# Software Lab The software laboratory is a SaaS application based on container technology, and all kinds of basic components can be obtained in a few simple steps ## Development ### Preparation `Jdk1.8+`, `maven3.2+`, `Docker CE`、`Npm6.14.0+` ### Test ``` mvn test ``` ### Build * build all ``` mvn -DskipTests=true clean package ``` * build backend ``` mvn -DskipTests=true clean package -pl application -am ``` * build frontend ``` cd ui npm run build ``` ## Installation Currently supports MacOS, Linux (CentOS), and plans to support Windows in the future ### Premise Install java and DockerCE version ### Start Compile the source code to get the compressed package or download the installation package directly to decompress ``` unzip softwarelab-xx.zip -d /path/to/ ``` Execute start command ``` ./path/to/softwarelab/bin/startup.sh ``` Open your browser ,enter the address `http://ip:8080` and login, you can see a page like this: ![image](./docs/images/dashboard.png) ## Use Use a browser to open the address `http://ip:8080/`, the default username and password: ʻadmin/123456` ![image](./docs/images/how_to_use.gif) ### Restart ``` ./path/to/softwarelab/bin/restart.sh ``` ### stop ``` ./path/to/softwarelab/bin/shutdown.sh ``` ### View log ``` tail -f /path/to/softwarelab/softwarelab-xx.log ``` ### FAQ //todo ## Future plan //todo