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executable file
492 lines (357 loc) · 16 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This change log follows the conventions of



  • OHTA conversion should coerce input to color
  • IgPgTg normalized conversion fixed
  • HCL conversion fixed (uncached case)
  • eastwood related fixes
  • custom-event and fire-custom-event to allow firing an event from the code



  • apply-theme to generate random color from a given color and theme definition
  • whiten and blacken
  • to-XYZ1, from-XYZ1 not scaled version (range from 0 to around 1)
  • scale 3 or 4 channels by a value (to easier normalize rgb), also scale-up, scale-down
  • new colorspaces from colour:
  • more from Oklab family: Okhsv, Okhsl and Okhwb
  • DIN99 color space family: :DIN99, :DIN99b, :DIN99c, :DIN99d and :DIN99o
  • reduce-colors can accept a distance (as function or fastmath.distance object), clarans algorithm is used then (instead of xmeans). clarans path is very slow though.
  • path definition accepts winding rule and shape appending
  • certain shapes can accept coordinates as vectors
  • :onrepaint refresher type for a window, leaves repainting a window for AWT. Good when you want to diplay a static image.
  • :position argument for window creation, sets location of the window in desired position.
  • mixbox pigment-based color mixing by Secret Weapons
  • grid-qr-cell to allow draw grid cells in q,r coordinate system
  • clj-kondo configs


  • Oklab should use linear RGB not on sRGB
  • UCS-OSA color space should have different order of g and j channels.
  • IPT should operate on not scaled XYZ
  • missing palettes from :nord
  • LDRenderer with filtering should draw on borders
  • [breaking] to-lch and from-lch renenamed to to-luma-color-hue and from-luma-color-hue #21


  • LDRenderer revisited
    • added new to-pixel modes:
      • linear? (default: false), when true turns off log scaling
      • splats? (default: false), when true averages pixel's values only
    • vibrancy is 1.0 by default (was 0.5)
    • contrast/saturation/brightness don't affect background now
    • changed internal splat representation (as a number from 0.0 to 1.0)
  • show-image (and other functions in clojure2d.extra.utils) uses :onrepaint refreshing strategy by default.


  • Dependency to smile-mkl is removed. openblas seems to be enough for current functionality. This makes a package lighter (1GB -> 250MB).


  • Clojure 1.11.0


  • shape introduced (all primitives have additiona shape version) + functions: bounding-box, intersects-rectangle?, contains-point? and contains-rectangle?
  • shape->path-def and path-def->shape to construct path from a definition and back
  • text-shape returns shape of the text
  • load-font loads fonts from a file
  • load-image, load-svg and load-bytes can load from http URLs now
  • PalettonHSV, RYB, XYB and Oklab color spaces
  • Dictionary of Colour Combinations - colors and palettes (prefix :docc) -
  • Color Vision Deficiency cvd-lens function (a filter)
  • mixsub subtactive mixing
  • adjust adds a value to color channel
  • complementary to find complementary color
  • random-color can select from various presets, also selects colors from palettes and known colors
  • wavelength returns color from light wavelength in nm
  • clojure2d.color.cssgram set of instagram-like filters + custom-filter function
  • many more color difference functions
  • :retina hint added to support high density displays (first attempt, things might not work well)


  • LDRednerer is aware of alpha channel now
  • palette should return a vector in every case
  • path points should be any seq (not vector only)
  • possible-color? should recognize String as a valid color
  • HWB colorspaces fixed to ensure reversibility
  • canvas orientation shift


  • color difference functions revisited and reorganized


  • load-url-image - use load-image



  • fastmath deps updated



  • deps updated



  • deps updated



  • Introduced cpt-city palettes and gradients
  • Introduced paletteer palettes and gradients


  • Updated fastmath and batik deps
  • Refactor to load gradients and palettes dynamically
  • [breaking] due to the number of palettes/gradients, find-palette and find-gradient should be used to find names.


  • compose-channels applies alpha blending by default when alpha channel processing is turned off.



