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Columbia University Image and Face Search package

Author: Svebor Karaman

This package is the key component of the image and face search tool developed for the MEMEX project.

The package is divided into multiple sub-modules:

  • api: Flask API to expose the face search index.
  • common: some common resources, like configuration reader, error printing.
  • detector: detect faces in images.
  • extractor: generic extraction process defined by a detector and featurizer.
  • featurizer: compute a discriminative feature, from a face bounding box if provided.
  • imgio: common methods to download images and get images infos.
  • indexer: interaction with a database (currently HBase) to get new images and images metadata.
  • ingester: ingest images from a data source (currently local folder or Kafka).
  • searcher: search indexing scheme (currently LOPQ).
  • storer: store data locally or to S3.
  • updater: check for new images to be processed and process them.

Detailed documentation can be build, see folder docs.