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IDA Pro Server

Interfacing with the server

Exporting a BinExport database

curl -XPOST --form 'input=@/bin/ls' --form 'is_64_bit=1' --output /tmp/file.BinExport 'http:'

Sends the binary file /bin/ls as 64 bit binary to the IDA server and saves the BinExport file in /tmp/file.BinExport. The BinExport file is in protobuf format.

Exporting a pickle database

curl -XPOST --form 'input=@/bin/ls' --form 'is_64_bit=0' --output /tmp/file.pickle 'http:'

Sends the binary file /bin/ls as 32 bit binary to the IDA server and saves the pickle file in /tmp/file.pickle. The pickle file can be unpickled in python to yield a dictionary. See the Database class on how to easily access this pickle file.

Exporting both BinExport and pickle

curl -XPOST --form 'input=@/bin/ls' --form 'is_64_bit=1' --output /tmp/file.tar.gz 'http:'

Sends the file /bin/ls as a 64 bit binary to the IDA server and saves the resulting .tar.gz with the BinExport file and the pickle file in /tmp/file.tar.gz.

Comparing two BinExport databases with BinDiff

curl -XPOST --form 'primary=@/tmp/echo.BinExport' --form 'secondary=@/tmp/ls.BinExport' --output /tmp/compare.sqlite3 'http:'

Compares the primary database /tmp/echo.BinExport and the secondary database /tmp/ls.BinExport to each other and stores the resulting sqlite3 database in /tmp/compare.sqlite3. See the BinDiff class on how to easily access the BinDiff database.