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twilio-java changelog

[2017-07-27] Version 7.14.0

This release adds Beta and Preview products to main artifact.

Previously, Beta and Preview products were only included in the alpha artifact. They are now being included in the main artifact to ease product discoverability and the collective operational overhead of maintaining multiple artifacts per library.


  • Remove unused encryption_type property on Recordings (breaking change)


  • Fix incorrectly typed capabilities property for PhoneNumbers.


  • Add ToBinding optional parameter on Notifications resource creation. Accepted values are json strings.


  • Add sms_application_sid to HostedNumberOrders.


  • Fully support conference functionality in reservations.

[2017-07-19] Version 7.13.1


  • Update status enum for Messages to include 'accepted'

[2017-07-12] Version 7.13.0

  • Change git tagging scheme to be consistent with other twilio libraries.
  • Fix crashes on Google App Engine when using default NetworkHttpClient. Issue #377. Thanks to @katafractari for helping identify the bug and test the fix.


  • Fix incorrectly named AnnounceUrlMethod to AnnounceMethod parameter naming on Conference Participant Updating.
  • Add encryptionType and encryptionDetails support to Call Recordings.
  • Add new UsageRecord categories for Rooms and Speech Recognition.


  • Add ToBinding optional parameter on Notifications resource creation. Accepted values are json strings.


  • Add verificationAttempts to HostedNumberOrders.
  • Add statusCallbackUrl and statusCallbackMethod to HostedNumberOrders.


  • Filter recordings by date using the parameters DateCreatedAfter and DateCreatedBefore.
  • Override the default time-to-live of a recording's media URL through the Ttl parameter (in seconds, default value is 3600).
  • Add query parameters SourceSid, Status, DateCreatedAfter and DateCreatedBefore to the convenience method for retrieving Room recordings.


  • Added national and international data limits to the RatePlans resource.

[2017-06-16] Version 7.12.0

  • Remove client-side max page size validation.
  • Add locality field to AvailablePhoneNumbers.
  • Add origin field to IncomingPhoneNumbers.
  • Add inLocality parameter to AvailablePhoneNumbers.
  • Add origin parameter to IncomingPhoneNumbers.
  • Add new sync categories to UsageRecords.
  • Add getPage() method for reentrant paging.
  • Add input to <Gather>.
  • Remove mandatory url parameter in <Play>.
  • Parallelize tests.
  • Update Language enum.

[2017-05-24] Version 7.11.0

  • Rename Recording to RoomRecording in Twilio Video

[2017-05-19] Version 7.10.0

  • Add
  • Add additional usage categories
  • Fix Client Validation URL encoding
  • Close all connections in finally block
  • Remove convenience method getSid() on records that do not have a sid

[2017-04-27] Version 7.9.1

  • Remove conference participant Beep and ConferenceRecord enums, use String instead (backwards incompatible).
  • Add recordingChannels, recordingStatusCallback, recordingStatusCallbackMethod, sipAuthUsername, sipAuthPassword, region, conferenceRecordingStatusCallback, conferenceRecordingStatusCallbackMethod parameter support to conference participant creation.
  • Update missing categories in Usage Trigger enums.

[2017-04-18] Version 7.9.0

  • Add Twilio Programmable Chat version 2
  • Allow updating AccountSid on IncomingPhoneNumbers
  • Include only populated fields in VideoGrant
  • Deprecate ConversationsGrant

[2017-03-22] Version 7.8.1

  • Add validityPeriod optional parameter to Message creation.
  • Add TaskRouterGrant.
  • Update VideoGrant.
    • Add room as preferred grant granularity.
    • Deprecate setting configurationProfileSid on grant.

[2017-03-24] Version 7.8.0

  • Fix a bug where unexpected JSON properties caused exceptions.

[2017-03-22] Version 7.7.2

  • Add Answering Machine Detection to Call creation

  • Add WRAPPING entry to Status for Task

  • Twilio Chat

    • Add limits map to Service
    • Add limitsChannelMembers and limitsUserChannels field to ServiceUpdater

[2017-03-21] Version 7.7.1

  • Allow customizing configuration for NetworkHttpClient

[2017-03-10] Version 7.7.0

  • Bump Jackson dependency to 2.8.7
  • Fix bug in Enum serialization
  • Delete Sandboxs

[2017-02-28] Version 7.6.0

  • Add ValidationTokens for Client Validation
  • Add subdomain
    • Add PublicKey resource
  • Namespace all path parameters

[2017-02-10] Version 7.5.0

  • Add validated field to Addresses
  • Add FCM Credential support
  • Add Order parameter to Chat Message filterting
  • Remove required updating of friendlyName parameter when updating TaskRouter Activities
  • Accept multiple assignmentStatus's when filtering Tasks
  • Fix Workflow json generation
  • Add TaskRouterGrant
  • Add recordingStatusCallback and recordingStatusCallbackMethod to Record TwiML

[2017-01-10] Version 7.4.0

  • Added new AddOnResults API.

