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AnimateDiff+CameraCtrl Keyframe 🎭🅐🅓



Input types


  • start_percent
    • 指定动画的起始百分比,允许精确控制动画中摄像机运动和效果的时间。
    • Comfy dtype: FLOAT
    • Python dtype: float


  • prev_ad_keyframes
    • 可选。允许包括先前定义的AnimateDiff关键帧,使动画可以进行更复杂的序列链和层叠。
    • Comfy dtype: AD_KEYFRAMES
    • Python dtype: ADKeyframeGroup or None
  • scale_multival
    • 可选。应用缩放因子到动画,允许调整动画元素的大小。
    • Comfy dtype: MULTIVAL
    • Python dtype: float or torch.Tensor
  • effect_multival
    • 可选。应用各种效果到动画,允许添加视觉增强或修改。
    • Comfy dtype: MULTIVAL
    • Python dtype: float or torch.Tensor
  • cameractrl_multival
    • 可选。指定摄像机控制的多个值,允许在动画中创建复杂的摄像机运动。
    • Comfy dtype: MULTIVAL
    • Python dtype: float or torch.Tensor
  • inherit_missing
    • 确定当前关键帧中的缺失值是否应继承自前面的关键帧,以确保动画的连续性。
    • Comfy dtype: BOOLEAN
    • Python dtype: bool
  • guarantee_steps
    • 指定动画中保证的最小步数,确保一定程度的平滑和连续性。
    • Comfy dtype: INT
    • Python dtype: int

Output types

  • ad_keyframes
    • Comfy dtype: AD_KEYFRAMES
    • 生成一系列AnimateDiff关键帧,使动画具有复杂的摄像机运动。
    • Python dtype: ADKeyframeGroup

Usage tips

  • Infra type: CPU
  • Common nodes: unknown

Source code

class CameraCtrlADKeyframeNode:
    def INPUT_TYPES(s):
        return {
            "required": {
                "start_percent": ("FLOAT", {"default": 0.0, "min": 0.0, "max": 1.0, "step": 0.001}, ),
            "optional": {
                "prev_ad_keyframes": ("AD_KEYFRAMES", ),
                "scale_multival": ("MULTIVAL",),
                "effect_multival": ("MULTIVAL",),
                "cameractrl_multival": ("MULTIVAL",),
                "inherit_missing": ("BOOLEAN", {"default": True}, ),
                "guarantee_steps": ("INT", {"default": 1, "min": 0, "max": BIGMAX}),
    FUNCTION = "load_keyframe"

    CATEGORY = "Animate Diff 🎭🅐🅓/② Gen2 nodes ②/CameraCtrl"

    def load_keyframe(self,
                      start_percent: float, prev_ad_keyframes=None,
                      scale_multival: Union[float, torch.Tensor]=None, effect_multival: Union[float, torch.Tensor]=None,
                      cameractrl_multival: Union[float, torch.Tensor]=None,
                      inherit_missing: bool=True, guarantee_steps: int=1):
        return ADKeyframeNode.load_keyframe(self,
                    start_percent=start_percent, prev_ad_keyframes=prev_ad_keyframes,
                    scale_multival=scale_multival, effect_multival=effect_multival, cameractrl_multival=cameractrl_multival,
                    inherit_missing=inherit_missing, guarantee_steps=guarantee_steps