Rigorous and Cost-effective Clinical Trial of AI Models Considering Patient-AI-Clinician Entanglement
- 1. Data Access to AI vs Clinician and MIMIC Databases
- 2. Repo Contents
- 3. System Requirements
- 4. Train and test DC-AI-SpeedRCTs
- 5. Guide for performing DC-AI-SpeedRCTs Trials
- 6. Usage Example: DC-AI-SpeedRCTs Trials for a New AI model
DC-AI-SpeedRCTs is constructed based on DC-AI RCTs across 14 medical centers. The collected diagnosis records from DC-AI RCTs are public available from AI.vs.Clinician database, which comprises a set of comma-separated value (CSV) files indicating the interactions between AI and clinicians.
To access the AI.vs.Clinician database, the following steps need to be completed:
• The researchers must complete the access steps required by MIMIC databases.
• the researchers are required to sign a data use agreement, which delineates acceptable data usage and security protocols and prohibits attempts to identify individual clinicians and patients.
• The researchers are required to send an access request to the contributors and provide a description of the research project.
Our project uses the data version "Original-Recorded-Version" within AI.vs.Clinician database. The patient cohort uses MIMIC databases.
(1). PhysioNet Account Link
First, apply for an account on the PhysioNet platform. Then, proceed to take the CITI PROGRAM exam and obtain the exam report. With the exam report in hand, you can apply for database usage permission on the MIMIC official website.
After completing the aforementioned steps, you can download the relevant MIMIC datasets.
Notice: To access AI.vs.Clinician database, one more step is needed: send an access request to the contributors and provide a description of the research project.
(2). AI.vs.Clinician Database Link
AI.vs.Clinician is a large and human-centered database that comprises information related to the behavior variations of clinicians’ diagnosis with or without the assistance of different AI models.
(3). MIMIC-III 1.4 Database Link
MIMIC-III is a large-scale clinical intensive care database that is freely available and openly shared. The data covers the period from 2001 to 2012.
(4). MIMIC-IV 2.2 Database Link
MIMIC-IV is an updated version of MIMIC-III, with data covering the period from 2008 to 2019.
(5). MIMIC-CXR-JPG 2.0.0 Database Link
The MIMIC-CXR-JPG database is a collection of chest X-ray images in JPG format, corresponding to patients in the MIMIC-IV dataset.
(6). MIMIC-IV-NOTE 2.2 Database Link
The MIMIC-IV-Note primarily consists of discharge summaries and imaging text reports for patients in the MIMIC-IV dataset.
DC-AI SpeedRCTs: A triadic clinical trial framework to simulate patient-AI-clinician entanglement
(1) simulator This directory contains all the code for Clinician Diagnostic Behavior Simulator.
(2) generator This directory contains all the code for Clinical Diagnostic Environment Generator.
(3) usage-example-coxphm This directory contains all the code for a new AI device performs in DC-AI SpeedRCTs simulator.
The package has been tested on the following systems:
- RAM: 62 GB
- CPU: 24 cores
- GPU: Tesla V100-PCIE-32G
- Operating System: Linux Ubutu 16.04.7 LTS
- Python: 3.7
- tsfresh: 0.20.1
- torchxrayvision: 1.2.1
- xgboost: 1.6.2
- optuna: 3.5.0
- matplotlib: 3.5.3
- transformers: 4.30.2
- opencv-python:
- nltk: 3.8.1
- rouge-metric: 1.0.1
- torch: 1.13.1
Clinicians within DC-AI-SpeedRCTs simulator conduct a two-stage diagnosis with or without model assistance. The first stage consists of a rapid bedside assessment based on basic non-laboratory items and the patient's medical history. The second stage involves a comprehensive laboratory diagnosis, incorporating advanced tests such as medical imaging. Here, we use "preliminary" to refer to the first stage and "final" to refer to the second stage.
No. | Code | Description |
1 | requirements.txt | Install environment. |
2 | project_path.py | Modify to current project path. |
3 | download cxr jpg. | CxrJpg_download link |
4 | download pre-training model. | BioBert download link |
6 | cd simulator/data_process/ | Change directory. |
7 | python 1_log_to_csv.py | Parsing the clinicians's diagnosis logs. |
8 | python csv_to_embedding.py | Patient information embedding(including imaging jpg using TorchXRayVision, imaging reports using BioBERT, and temporal examinations using TSFresh). |
No. | Code | Description |
1 | cd simulator/data_process/ | Change directory. |
2 | python 3_final_embedding.py 'sequence' | Generating preliminary specialized model input data.(Including Clinician, Model and Patient information.) |
3 | cd simulator/specialized/click_sequence/ | Change directory. |
5 | python train.py | Model training. |
6 | python predict_and_eval.py | Model evaluation and prediction. |
7 | python predict_nextact.py | Predicting the percentage for the next check expect coxphm data.The predicted results will be loaded into the final model input. |
The final model input data will require patient advanced item Ratio to be tested according to the predicted results from the 'Clinician Click Sequence Model'.