  • internal core optimizations (fn -> macros)



  • deps updated



  • lerp- color interpolator


  • possible-color? catches gradient
  • iq-gradient wrong interpolation between two colors



  • mathematica gradients (thanks to Chris N.)
  • palette helper function
  • temperature to convert black-body emissions to color
  • get-channel, set-channel, modulate - to manipulate channels in selected color space
  • relative-luma (WCAG version)
  • more String as color (single letter, triplets, #rgba)
  • correct-lightness for gradient and palette


  • deps bumped
  • pixels mutating functions are now with !
  • [breaking] all blending functions moved to separate namespace and reweritten from the scratch
  • [breaking] changed API for certain color functions. Especially for [[palette]] and [[gradient]]


  • Signal processing - moved to fastmath
  • palette/gradient presets as vars (use [[palette]] or [[gradient]] to access them)


  • Closing window during draw can cause NPE when accessing global state.
  • HCL is now proper HCL by Sarifuddin and Missaou (to use CIELab version use LCH)
  • brighten/darken and saturate/desaturate corresponds to chroma.js now
  • mix corresponds to chroma.js now
  • contrast-ratio reflects WCAG definition



  • :always-on-top? parameter to set window to be on top
  • orient-canvas - axis orientation functions
  • filter-channel, filter-channel-xy, blend-channel and blend-channel-xy can accept function as a parameter single parameter (acts a partial)..
  • set-composite and composite to compose drawing with canvas by Java2d, see java.awt.Composite
  • new window parameter, :background set panel background color
  • bounding box for given text
  • load-url-image to handle loading from URL
  • pattern-mode to set textured fill for shapes
  • Gradient density rendering


  • BREAKING: by default canvas is fully transparent. Window background is set to white. This is made to match html canvas behaviour.
  • BREAKING: set-background uses SrcOver (default) composite. Previously was Src.


  • dependency


  • Bring window to top // (still doesn't work well)
  • Headless mode fix
  • Blur algorithm rounding (ghosting effect)
  • Native color conversion from- was clumping an input



  • grid cells
  • hex primitive


  • quadtree segmentation now uses low-discrepancy sequence generator



  • reconstruction filters spread parameter
  • Hann reconstruction filter


  • reconstruction filters default values
  • refactored renderer, breaking change: intensity is now vibrancy and acts opposite way


  • reconstruction filters errors



  • pack color into 32 bit integer
  • resize Pixels
  • 4 new color spaces: IPT, LMS, JAB, JCH
  • new palettes and gradient
  • new color distance based on JAB
  • list of all predefined colors, palettes and gradients have separate docs


  • reduce-colors - selects color from cluster using mode rather than centroid
  • html-color* -> named-color*



  • Pixels can be treated as sequence now (sequence of colors)
  • reduce-colors using x-means clustering algorithm




  • merge-renderers can merge any number of renderers (previously only two).
  • iq-random-gradient also uses iq-gradient for two colors generated by paletton generator
  • random-gradient uses also iq-random-gradient function
  • filled-with-stroke is macro now
  • removed dependency to Vec2 in some functions in clojure2d.core


  • random-gradient will use only two interpolators (:cubic and :linear) to avoid exceed of the range



  • arc and rarc (radius arc) functions


  • spots overlay - number of spots heuristic changed

1.0.0-RC1 (0.1.0-SNAPSHOT)

Please note - breaking changes!


  • key-pressed? mouse-pressed? (and other event values) functions available in draw-fn (via Window protocols)
  • lerp in color (to interpolate colors)
  • set-stroke-custom - to set custom stoke pattern
  • to-XXX* / from-XXX* are now normalized (0-255) colorspace conversion functions.
  • color distances
  • color interpolators
  • color preset palettes (Brewer, Tableaus, Microsoft)
  • color gradients
  • color tweaking functions
  • font-ascent
  • rgba interoperability


  • project dependencies to external generateme/fastmath library
  • to-luma -> luma, get-hue -> hue
  • hue returns angle (0 - 360)
  • make-color, make-awt-color, make-canvas, make-2d-...-array changed to names without make- prefix
  • make-pixels -> pixels
  • make-effect* -> effect
    • almost all make- in raymarching are changed to version without prefix
  • resize-image and resize-canvas are now moved to ImageProto as resize
  • xor-mode, gradient-mode are reset with paint-mode
  • to-XXX/from-XXX in colorspaces are raw conversions now
  • YXY renamed to Yxy
  • make-color-converter -> color-converter
  • paletton-palette -> paletton
  • signal processing refactored, api changed
  • overlays refactored
  • glitch scripts refectored, api changed

Prefix make- is reserved when function is created.


