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  • AWS managed service which include: Code commit, Code artifact, Code build and Code deploy, Code pipeline
  • SolarCloud
  • Checkstyle
  • Code editor (e.g sublime, vscode)
  • Selenium software test
  • Beanstalk
  • Relational Database Service

System Design


Step 1: AWS CodeCommit Setup

  • Login to your AWS management console and navigate to CodeCommit section

    CodeCommit > Repository > Create Repository
    Repository details
    name: vprofile-code-repo
  • Create an IAM user for the CodeCommit been created

    IAM > Add user
    details of user
    Name: vprofile-code-admin
    Attach policy: Attach the policy created below
    Create a policy to be attached
    service: CodeCommit
    name: vprofile-code-repo
    action: all
    Plicy name: vprofile-code-admin-repo-fullaccess
  • After the creation of the IAM user we can upload SSH public key within the Security credentials section of the newly created user. Generate SSH from our local machine and upload in this section.

  • Create a config file at the working directory where we created the ssh key. Working directory:- .ssh/config

    vi .ssh/config
    User <SSH_Key_ID_from IAM_user>
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/vpro-codecommit_rsa
  • Chnage the permission of the config file

    chmod 600 config
  • We can now test our SSH connection to AWS CodeCommit by running the command



  • Next we clone the repository to a location that we want in our local. I will use the Github repository for vprofile-project in my local, and turn this repository to CodeCommit repository. When I am in Github repo directory, I will run below commands. source

    git checkout master
    git branch -a | grep -v HEAD | cut -d'/' -f3 | grep -v master > /tmp/branches
    for i in `cat  /tmp/branches`; do git checkout $i; done
    git fetch --tags
    git remote rm origin
    git remote add origin ssh:
    cat .git/config
    git push origin --all
    git push --tags


Step 2: Code artifact Setup And AWS System Manager Parameter Store

  • Create a Code Artifact for maven

    Repository name: vprofile-maven-repo
    Public upstream repositories: maven-central-store
    AWS account: current account
    Domain name: visualpath


  • Again we will follow connection instructions given in CodeArtifact for maven-central-repo. mvn-repo

  • Create an IAM user for CodeArtifact and configure aws cli with its credentials. We will give Programmatic access to this user to be able to use aws cli and download credentials file.

    aws configure # provide iam user credentials


  • Run the command below for CodeArtifact authorization token for authorization to your repository

    export CODEARTIFACT_AUTH_TOKEN=`aws codeartifact get-authorization-token --domain visualpath --domain-owner 438199817329 --region us-east-1 --query authorizationToken --output text`
  • Switch to the working directory that has the repo we are working on and chckout the repo to ci-aws branch

    git checkout ci-aws
  • Update pom.xml and setting.xml file with correct urls as suggested in instruction and push these files to codeCommit.

    git add .
    git commit -m "message"
    git push origin ci-aws

Step 3: SonarCloud setup For Code Analysis

  • On th brouser paste the url and sign up for sonarcloud account
  • From account avatar -> My Account -> Security. Generate token name as vprofile-sonar-cloud. Note the token. sonar

  • Next we create a project, + -> Analyze Project -> create project manually. Below details will be used in our Build.

    Organization: apotitech-projectsapotitech-projects
    Name: vprofile-repo


Step 4: Store Sonar variables in System Manager Parameter Store

  • We will create paramters for below variables.

    Organization: apotitech-projectsapotitech-projects
    PROJECT                vprofile-repo-rd
    SONARTOKEN             SecureString

Step 5: AWS CodeBuild for SonarQube Code Analysis

  • From AWS Console, go to CodeBuild -> Create Build Project. This step is similar to Jenkins Job.

    ProjectName: Vprofile-Build
    Source: CodeCommit
    Branch: ci-aws
    Environment: Ubuntu
    runtime: standard:5.0
    New service role
    Insert build commands from foler aws-files/sonar_buildspec.yml
    Logs-> GroupName: vprofile-buildlogs
    StreamName: sonarbuildjob
  • We need to update sonar_buildspec.yml file paramter store sections with the exact names we have given in SSM Parameter store.

  • We need to add a policy to the service role created for this Build project. Find name of role from Environment, go to IAM add policy

  • Now we can build the project build

  • I can add Quality Gate to this Build Project, we can create a Qulaity gate from SonarCloud and add to our project.

Step 6: AWS CodeBuild for Build Artifact

  • From AWS Console, go to CodeBuild -> Create Build Project. This step is similar to Jenkins Job.

    ProjectName: Vprofile-Build-Artifact
    Source: CodeCommit
    Branch: ci-aws
    Environment: Ubuntu
    runtime: standard:5.0
    Use existing role from previous build
    Insert build commands from foler aws-files/build_buildspec.yml
    Logs-> GroupName: vprofile-buildlogs
    StreamName: artifactbuildjob
  • Its time to build project. build3

Step 7: AWS CodePipeline and Notification with SNS

  • First we will create an SNS topic from SNS service and subscribe to topic with email.

  • We need confirm our subscription from our email.

  • Now we create an S3 bucket to store our deployed artifacts.

  • Create CodePipeline with the information

    Name: vprofile-CI-Pipeline
    SourceProvider: Codecommit
    branch: ci-aws
    Change detection options: CloudWatch events
    Build Provider: CodeBuild
    ProjectName: vprofile-Build-Aetifact
    BuildType: single build
    Deploy provider: Amazon S3
    Bucket name: vprofile98-build-artifact
    object name: pipeline-artifact
  • Last step before running our pipeline is we need to setup Notifications, go to Settings in CodePipeline -> Notifications.

  • Let's run our CodePipeline. pipeline_success

Step 8: Validate CodePipeline

  • We can make some changes in README file of source code, once we push the changes CloudWatch will detect the changes and Notification event will trigger Pipeline.

