function name = CSPargusFilename(i1, i2, i3, i4, i5,i6) % argusFilename -- create an Argus file name based on relevant data FOR % COASTSNAP (MDH alteration) % % name = argusFilename( I ) builds the name based on the % data found in I. I is (am?) a struct with the following % fields as a minimum: % % i.time -- epoch time (string or number) % i.station -- name of station, e.g. 'argus00' % -- camera number % i.type -- type of the image, e.g. 'snap' % i.user -- username that contributed the photo (e.g. Instagram username) % i.format -- format for the data, e.g. 'jpg'. % % NOTE that this struct looks very much like the struct returned from % parseFilename. There is a reason for that. Fields not mentioned above % are ignored in building the filename. Also note that 'epoch' will % be treated as 'time' if 'time' is not present. % % OR % name = argusFilename( TIME, STATION, CAMERA, TYPE, USERNAME, FORMAT ) does % the same thing without the nice, clean, pretty, convenient, % tidy, easy struct. Wouldn't you like to use structs? % % If 'camera' is specified as -1 (the number), the camera specification % will be ommitted from the resulting name. This is how you can build % names for runup, stereo, etc. % % Note: Nothing checks to see if this file really exists. It's just % creating a name in the correct format. % % Example: argusFilename( 9000, 'foobear', 1, 'snap','mitch', 'jpg' ) % ans = 9000.Thu.Jan.01_02_30_00.GMT.1970.foobear.c1.snap.mitch.jpg % % $Id: argusFilename.m 196 2016-06-02 20:47:36Z stanley $ % $Log: argusFilename.m,v $ % Revision 1.27 2018/06/12 08:39:00 mitch % altered to make it suitable to CoastSnap environment where having the username % of the person that took the photo is critical % % Revision 1.26 2012/01/31 23:04:49 stanley % fixed comments to remove version info % % Revision 1.25 2008/11/22 00:02:58 stanley % fix creation of names with dot-terminal or two-dots % % Revision 1.24 2008/09/12 21:46:13 stanley % added a DBTestConnect -- dies silently without DB access % % Revision 1.23 2007/12/04 18:12:36 stanley % added error test for non-station % % Revision 1.22 2006/05/09 22:19:05 stanley % added small rounding constant to datevec time % % Revision 1.21 2006/05/02 17:16:56 stanley % missed one bit % % Revision 1.20 2006/05/01 22:04:42 stanley % added fixes for localTZ for sites. ick... % % Revision 1.19 2004/10/13 18:49:04 stanley % Deal with cx camera 'numbers' % % Revision 1.18 2004/03/25 16:55:24 stanley % auto insert keywords % % recordPath; % DBTestConnect; if nargin == 6 i.time = i1; i.station = i2; = i3; i.type = i4; i.user = i5; i.format = i6; elseif nargin == 1 i = i1; else error('Invalid input list'); end % make 'epoch' a synonym for 'time' try % look for 'time', ok if there t = getfield(i,'time'); catch % no 'time', look for 'epoch' try t = getfield(i,'epoch'); catch error('no time or epoch field in input'); end end i.time = t; if ischar( i.time ) i.time = str2num(i.time); end % allow wildcard camera spec from empty camera if isempty( camData = '.c*'; % allow cx for multi-camera names elseif ischar( camData = ['.c' ]; % reverse the parseFilename of data type files -- they get -1 for camera elseif ( == -1) camData = ''; % all else just puts in camera number else camData = [ '.c' num2str( ]; end % one last check -- time must be int i.time = floor(i.time); % Stefan, May 2002: Get TZname/offset from table site. If empty, than % use default GMT % station = DBGetStationsByName(i.station,i.time); %MDH, June 2018 make small adjustment to incorporate CoastSnap DB info site = CSPreadSiteDB(i.station); TZName =; TZoffset = site.timezone.gmt_offset; %if isempty(station) % no station by that name, punt! % site.useLocalNames = 0; % site.TZName = 'GMT'; % site.TZoffset = 0; % warning( [ 'DB has no station ' i.station ', assuming GMT' ] ); % else % site = DBGetTableEntry('site','id',station.siteID); % end; % If local TZstring in filename, than use that one & convert timestring % to local time % if site.useLocalNames % TZName = site.TZName; % TZoffset = site.TZoffset; % % end; % % if ~isempty(TZName) & ~isempty(TZoffset) time = i.time+TZoffset*3600; %convert TZoffset in hours to seconds % else % TZName = 'GMT'; % time = i.time; % end % hey! what this 0.01 anyway!?!. % taking integer seconds into double matlab time results in quantizing % error! int->double->datevec->round sometimes results in seconds % of 59.99999, which should have been rounded by datevec into a % normalized 0 seconds and +1 minutes. "floor" is wrong -- 59.99999 % should be 0 +1min and not 59. So, add very small time which should % ALWAYS round out of the second pos but never cause rollover into % minutes. Tried .5 (normal rounding) but example % (1.131267000000000e+09) rounded to +1 second. Sigh. d = round(datevec(epoch2Matlab(time+0.01))); dmon = datestr(epoch2Matlab(time), 3); dday = datestr(epoch2Matlab(time), 8); if isfield( i, 'short' ) name = sprintf( ... ['%d.%02d%02d%02d.%s%s.%s.%s'], ... i.time, ... d(4), ... d(5), ... d(6), ... i.station, ... camData, i.type, i.format ); else name = sprintf( ... ['%d.%s.%s.%02d_%02d_%02d_%02d.%s.%4d.%s%s.%s.%s.%s'], ... i.time, ... dday, ... dmon, ... d(3), ... d(4), ... d(5), ... d(6), ... TZName, ... d(1), ... i.station, ... camData, i.type,i.user, i.format ); end; % one last fix. Empty type or format may leave double dots or dot at % end of name. remove. if( name(end) == '.' ) name = name(1:end-1); end boo = strfind(name, '..'); if ~isempty(boo) for i=boo name = [name(1:i-1) name(i+1:end)]; end end % % % Copyright (C) 2017 Coastal Imaging Research Network % and Oregon State University % This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or % modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as % published by the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the % License. % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program. If not, see % . % CIRN: % CIL: % %key UAVProcessingToolbox %