# reactnewsfeed > React for News ## Table of Contents * [Version](#version) * [Important Note](#important-note) * [Prerequisite Environment](#prerequisite-environment) * [Prerequisite React Modules](#prerequisite-react-modules) * [React Manual Execution](#react-manual-execution) ### Version * 0.0.1 ### **Important Note** * This script was written with React 17.0.1 methods on NodeJS 15.7.0 ### Prerequisite Environment * Install * NodeJS * Use the following web site to download for your operating system (Windows/Mac OS/Linux) * https://nodejs.org/ * `node -v` * Npm * `npm install -g npm@latest` * `npm -v` ### Prerequisite React Modules * Install/Update React * `npm install react-scripts@latest` * React * `npm install -g create-react-app` * Find out the React and React Native version via command line tool * `npm view react version` * `npm view react-native version` * Generate React App * Navigate to project * `cd /path/of/project/location/` * `npx create-react-app ` * **WAIT FOR THIS TO FINISH** * Open Command Prompt without Administrator * Navigate to project * `cd /path/inside/parent/directory` * Serve React project (default HTTP host and port number) * `npm start` * Start React which opens in a browser * `npm start` * TailWindCSS (Make sure you are in the React project folder) * Install TailWindCSS * `npm install tailwindcss postcss postcss-cli autoprefixer` * OR `npm install tailwindcss@latest postcss@latest postcss-cli autoprefixer@latest` * **WAIT FOR THIS TO FINISH** * Create your configuration file * Navigate to root directory * `cd /path/inside/parent/directory` * `npx tailwindcss init -p` * `-p` is optional * Reconfigure the package.json file to include the new tailwindcss compiler * Open the package.json file in the scripts section *
        "build:css": "postcss src/index.css -o src/tailwind.css",
        "watch:css": "postcss src/index.css -o src/tailwind.css -w",
        "start": "(set PORT=3000 || export PORT=3000) && npm run build:css && react-scripts start",
        "build": "npm run build:css && react-scripts build",
* Save and exit * Build CSS from the command line * Open terminal of your choice and execute the following command * `npm run build:css` * FontAwesome * Install * `npm i --save @fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core @fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons @fortawesome/react-fontawesome` * **WAIT FOR THIS TO FINISH** * React-Spring * Install * `npm install react-spring` * **WAIT FOR THIS TO FINISH** * Router * `npm install react-router-dom` * For websites * `npm install react-router-native` * For native apps * If issues, Fix the upstream dependency conflict, or retry with --force or --legacy-peer-deps * `npm install react-router-native --legacy-peer-deps` * Axios * `npm install axios` * Used to access web service APIs * React Datepicker * `npm install react-datepicker --save` * If issues, Fix the upstream dependency conflict, or retry with --force or --legacy-peer-deps * `npm install react-datepicker --save --legacy-peer-deps` * Fix vulnerabilities * `npm audit fix` ### React Manual Execution * Change into the root project directory * `cd /root/project/directory` * Build react project for production * `npm run build`