Repo for general swam development
- User logs in through browser
- User enters task bundle (tasks to execute, how many bots per task, any output or logs to measure)
- Bots in swarm execute tasks
- User can monitor execution
- User notified when task execution complete
Task execution
- Collaboration on tasks
- Task Optimization
- Emergent behaviour
- Self replication + improvement
- Swarm manager receives tasks
- Swarm manager creates execution groups of bots to executes tasks and distributes the tasks to the bots
- Bots in execution group connect together and execute the task
- On task completion, the bots disconnect from each other
- Swarm manager receives tasks
- Swarm manager distributes tasks to all bots
- Bots form and tear down groups as needed
Augmented reality enabled devices connected in a swarm
To log on test run: -o log_cli=true --log-cli-level=DEBUG