start Date: " . $this->start_date. "\n" ."Filled Date: " . $this->filled_date. "\n" ."Provider: " . $this->provider. "\n" ."Provider ID: " . $this->provider->id. "\n" ."Note: " . $this->note. "\n" ."Drug: " . $this->drug. "\n" ."Form: " . $this->form_array[$this->form]. "\n" ."Dosage: " . $this->dosage. "\n" ."Qty: " . $this->quantity. "\n" ."Size: " . $this->size. "\n" ."Unit: " . $this->unit_array[$this->unit] . "\n" ."Route: " . $this->route_array[$this->route] . "\n" ."Interval: " .$this->interval_array[$this->interval]. "\n" ."Substitute: " . $this->substitute_array[$this->substitute]. "\n" ."Refills: " . $this->refills. "\n" ."Per Refill: " . $this->per_refill . "\n" ."Drug ID: " . $this->drug_id . "\n" ."Active: " . $this->active; if ($html) { return nl2br($string); } else { return $string; } } function get_encounter(){ return $_SESSION['encounter']; } function get_unit_display( $display_form="" ) { return( $this->unit_array[$this->unit] ); } function get_unit() { return $this->unit; } function set_unit($unit) { if (is_numeric($unit)) { $this->unit = $unit; } } function set_id($id) { if (!empty($id) && is_numeric($id)) { $this->id = $id; } } function get_id() { return $this->id; } function get_dosage_display( $display_form="" ) { if( empty($this->form) && empty($this->interval) ) { return( $this->dosage ); } else { return ($this->dosage . " " . xl('in') . " " . $this->form_array[$this->form] . " " . $this->interval_array[$this->interval]); } } function set_dosage($dosage) { $this->dosage = $dosage; } function get_dosage() { return $this->dosage; } function set_form($form) { if (is_numeric($form)) { $this->form = $form; } } function get_form() { return $this->form; } function set_refills($refills) { if (is_numeric($refills)) { $this->refills = $refills; } } function get_refills() { return $this->refills; } function set_size($size) { if (is_numeric($size)) { $this->size = $size; } } function get_size() { return $this->size; } function set_quantity($qty) { // if (is_numeric($qty)) { $this->quantity = $qty; // } } function get_quantity() { return $this->quantity; } function set_route($route) { if (is_numeric($route)) { $this->route = $route; } } function get_route() { return $this->route; } function set_interval($interval) { if (is_numeric($interval)) { $this->interval = $interval; } } function get_interval() { return $this->interval; } function set_substitute($sub) { if (is_numeric($sub)) { $this->substitute = $sub; } } function get_substitute() { return $this->substitute; } function set_erx_source($erx_source) { $this->erx_source = $erx_source; } function set_medication($med) { global $ISSUE_TYPES; $this->medication = $med; // Avoid making a mess if we are not using the "medication" issue type. if (isset($ISSUE_TYPES) && !$ISSUE_TYPES['medication']) return; //below statements are bypassing the persist() function and being used directly in database statements, hence need to use the functions in library/ // they have already been run through populate() hence stripped of escapes, so now need to be escaped for database (add_escape_custom() function). //check if this drug is on the medication list $dataRow = sqlQuery("select id from lists where type = 'medication' and activity = 1 and (enddate is null or cast(now() as date) < enddate) and upper(trim(title)) = upper(trim('" . add_escape_custom($this->drug) . "')) and pid = " . add_escape_custom($this->patient->id) . ' limit 1'); if ($med && !isset($dataRow['id'])){ $dataRow = sqlQuery("select id from lists where type = 'medication' and activity = 0 and (enddate is null or cast(now() as date) < enddate) and upper(trim(title)) = upper(trim('" . add_escape_custom($this->drug) . "')) and pid = " . add_escape_custom($this->patient->id) . ' limit 1'); if (!isset($dataRow['id'])){ //add the record to the medication list sqlInsert("insert into lists(date,begdate,type,activity,pid,user,groupname,title) values (now(),cast(now() as date),'medication',1," . add_escape_custom($this->patient->id) . ",'" . $$_SESSION['authUser']. "','" . $$_SESSION['authProvider'] . "','" . add_escape_custom($this->drug) . "')"); } else { $dataRow = sqlQuery('update lists set activity = 1' . " ,user = '" . $$_SESSION['authUser'] . "', groupname = '" . $$_SESSION['authProvider'] . "' where id = " . $dataRow['id']); } } elseif (!