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Counting component on VQA v2

This directory contains code for training and evaluating a model using the counting component on the VQA v2 dataset. The code is loosely based on this implementation. You can find additional resources for download (i.e. poster of the paper, pre-trained weights, results.json file) in this release. The results have been independently reproduced by Shagun Sodhani and Vardaan Pahuja.


  • In the data directory, execute ./ to download VQA v2 questions, answers, and bottom-up features.
    • For experimenting, using 36 fixed proposals is faster, at the expense of a bit of accuracy. Uncomment the relevant lines in and change the paths in accordingly. Don't forget to set output_size in there to 36 to actually get the speed-up.
  • Prepare the data by running

This creates an h5py database (95 GiB) containing the object proposal features and a vocabulary for questions and answers at the locations specified in

  • Train the model in with:
python [optional-name]

This will alternate between one epoch of training on the train split and one epoch of validation on the validation split while printing the current training progress to stdout and saving logs in the logs directory. The logs contain the name of the model, training statistics, contents of, model weights, evaluation information (per-question answer and accuracy), and question and answer vocabularies.

  • To view training progression of a model that is currently or has finished training.
python <path to .pth log>
  • To evaluate accuracy (VQA accuracy and balanced pair accuracy; see paper for details) in various categories, you can run
python <path to .pth log> [<more paths to .pth logs> ...]

If you pass in multiple paths as arguments, this gives you standard deviations as well. To customise what categories are shown, you can modify the "accept conditions" for categories in

Other things you can do

  • If you want to evaluate on the official test server, run
python --test

to create the feature database for the test split, then with --test and --resume arguments.

  • supports some more arguments:
    • --resume <path to .pth log> starts the training procedure with the weights initialised from the weights stored in the given log file.
    • --eval does not train a model, but only evaluates on the validation split. Probably only useful with --resume.
    • --test does the same as --eval, but uses the test split specified in instead and outputs a results.json file ready to be uploaded to the test server. Also probably only useful with --resume.
  • Training on both the train and val splits for evaluation on the test server is now supported in this. Switch to the trainval branch of this repository, run to have the vocabulary depend on training and validation data and train a model with Evaluation on test-dev and test works as before with
  • The baseline model is obtained by commenting out the line in the classifier that merges the count features back in. The NMS baseline model is obtained by copying the NMS implementation from here into this directory and building it, removing the forward function from the Net class in and putting these two functions there instead. It is probably a good idea to do these in different branches so that you can switch between the different models easily; that is what I am doing at least.


This code was confirmed to run with the following environment:

  • Python 3.6.2
    • torch 0.4.0
    • torchvision 0.2
    • h5py 2.7.0
    • tqdm 4.19.2