  • set-font works now


  • math namespaces moved to generateme/fastmath project
  • examples moved to separate repository



  • with-canvas is no longer threading macro (use with-canvas-> for that)
  • :setup parameter added to show-window. It's run before displaying window. Parameters are: canvas (within context) and window. When returned value is not nil it's used as initial state. In other case :draw-state parameter is used.
  • color can be represented as int (eg. in hex form like: 0x234344)
  • clamp255 returns double, for long version call lclamp255
  • bezier and curve functions added
  • date/time functions (year, month, day, hour, minute, sec, millis, nanos)
  • new function filled-with-stroke - to draw primitive with stroke and filled
  • load-bytes added
  • general key-event added (like mouse-event). You can now dispatch also on event type not only key char or code
  • background supports transparency
  • screen-width and screen-height functions


  • threshold filter wrong values
  • draw now displays exception when something is wrong
  • window canvas was in the bad size causing visual artifacts
  • more accurate frame delay calculations


  • with-canvas is renamed to with-canvas->
  • :highest hint added (it's :high with Stroke Pure)
  • :right, :left or :center alignments for text (last parameter, default :left)
  • rendering-hints is map of vectors now, it gave 25% speed gain during recreating graphics context

0.0.5-0.0.6 - 2017-11-21


  • Vcf303, Echo and BassTreble signal processing effects + example 16 updated
  • key-released and key-typed events added
  • fractal bestiary explorer - example 37
  • path-bezier - bezier spline
  • text and font functions
  • Java2D convolution filters (via (convolve ...)), returning image
  • Expectations Tests
  • ArrayVec type - doubles array vector representation (for speed gain)


  • Overlays API changed to image + configuration map
  • Switched from clojure math to primitive math library
  • FastMath bindings changed to macros for several methods
  • Saving picture moved to image protocol, replaced save-canvas and save-pixels removed (call (save canvas name)).
  • KeyEvent protocols
  • vector scale -> set-mag
  • fixes after tests


  • rgb scanlines bad tint values
  • subpixel accuracy for strokes included in :high canvas profile

0.0.4 - 2017-08-07


  • New overlay - crt scanlines


  • Events and Window carry global state, show-window parameters reorganized.

0.0.3 - 2017-07-02


  • Canvas transformations (transpose, rotate, scale, push/pop matrix)
  • Image protocol (get-image, width and height fns) for Window, Canvas, image, Pixels
  • Mouse position protocol to Window and MouseEvent
  • Nature of Code examples
  • html 140 colors defined in color namespace (access by (c/to-color :name) or (set-color canvas :name))
  • point and line drawing function accept Vec2 coordinates as well
  • more variations
  • clojure2d temporary icon


  • Canvas as a type
  • Window as a type (record)
  • Helper functions to check if window is visible
  • Helper function to get image from canvas and window
  • Color manimulations refactored (awt vs vec4)
  • Complex type is Vec2 now
  • Session management refactored
  • Draw function accepts also Window (to access mouse position)
  • Examples revisited
  • Signal processing optimisations - speed gain 2x

0.0.2 - 2017-04-14


  • Core:
    • session management functions
  • Pixels:
    • accumulation bins rendering support
  • Random:
    • random and low discrepancy sequence generators (binding to apache commons math)
  • Color:
    • color converters
    • palette generators (paletton style, colourlovers 200 palettes, iq generator)
  • Extra:
    • glitch functions - slitscan, mirror, color redutions, bleding
    • raymarching - basic raymarching
    • signal - signal processing for sonification (pixels to raw, raw to pixels converters, wave generators)
  • Examples: currently 32 examples


  • A lot of changes and huge number of code optimizations (for speed)
  • Draw function behaviour
  • Canvas wrapper (Graphics2d allocation and release)
  • Mouse moved event
  • JPanel -> java.awt.Canvas and custom paint function
  • Vectors as Seq + PersistentVector enhanced (VectorProto)
  • filters changed to signal ns


Bugs, bugs, bugs + optimization for speed

0.0.1 - 2016-11-01


  • Initial release
  • Core:
    • image load/save
    • display window
    • basic canvas operations
  • Pixels:
    • operate on pixel and channel level
    • basic filter
    • blending functions
  • Math:
    • jafama FastMath lib
    • random functions based on Apache Commons Math
    • noise functions based on flow-noise and joise
    • statistic functions
    • Complex type
  • Color:
    • various blending methods
  • Extra, place for common functions used in glitch/generative process
    • filters.clj - analog filters (for sonification)
    • overlays.clj - rgb scanlines, noise, spots
    • segmentation.clj - divide image into squares
    • variations.clj - fractal flames variation libarary (vector fields)
  • Examples: 13 examples