Step 9: Beanstalk Setup

  • We will be creating a beanstalk environment with the below configuration

    Application name: vprofile-app
    Platform: Tomcat
    Capacity: Loadbalanced
              min: 2
              max: 4
    Security: choose the key pair been used right from the beginning of the project
          Key: Project
          value: vprofile

Step 10: Relational Database Setup

  • Create a rds database with below configuration

    Method: standard create
    Engine: MySql
    version: 5.6.34
    Templates: free tier
    instance identifier: vprofile-cicd-project
    Create new SecGrp: 
    * Name: vprofile-cicd-rds-mysql-sg
    Additional Configurations: 
    * initial db name: accounts

Step 11: Update RDS Security Group And Database Initialization

  • Navigate to the instances running because the beanstalk automatically generated an instance, the we need to update the security group to allow traffic from beanstalk security group on port 3306

  • Let us get into the beanstalk instance through SSH and initialize the database to install git and mysql

    sudo -i
    yum install mysql git -y
    mysql -h <RDS_endpoint> -u <RDS_username> -p<RDS_password>
    show databases;
    git clone
    cd vprofileproject-all/
    git checkout cd-aws
    cd src/main/resources
    mysql -h <RDS_endpoint> -u <RDS_username> -p<RDS_password> accounts < db_backup.sql
    mysql -h <RDS_endpoint> -u <RDS_username> -p<RDS_password>
    use accounts;
    show tables;
  • Environment health check on the beanstalk loadbalacer needs to be updated to /login

Step 12: Update Code with Pom.xml And Setting.xml

  • On our codepipeline, navigate the the code repository on branch cd-aws, we can edit right from the codecommit service.

  • Time to edit, for pom.xml, add the correct url from your code artifact connection steps:

  • for settings.xml, update below parts with correct url from code artifact.


Step 13: Build Job Setup

  • First, we will go to CodeBuild and change Source for Vprofile-Build & Vprofile-build-Artifact projects. Currently these projects are triggered from ci-aws branch, we will change branch to cd-aws.

  • Create BuildAndRelease Build Project

    Name: Vprofile-BuildAndRelease
    Repo: CodeCommit
    branch: cd-aws
    *Managed image: Ubuntu
    Image 5.0
    We will use existing role from previous Build project which has access to SSM Parameter Store
    Insert build commands: 
    * From source code we will get spec file under `aws-files/buildAndRelease_buildspec.yml`.
  • We need to create 3 new parameters that we used in BuilAndRelease_buildspec.yml file in SSM Parameter store. we have noted these values from RDS creation step, we will use them now.

    RDS-Endpoint: String
    RDSUSER: String
    RDSPASS: SecureString
  • Let's build, we have worked so hard to see the build job


Step 14: Create SoftwareTesting Build Project

  • In this Build Project, we will run our Selenium Automation scripts and store the artifacts in S3 bucket

  • First we will create an S3 bucket

    Name: vprofile-cicd-testoutput-rd (give a unique name)
    Region: it should be the same region we create our pipeline
  • Next, we will create a new Build project for Selenium Automation Tests. Create a new Build project with below details:

    Name: SoftwareTesting
    Repo: CodeCommit
    branch: seleniumAutoScripts
    * Windows Server 2019
    * Runtime: Base
    * Image: 1.0
    We will use existing role from previous Build project which has access to SSM Parameter Store
    Insert build commands: 
    * From source code we will get spec file under `aws-files/win_buildspec.yml`.
    * We need to update url part to our Elastic Beanstalk URL.
    *Type: S3
    * Bucketname: vprofile-cicd-testoutput-rd
    * Enable semantic versioning
    Artifcats packaging: zip
    *LogGroup: vprofile-cicd-logs
    *Streamname: Softwaretestlog

Step 15: Pipeline setup

  • We will create CodePipeline with name of vprofile-cicd-pipeline

    * CodeCommit
    * vprofile-code-repo
    * cd-aws
    * Amazon CloudWatch Events
    * BuildProvider: CodeBuild
    * ProjectName: Vprofile-BuildAndRelease
    * Single Build
    * Deploy provider: Beanstalk
    * application: vprofile-app
    * Environment: vprofile-app-env
  • We will Disable transitions and Edit pipeline to add more stages.

  • First Stage added after Source:

    Name: CodeAnalysis
    Action provider: CodeBuild
    Input artifacts: SourceArtifact
    Project name: Vprofile-Build
  • Second Stage will be added after CodeAnalysis stage:

    Name: BuildAndStore
    Action provider: CodeBuild
    Input artifacts: SourceArtifact
    Project name: Vprofile-Build-artifact
    OutputArtifact: BuildArtifact
  • Third Stage will be added after BuildAndStore stage:

    Name: DeployToS3
    Action provider: Amazon S3
    Input artifacts: BuildArtifact
    Bucket name: vprofile98-build-artifact
    Extract file before deploy
  • We need to Edit ouput artifacts of Build and Deploy stages. Go to Build stage Edit Stage. Change Output artifact name as BuildArtifactToBean.

  • Go to Deploy stage,Edit stage. We change InputArtifact to BuildArtifactToBean

  • Last Stage will be added after Deploy stage:

    Name: Software Testing
    Action provider: CodeBuild
    Input artifacts: SourceArtifact
    ProjectName: SoftwareTesting
  • Save and Release change. It will start our CodePipeline.

Step 16: SNS Notification

  • We will select our pipeline. Click Notify, then Manage Notification. We will create a new notification and save.

    Select all
    Notification Topic: use same topic from CI pipeline

Step 17: Validate & Test

  • It's time to test our pipeline. cicd-release
  • We can check the app from browser with Beanstalk endpoint. app-run