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Ext projects

The projects in this folder are special extension to Minimal-J. They may be incomplete or their code is not as clean as the core of Minimal-J. I simply don’t have the resources to keep everything in a perfect state. Still these projects may be useful or provide a hint of what is possible with Minimal-J.

The ext projets are not released to a maven repository and don’t have a release management yet.


A Repository that keeps all data in the (VM) memory


A sql Repository with support for historized entities. If a main entity has a boolean field 'historized' then with every version a new row is created in the database.


Enables the browser of JavaFx for the Swing Frontend. As JavaFx is not part of OpenJDK (only in Oracle JDK) or Java 11 this class is separated in special artifact to avoid the bunch of dependencies needed to run JavaFx. Just add this artifact to your application pom.xml. If you then start the Swing Frontend the system browser will be used to display html content.


This project allows to deploy Minimal-J applications to a java application server like tomcat.


This is a frontend implemented in vaadin. It doesn’t provide more value than the web based fronted included in Minimal-J. But certain aspects look a little bit better.


A terminal based frontend. Nice showcase but quite incomplete.


Generate a browseable metamodel from the entity classes of an application.


Expose the content of the repository as REST api.


Uses undertow as server infrastructure. Supports WebSockets.


Uses nanoHttpd as server infrastructure. Supports WebSockets.


Use thymeleaf for custom web pages


A css theme is by

Abandoned projects

Vaadin 8 / Vaadin 8 Servlet / Vaadin 8 Springboot

Support for Vaadin 8 ends in 2022 (except paid LTS). Vaadin has moved away from gwt to web components.