This crate provides a streaming CSV (comma separated values) writer and reader that works with the `serialize` crate to do type based encoding and decoding. There are two primary goals of this project: 1. The default mode of parsing should *just work*. This means the parser will bias toward providing *a* parse over a *correct* parse (with respect to [RFC 4180]( 2. Convenient to use by default, but when performance is needed, the API will provide an escape hatch. [![Build status](]( Licensed under the [UNLICENSE]( ### Documentation The API is fully documented with lots of examples: []( ### Simple examples Here is a full working Rust program that decodes records from a CSV file. Each record consists of two strings and an integer (the edit distance between the strings): ```rust extern crate csv; fn main() { let mut rdr = csv::Reader::from_file("./data/simple.csv").unwrap(); for record in rdr.decode() { let (s1, s2, dist): (String, String, usize) = record.unwrap(); println!("({}, {}): {}", s1, s2, dist); } } ``` Don't like tuples? That's fine. Use a struct instead: ```rust extern crate csv; extern crate rustc_serialize; #[derive(RustcDecodable)] struct Record { s1: String, s2: String, dist: u32, } fn main() { let mut rdr = csv::Reader::from_file("./data/simple.csv").unwrap(); for record in rdr.decode() { let record: Record = record.unwrap(); println!("({}, {}): {}", record.s1, record.s2, record.dist); } } ``` Do some records not have a distance for some reason? Use an `Option` type! ```rust #[derive(RustcDecodable)] struct Record { s1: String, s2: String, dist: Option, } ``` You can also read CSV headers, change the delimiter, use `enum` types or just get plain access to records as vectors of strings. There are examples with more details in the documentation. ### Installation This crate works with Cargo and is on []( The package is regularly updated. Add is to your `Cargo.toml` like so: ```toml [dependencies] csv = "*" # other deps... ``` ### Benchmarks There are some rough benchmarks (compared with Go) here: