import Layout from '~/layouts/DefaultGuideLayout' export const meta = { id: 'heroku', title: 'Migrate from Heroku to Supabase', description: 'Migrate your Heroku Postgres database to Supabase.', sidebar_label: 'Heroku', video: '', } Supabase is one of the best [free alternatives to Heroku Postgres]( This guide shows how to migrate your Heroku Postgres database to Supabase. This migration requires the [pg_dump]( and [psql]( CLI tools, which are installed automatically as part of the complete PostgreSQL installation package. Alternatively, use the [Heroku to Supabase migration tool]( to migrate in just a few clicks. ## Quick demo
## Retrieve your Heroku database credentials [#retrieve-heroku-credentials] 1. Log in to your [Heroku account]( and select the project you want to migrate. 1. Click **Resources** in the menu and select your **Heroku Postgres** database. 1. Click **Settings** in the menu. 1. Click **View Credentials** and save the following information: - Host (`$HEROKU_HOST`) - Database (`$HEROKU_DATABASE`) - User (`$HEROKU_USER`) - Password (`$HEROKU_PASSWORD`) ## Retrieve your Supabase Host [#retrieve-supabase-host] 1. If you're new to Supabase, [create a project]( 1. Go to the [Database settings]( for your project in the Supabase Dashboard. 1. Under **Connection Info**, note your Host (`$SUPABASE_HOST`). ## Export your Heroku database to a file [#export-heroku-database] Use `pg_dump` with your Heroku credentials to export your Heroku database to a file (e.g., `heroku_dump.sql`). ```bash pg_dump --clean --if-exists --quote-all-identifiers \ -h $HEROKU_HOST -U $HEROKU_USER -d $HEROKU_DATABASE \ --no-owner --no-privileges > heroku_dump.sql ``` ## Import the database to your Supabase project [#import-database-to-supabase] Use `psql` to import the Heroku database file to your Supabase project. ```bash psql -h $SUPABASE_HOST -U postgres -f heroku_dump.sql ``` ## Additional options - To only migrate a single database schema, add the `--schema=PATTERN` parameter to your `pg_dump` command. - To exclude a schema: `--exclude-schema=PATTERN`. - To only migrate a single table: `--table=PATTERN`. - To exclude a table: `--exclude-table=PATTERN`. Run `pg_dump --help` for a full list of options. export const Page = ({ children }) => export default Page