$med && isset($dataRow['id'])) { //remove the drug from the medication list if it exists $dataRow = sqlQuery('update lists set activity = 0' . " ,user = '" . $$_SESSION['authUser'] . "', groupname = '" . $$_SESSION['authProvider'] . "' where id = " . $dataRow['id']); } } function get_medication() { return $this->medication; } function set_per_refill($pr) { if (is_numeric($pr)) { $this->per_refill = $pr; } } function get_per_refill() { return $this->per_refill; } function set_patient_id($id) { if (is_numeric($id)) { $this->patient = new Patient($id); } } function get_patient_id() { return $this->patient->id; } function set_provider_id($id) { if (is_numeric($id)) { $this->provider = new Provider($id); } } function get_provider_id() { return $this->provider->id; } function set_provider($pobj) { if (get_class($pobj) == "provider") { $this->provider = $pobj; } } function set_pharmacy_id($id) { if (is_numeric($id)) { $this->pharmacy = new Pharmacy($id); } } function get_pharmacy_id() { return $this->pharmacy->id; } function set_pharmacist_id($id) { if (is_numeric($id)) { $this->pharmacist = new Person($id); } } function get_pharmacist() { return $this->pharmacist->id; } function get_start_date_y() { $ymd = split("-",$this->start_date); return $ymd[0]; } function set_start_date_y($year) { if (is_numeric($year)) { $ymd = split("-",$this->start_date); $ymd[0] = $year; $this->start_date = $ymd[0] ."-" . $ymd[1] ."-" . $ymd[2]; } } function get_start_date_m() { $ymd = split("-",$this->start_date); return $ymd[1]; } function set_start_date_m($month) { if (is_numeric($month)) { $ymd = split("-",$this->start_date); $ymd[1] = $month; $this->start_date = $ymd[0] ."-" . $ymd[1] ."-" . $ymd[2]; } } function get_start_date_d() { $ymd = split("-",$this->start_date); return $ymd[2]; } function set_start_date_d($day) { if (is_numeric($day)) { $ymd = split("-",$this->start_date); $ymd[2] = $day; $this->start_date = $ymd[0] ."-" . $ymd[1] ."-" . $ymd[2]; } } function get_start_date() { return $this->start_date; } function set_start_date($date) { return $this->start_date = $date; } // TajEmo work by CB 2012/05/30 01:56:32 PM added encounter for auto ticking of checkboxes function set_encounter($enc) { return $this->encounter = $enc; } function get_date_added() { return $this->date_added; } function set_date_added($date) { return $this->date_added = $date; } function get_date_modified() { return $this->date_modified; } function set_date_modified($date) { return $this->date_modified = $date; } function get_filled_date() { return $this->filled_date; } function set_filled_date($date) { return $this->filled_date = $date; } function set_note($note) { $this->note = $note; } function get_note() { return $this->note; } function set_drug($drug) { $this->drug = $drug; } function get_drug() { return $this->drug; } function get_filled_by_id() { return $this->pharmacist->id; } function set_filled_by_id($id) { if (is_numeric($id)) { return $this->pharmacist->id = $id; } } function set_drug_id($drug_id) { $this->drug_id = $drug_id; } function get_drug_id() { return $this->drug_id; } function set_active($active) { $this->active = $active; } function get_active() { return $this->active; } function get_prescription_display() { $pconfig = $GLOBALS['oer_config']['prescriptions']; switch ($pconfig['format']) { case "FL": return $this->get_prescription_florida_display(); break; default: break; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM users JOIN facility AS f ON = users.facility where ='" . mysql_real_escape_string($this->provider->id) . "'"; $db = get_db(); $results = $db->Execute($sql); if (!