  • Allow undocumented TwiML voice parameters for Conference, Dial, and Pause PR #317.

  • Fix dates being serialized to null in some locales PR #320.

  • Add emergencyEnabled field to Addresses.

  • Add support for emergency phone numbers.

  • Add support for ending conferences via the API.

  • Add region field to Conferences.

  • Twilio Chat

    • Add membersCount and messagesCount to Channel.
    • Add support for filtering on channel type when reading list of Channels.
    • Add last_consumed_message_index and last_consumption_timestamp fields to Member.
    • Remove ability to update Message body, was never supported by API (backwards incompatible).
    • Add support for new UserChannel Resource.
  • Taskrouter

    • Add default worker fetch policy PR #313.
    • Add queue ordering for Workspace, TaskQueue.
    • Remove ability to specify attributes and workflowSid on Task creation (backwards incompatible).
    • Add addons, taskQueueFriendlyName, workflowFriendlyName, metdata to Task.
    • Use DateTimes for WorkspaceStatistics filtering (backwards incompatible).
    • Fix TaskQueueStatistics cumulative field incorrect type (backwards incompatible).
    • Fix TaskQueuesStatistics cumulative field incorrect type (backwards incompatible).
    • Remove ability to set friendlyName on TaskQueueStatistics (backwards incompatible).

[2016-11-30] Version 7.3.0

  • Add recordingStatusCallback and recordingStatusCallbackMethod to Conference TwiML
  • Fix TaskRouter Capabaility generation
  • Address potential NPE in ApiException

[2016-11-16] Version 7.2.0

  • Use separate enum for Updating Call status. This enum only exposes the statuses that a Call can be updated to.

  • Move the body parameter to be required in updating Messages.

  • Move the friendlyName parameter to be required in creating Queues.

  • Add Particpant creation to Conferences.

  • Add filtering by CallSid to Recordings.

  • Add missing fields to Call Recordings.

  • Add missing fields to Conferences.

  • Add missing fields to IncomingPhoneNumbers.

  • Add missing fields to Messages.

  • Twilio Chat

    • Add Invites
    • Add reachabilityEnabled, preWebhookUrl, postWebhookUrl, webhookMethod, webhookFilters, notifications to Services.
    • Add attributes, friendlyName, isOnline, isNotifiable to Users.
    • Add lastConsumedMessageIndex, lastConsumptionTimestamp to Members.
    • Add attributes, index to Messages.
    • Add ability to update Members.
    • Add filtering by identity on Members.
    • Add webhook related parameters to Service updates.
    • Remove updating of type on Channels.

[2016-10-05] Version 7.1.0

  • Update Usage Records to use LocalDate instead of DateTime
  • Update TwiML Generator to reflect latest docs:
    • Add statusCallbackEvent, statusCallbackMethod, statusCallback to Conference
    • Add recordingStatusCallback, recordingStatusCallbackMethod to Dial

[2016-10-04] Version 7.0.0

New Major Version

The newest version of the twilio-java helper library!

This version brings a host of changes to update and modernize the twilio-java helper library. It is auto-generated to produce a more consistent and correct product.

[2016-01-26] Version 5.9.0

  • Add support for WorkerReservations in TaskRouter
  • Add support for filterFriendlyName in TaskRouter WorkflowRules
  • Fix TaskRouter paging

[2015-12-16] Version 5.8.0

  • Add support for IP Messaging

[2015-12-14] Version 5.7.1

  • Add new getUsageRecords to support query by intervals
  • Fix for ListResource's & NextGenListResource's

[2015-12-08] Version 5.7.0

  • Change NBF to be optional parameter in AccessToken

[2015-12-03] Version 5.6.0

  • Add access tokens

[2015-11-25] Version 5.5.1

  • Exposed Recording's PriceUnit field

[2015-11-18] Version 5.5.0

  • Fix authentication using key and secret

[2015-10-30] Version 5.4.0

  • Add MessagingServiceSid

[2015-10-28] Version 5.3.0

  • Add Keys endpoint

[2015-10-02] Version 5.2.1

  • Normalized the Number type from spaces to underscore in Pricing Phone Number Country

[2015-09-24] Version 5.2.0

  • Add support for TaskRouter reservations
  • Add support for TaskRouter TwiML verbs

[2015-09-21] Version 5.1.0

  • Add support for messaging in Twilio Pricing API
  • Add support for Elastic SIP Trunking's API

[2015-09-14] Version 5.0.0

  • Remove deprecated total and numpages from ListResource and response parsers