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This is the objective for the initial version of this Zerg AI.

Recommended Read

API recommended read: if you dont mind i recommend to read all of unit, units, position, bot_ai, and the three game_* files to learn what is possible already it will help you :)

Expansion Scheme

  • Take natural on 17 supply
  • Take 3rd between 30 and 40 supply
  • Expand IF 300minerals && no larvae && m_expansions <= 2x enemy_expansions
  • Otherwise keep building Drones and/or army
  • Build N+2 Queens (N = m_expansions) -> 1 Queen/base + 2 Defensive/Creep queens

Macro Cycle

  • Inject Bases when able
  • If supply is not enough -> Build more overlords
  • Move units, attack command if enough army
  • Spread Creep
  • Repeat

Overlord Management

  • Move original overlord to enemy Natural
  • Move 1st created overlord to own Natural
  • Make other overlords move between your expansions
  • Build Overlords when necessary

Worker Management

  • Cap max workers to 75
  • Cap max mineral workers to 48 (3 Saturated bases)
  • Cap gas workers to 18 (3 Saturated bases)
  • Extra Workers x2 -> Generate 2 extra workers when Harassment expected

Army Management

  • Generate 1/3 Hydras and 2/3 Roaches
  • Timing attacks -> At finishing upgrades or when army is big
  • Replenish army in the background while attacking


  • 13 Overlord
  • 17 Hatchery
  • 18 Gas
  • 17 Spawning Pool
  • 19 Overlord
  • 20 2x Queens
  • @Spawning Pool -> 4x Zerglings
  • 25 Metabolic boost (Ling speed)
  • 30 Take 3rd Exp
  • 33 Overlord
  • 36 Overlord
  • 40 2x Queens -> These are the 2x Extra Queens for defense/creep
  • 41 Roach Warren
  • @3rdExp 1x Queen
Guidelines from here
  • @Roach Warren -> 8x Roach
  • @2baseSaturation -> Take 2x Gas
  • @2base mineral + 3 gas saturation -> Upgrade main to Lair
  • @75% Lair -> 2x Evo Chamber
  • @Lair -> Hydralisk Den
  • @Lair -> Overseer x 1
  • Take 2 additional gases on 8/16 workers in 3rd Exp
  • @Evo Chambers -> +1 missile +1 Carpace
  • @Hydra den -> Muscular Augments (Hydra upgrade) + Gliar Reconstitution (Roach speed)
  • Mass army Following Army Management idea (2:1 Roach:Hydra ratio)
  • @+1/+1 -> Take +2/+2
  • @3 base mineral + gas saturation -> Infestation Pit
  • @Infestation Pit -> Hive
  • @Hive -> Take +3/+3
Additional points
  • From this point -> 1x Queen when each expansion is finished
  • Follow Expansion scheme
  • Follow Overlord scheme
  • Keep Droning until 3 base saturation
  • Timing Attacks -> When +1/+1 upgrade is finished, build army in the background and redo afterwards
  • Add 1x Spore Crawler per base if we detect sometype of drop/flying harassment unit
  • Add 1-2x Spines per base if we detect sometype of rush
Other ideas
  • Try to make walls with evo chambers
  • Redo destroyed building (evo chambers/pool/etc)
Late Game Additions
  • Get Spire while building infestation pit and transition into broodlords late game (+ Great Spire @Hive)?
  • Get Ultralisk Cavern and transition into Ultralisks?
  • Composition: 1/2 Hydra, 1/3 Ultra/Broodlord, 1/6 Roach?? idk