# GPT Recommender ![GPT Recommender](https://github.com/ChrisUser/GPT-recommender/blob/main/src/resources/images/screenshot.png?raw=true) A books, movies, podcasts (and many other media) recommender system built with [Open AI API](https://openai.com/api/). ## Setup Clone the project and install the dependencies with: ```console npm install ``` or ```console yarn ```
Run the project in a local enviroment with: ```console npm start ``` or ```console yarn start ``` ## Usage Grab your [Open AI API key](https://help.openai.com/en/articles/4936850-where-do-i-find-my-secret-api-key) and paste it into the appropriate text input. Choose a subject, list your favourites, select a quantity and generate a new list of recommendations. --- Built with Open AI API GPT-3 and newest GPT-3.5.