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web-view examples


Just displays the wikipedia homepage.


Loads a custom url-encoded html page (hello world).


Uses two-way communication with the web app to render the state of a timer and reset the timer on the click of a button. Shows basic usage of userdata and shared state between threads.


Uses picodom.js to render a basic Todo App. Demonstrates how to embed the frontend into the Rust executable and how to use userdata to store app state.


This is a port of the todo example to PureScript. To be able to build this, first install purescript and bundling tools:

$ npm install -g purescript pulp psc-package parcel-bundler inline-assets

Next, install the dependencies:

$ psc-package update

Now build the frontend and bundle it into dist/bundle.html:

$ npm run prod

Finally use cargo to build the rust executable, which includes bundle.html using include_str!().


(This assumes you're using Elm 0.19.0)

$ npm install -g elm
$ cd elm-counter
$ elm make --optimize src/Main.elm
$ cargo run --example elm-counter


Uses rust-embed and actix-web to embed files directly in binary and serve them to web-view.

Unfortunately if you run this with the EdgeHTML backend (edge feature) it won't work by default due to webview sandbox restrictions.

In order for this to run on EdgeHTML, you need to run CheckNetIsolation.exe LoopbackExempt -a -n="Microsoft.Win32WebViewHost_cw5n1h2txyewy" from your administrator command prompt only once and everything works.

You can make this step for example as a part of your apps installer.


Based of the code of the actix example (see above) this bundles/serves the yew todo example app. That makes it the most rusty example and still only has a ~4mb binary size (90% of which is actix actually, see this example repo using hyper to reduce it to 2mb:

Find the build instructions for the todomvc wasm source in example/todo-yew/Makefile.


(This assumes you're using Elm 0.19.0).
This example is functionally equivalent to todo and todo-purescript examples, but implemented in Elm.
It showcases how to communicate from Elm to Rust and back through Elm's ports.
You can run this example as is with cargo run --example todo-elm.

If you want to edit the example's sources, you will first need to install Elm as described here.
Then run:

elm make --optimize --output=elm.js src/Main.elm
cargo run --example todo-elm

The --output=elm.js parameter is very important, otherwise elm make would output index.html. We include elm.js and js glue code (for Elm's ports) in, so we cannot use index.html.

Note: For some reason (at least on Windows), if I try to cargo run the examples directly, they don't show the window, but it works with cargo build --example <name> && target\debug\examples\<name>