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Blog Site for GPT Prompts

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Getting Started


Or, Clone the Repository,

$ git clone

Then enter the directory, and

Run the local development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev

Open https://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.


A Blog Site where users can create , edit and delete blogs on GPT prompts. GPT is a revolution in the field of AI. Using AI can increase our work efficiency. This webapp helps to create a community by letting users publish helpful GPT prompts and can view other users' blogs. The web is built using NextJs and uses Google Cloud APi for Google authentication and mongoDB for handling database.


  • Create, edit and delete blogs.
  • View other users' blogs.
  • Search blogs by keywords, tags, or username of creator.
  • group blogs tagwise.
  • Visit profiles of users.


  • Use APIs to use GPT prompts directly from the Blog Site.
  • Add other authentications like email and phone nuber.
  • Allow users to bookmark blogs for later use.
  • Allow users to like and comment on the posts.