$results->EOF) { $string = $results->fields['name'] . "\n" . $results->fields['street'] . "\n" . $results->fields['city'] . ", " . $results->fields['state'] . " " . $results->fields['postal_code'] . "\n" . $results->fields['phone'] . "\n\n"; } $string .= "" ."Prescription For:" . "\t" .$this->patient->get_name_display() . "\n" ."DOB:"."\t".$this->patient->get_dob()."\n" ."Start Date: " . "\t\t" . $this->start_date. "\n" ."Provider: " . "\t\t" . $this->provider->get_name_display(). "\n" ."Provider DEA No.: " . "\t\t" . $this->provider->federal_drug_id. "\n" ."Drug: " . "\t\t\t" . $this->drug. "\n" ."Dosage: " . "\t\t" . $this->dosage . " in ". $this->form_array[$this->form]. " form " . $this->interval_array[$this->interval]. "\n" ."Qty: " . "\t\t\t" . $this->quantity. "\n" ."Medication Unit: " . "\t" . $this->size . " ". $this->unit_array[$this->unit] . "\n" ."Substitute: " . "\t\t" . $this->substitute_array[$this->substitute]. "\n"; if ($this->refills > 0) { $string .= "Refills: " . "\t\t" . $this->refills. ", of quantity: " . $this->per_refill ."\n"; } $string .= "\n"."Notes: \n" . $this->note . "\n"; return $string; } function get_prescription_florida_display() { $db = get_db(); $ntt = new NumberToText($this->quantity); $ntt2 = new NumberToText($this->per_refill); $ntt3 = new NumberToText($this->refills); $string = ""; $gnd = $this->provider->get_name_display(); while(strlen($gnd)<31) { $gnd .= " "; } $string .= $gnd . $this->provider->federal_drug_id . "\n"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM users JOIN facility AS f ON = users.facility where ='" . mysql_real_escape_string($this->provider->id) . "'"; $results = $db->Execute($sql); if (!$results->EOF) { $rfn = $results->fields['name']; while(strlen($rfn)<31) { $rfn .= " "; } $string .= $rfn . $this->provider->get_provider_number_default() . "\n" . $results->fields['street'] . "\n" . $results->fields['city'] . ", " . $results->fields['state'] . " " . $results->fields['postal_code'] . "\n" . $results->fields['phone'] . "\n"; } $string .= "\n"; $string .= strtoupper($this->patient->lname) . ", " . ucfirst($this->patient->fname) . " " . $this->patient->mname . "\n"; $string .= "DOB " . $this->patient->date_of_birth . "\n"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= date("F j, Y", strtotime($this->start_date)) . "\n"; $string .= "\n"; $string .= strtoupper($this->drug) . " " . $this->size . " ". $this->unit_array[$this->unit] . "\n"; if (strlen($this->note) > 0) { $string .= "Notes: \n" . $this->note . "\n"; } if (!empty($this->dosage)) { $string .= $this->dosage; if (!empty($this->form)){ $string .= " " . $this->form_array[$this->form]; } if (!empty($this->interval)) { $string .= " " . $this->interval_array[$this->interval]; } if (!empty($this->route)) { $string .= " " . $this->route_array[$this->route] . "\n"; } } if (!empty($this->quantity)) { $string .= "Disp: " . $this->quantity . " (" . trim(strtoupper($ntt->convert())) . ")" . "\n"; } $string .= "\n"; $string .= "Refills: " . $this->refills . " (" . trim(strtoupper($ntt3->convert())) ."), Per Refill Disp: " . $this->per_refill . " (" . trim(strtoupper($ntt2->convert())) . ")" ."\n"; $string .= $this->substitute_array[$this->substitute]. "\n"; $string .= "\n"; return $string; } function prescriptions_factory($patient_id, $order_by = "active DESC, date_modified DESC, date_added DESC") { $prescriptions = array(); require_once (dirname(__FILE__) . "/../"); $p = new Prescription(); $sql = "SELECT id FROM " . $p->_table . " WHERE patient_id = " . mysql_real_escape_string($patient_id) . " ORDER BY " . mysql_real_escape_string($order_by); $results = sqlQ($sql); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($results) ) { $prescriptions[] = new Prescription($row['id']); } return $prescriptions; } function get_dispensation_count() { if (empty($this->id)) return 0; $refills_row = sqlQuery("SELECT count(*) AS count FROM drug_sales " . "WHERE prescription_id = '" . $this->id . "' AND quantity > 0"); return $refills_row['count']; } }// end of Prescription ?>