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File metadata and controls

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Introductiuon to HPC

ls -l # list all visible ls -la # list all visible and invisible

Slides: Trainer: Callum Wright

beowolf cluster - distrib. memory 2006 - phase 1 2009 - pahse 2 2013 - phase 3 2016 - phase 4 pending

node - "pizza boxes" - portion of shared memory Supercomputers - sealed so you can control cooling!



  1. prepare
  2. submit
  3. queue (starts based on resources)

Can be used for large memory serial jobs



MPI - can use all nodes - sweet spot for how many processes you can run at once before communication etc. slows things down

openMP - runs on one node but uses shared memory - good for parellising loops

Signing in

Windowning on unix is called X

To run through on a windows machine, you need an x server - this is Xming!

This is why xming is run with putty


If on linux

Setting up Putty

Firstly, enable x11 forwarding Host name: Port: 22

File transfer through SCP (mac/linux) or WinSCP (windows)

External to university

Firewall will block it Must run VPN See setting up VPN on the IT services page



Use top to work out how much memory will be used... Can run ~20min test jobs on the nodes if you want


If you need something, do it locally or ask so it can be loaded globally

Finding and ammending programmes that are availebl: the Module command...

module avail # shows what's there module add module-name module del module-name module list # what is loaded in your environment NOW (usually sytem modules - don't remove them!!!)

If running a job, make sure your bashrc adds the right modules! Amend your .bashrc as required (nano .bshrc) e.g.

module add languages/python-2.7

Can clean your lcoal environment using:

module del *module-name*


Fair share policy - people can't dominate! There are limits. - considers users and groups

Usual wait ~2 hours BUT sooner rather than later

##Submitting jobs

simple example 1

###create script

# Define working directory
export WORK_DIR=$HOME/workshop
# Change into working directory
# Execute code
sleep 20

#run script


3013730.bluequeue1.cvos.cluster # prints out

#check jobs stats

qstat 3013730

Job id Name User Time Use S Queue ------------------------- ---------------- --------------- -------- - ----- 3013729.bluequeue1 cw14910 0 Q veryshort

check output (automatically created) # error file # output file

simple example 2

Look at

The next line at the top of the script and tells bluecrystal what you need (no. nodes, amount of time etc.) << try and get this right and don't just apply for the maximum!!

#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1,walltime=1:00:00 

If you don't set walltime, it will use the minimum (a couple of hours) You need to have an idea of how long you'll need to allocate - try and run some tests... e.g. scaling tests etc. If you aren;t sure go for a few days... 15 days is the maximum Ensure your code can take off from where it left if it crashes!!

Monitoring jobs (see monitoring jobs slide)

qstat -u hb1864 -an1

where -u is the user and the -an1 flag shows where it is running


You want cpu to be about 100% - that's good Consider also memory usage


qsub qstat -u cw14910 -an1 # cw14910 is the username

Keep jobs simple -one script for each job submission That way, if it crashes, you know what broke -

See slide 41 Create s anew script for each file ensure you use "sleep xx" (e.g. sleep 10) - that way you don;t overload the system all at once


Ask if it can be loaded Maybe run like MATLAB - see pp46 of slides

If writing your scripts on windows, you can use dos2unix to convert it OR just write the scripts on bluecrystal/in unix

Help - don't create a normal ticket - email [email protected] directly


3TB storage space per user Scratch space - not backed up!! Don't use it as a backup