package main import ( "os" "path/filepath" "" _ "" ) const version = "1.1.0" func main() { var ( conf hivemindConfig err error ) app := cli.NewApp() app.Name = "Hivemind" app.HelpName = "hivemind" app.Usage = "The mind to rule processes of your development environment" app.Description = "Hivemind is a process manager for Procfile-based applications" app.Author = "Sergey \"DarthSim\" Alexandrovich" app.Email = "" app.Version = version app.ArgsUsage = "[procfile] (Use '-' to read from stdin, Procfile path can be also set with $HIVEMIND_PROCFILE)" app.HideHelp = true app.Flags = []cli.Flag{ cli.StringFlag{Name: "title, w", EnvVar: "HIVEMIND_TITLE", Usage: "Specify a title of the application", Destination: &conf.Title}, cli.StringFlag{Name: "processes, l", EnvVar: "HIVEMIND_PROCESSES", Usage: "Specify process names to launch. Divide names with comma", Destination: &conf.ProcNames}, cli.IntFlag{Name: "port, p", EnvVar: "HIVEMIND_PORT,PORT", Usage: "specify a port to use as the base", Value: 5000, Destination: &conf.PortBase}, cli.IntFlag{Name: "port-step, P", EnvVar: "HIVEMIND_PORT_STEP", Usage: "specify a step to increase port number", Value: 100, Destination: &conf.PortStep}, cli.StringFlag{Name: "root, d", EnvVar: "HIVEMIND_ROOT", Usage: "specify a working directory of application. Default: directory containing the Procfile", Destination: &conf.Root}, cli.IntFlag{Name: "timeout, t", EnvVar: "HIVEMIND_TIMEOUT", Usage: "specify the amount of time (in seconds) processes have to shut down gracefully before being brutally killed", Value: 5, Destination: &conf.Timeout}, cli.BoolFlag{Name: "no-prefix", EnvVar: "HIVEMIND_NO_PREFIX", Usage: "process names will not be printed if the flag is specified", Destination: &conf.NoPrefix}, cli.BoolFlag{Name: "print-timestamps, T", EnvVar: "HIVEMIND_PRINT_TIMESTAMPS", Usage: "timestamps will be printed if the flag is specified", Destination: &conf.PrintTimestamps}, } app.Action = func(c *cli.Context) error { switch c.NArg() { case 0: if path := os.Getenv("HIVEMIND_PROCFILE"); len(path) > 0 { conf.Procfile = path } else { conf.Procfile = "./Procfile" } case 1: conf.Procfile = c.Args().First() default: fatal("Specify a single procfile") } if conf.Timeout < 1 { fatal("Timeout should be greater than 0") } if len(conf.Root) == 0 { conf.Root = filepath.Dir(conf.Procfile) } conf.Root, err = filepath.Abs(conf.Root) fatalOnErr(err) newHivemind(conf).Run() return nil } app.Run(os.Args) }