Meta Kennel
Meta Kernel

Another Clash Kernel.

## Features - Local HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS server with authentication support - VMess, VLESS, Shadowsocks, Trojan, Snell, TUIC, Hysteria protocol support - Built-in DNS server that aims to minimize DNS pollution attack impact, supports DoH/DoT upstream and fake IP. - Rules based off domains, GEOIP, IPCIDR or Process to forward packets to different nodes - Remote groups allow users to implement powerful rules. Supports automatic fallback, load balancing or auto select node based off latency - Remote providers, allowing users to get node lists remotely instead of hard-coding in config - Netfilter TCP redirecting. Deploy Clash on your Internet gateway with `iptables`. - Comprehensive HTTP RESTful API controller ## Dashboard A web dashboard with first-class support for this project has been created; it can be checked out at [metacubexd]( ## Configration example Configuration example is located at [/docs/config.yaml]( ## Docs Documentation can be found in [Clash.Meta Docs]( ## For development Requirements: [Go 1.20 or newer]( Build Clash.Meta: ```shell git clone cd Clash.Meta && go mod download go build ``` Set go proxy if a connection to GitHub is not possible: ```shell go env -w GOPROXY=,direct ``` Build with gvisor tun stack: ```shell go build -tags with_gvisor ``` ### IPTABLES configuration Work on Linux OS which supported `iptables` ```yaml # Enable the TPROXY listener tproxy-port: 9898 iptables: enable: true # default is false inbound-interface: eth0 # detect the inbound interface, default is 'lo' ``` ## Debugging Check [wiki]( to get an instruction on using debug API. ## Credits - [Dreamacro/clash]( - [SagerNet/sing-box]( - [riobard/go-shadowsocks2]( - [v2ray/v2ray-core]( - [WireGuard/wireguard-go]( - [yaling888/clash-plus-pro]( ## License This software is released under the GPL-3.0 license. [![FOSSA Status](](