No. | Code | Description |
1 | cd simulator/data_process/ | Change directory. |
2 | python 3_final_embedding.py 'sepsis_preliminary' | Generating preliminary and final specialized model input data.(Including Clinician, Model and Patient information.) |
3 | python 3_final_embedding.py 'sepsis_final' | Generating preliminary and final specialized model input data.(Including Clinician, Model and Patient information.) |
4 | cd simulator/specialized | Change directory. |
5 | python 1_preliminary_sepsis_diag.py 'train' | Training with the specialized model for preliminary diagnosis. |
5 | python 1_preliminary_sepsis_diag.py 'test' | Testing with the specialized model for preliminary diagnosis. |
6 | python 3_preliminary_sepsis_diagtime.py 'train' | Training with the specialized model for preliminary diagnosis time. |
6 | python 3_preliminary_sepsis_diagtime.py 'test' | Testing with the specialized model for preliminary diagnosis time. |
7 | python 4_final_sepsis_diag.py 'train' | Training with the specialized model for final diagnosis. |
7 | python 4_final_sepsis_diag.py 'test' | Testing with the specialized model for final diagnosis. |
8 | python 5_final_sepsis_diagtime.py 'train' | Training with the specialized model for final diagnosis time. |
8 | python 5_final_sepsis_diagtime.py 'test' | Testing with the specialized model for final diagnosis time. |
Generalized simulator provides general simulation and has no patient sector.
model = 0h or 3h
No. | Code | Description |
1 | cd simulator/data_process/ | Change directory. |
1 | python 3_final_embedding.py 'normal_{model}_preliminary' | Generating preliminary generalized model input data.(Including Clinician, Model and Patient information.) |
1 | cd simulator/generalized/{model}/ | Change directory. |
2 | python 1_preliminary_{model}_diag.py 'train' | Training with the generalized model for preliminary diagnosis. |
2 | python 1_preliminary_{model}_diag.py 'test' | Testing with the generalized model for preliminary diagnosis. |
3 | python 3_preliminary_{model}_diagtime.py 'train' | Training with the generalized model for preliminary diagnosis time. |
3 | python 3_preliminary_{model}_diagtime.py 'test' | Testing with the generalized model for preliminary diagnosis time. |
No. | Code | Description |
1 | cd simulator/data_process/ | Change directory. |
1 | python 3_final_embedding.py 'normal_{model}_preliminary' | Generating preliminary generalized model input data.(Including Clinician, Model and Patient information.) |
1 | cd simulator/generalized/{model}/ | Change directory. |
2 | python 2_preliminary_{model}_action.py 'train' | Training with the generalized model for patient advanced item ratio to be tested. |
2 | python 2_preliminary_{model}_action.py 'test' | Testing with the generalized model for patient advanced item ratio to be tested. |
2 | python 2_preliminary_{model}_action.py 'predict' | Predicting with the generalized model for patient advanced item ratio to be tested.The predicted results will be loaded into the final model input. |
The final model input data will require the predicted results from model "Patient Advanced Item Ratio to be Tested ".
No. | Code | Description |
1 | cd simulator/data_process/ | Change directory. |
2 | python 3_final_embedding.py 'normal_{model}_final' | Generating final generalized model input data.(Including Clinician, Model and Patient information.) |
3 | cd simulator/generalized/{model}/ | Change directory. |
4 | python 4_final_{model}_diag.py 'train' | Training with the generalized model for final diagnosis. |
4 | python 4_final_{model}_diag.py 'test' | Testing with the generalized model for final diagnosis. |
5 | python 5_final_{model}_diagtime.py 'train' | Training with the generalized model for final diagnosis time. |
5 | python 5_final_{model}_diagtime.py 'test' | Testing with the generalized model for final diagnosis time. |
No. | Code | Description |
1 | cd generator/ | Change directory. |
2 | python randomdoc_num.py | Generate the number of user-defined virtual clinicians with new features through stratified sampling. |
3 | python randomdoc_logcsv.py | Parsing the virtual clinician's diagnosis logs. |
4 | python randomdoc_csv_to_embedding.py | Patient information embedding(including imaging jpg using TorchXRayVision, imaging reports using BioBERT, and temporal examinations using TSFresh). |
5 | python randomdoc_sepsis_nextact_predict.py | Predicting the advanced item ratio for patients using virtual clinician. The predicted results will be loaded into the final model input. |
6 | python randomdoc_first_final_embedding.py | Generating model input data. (Including Virtual Clinician, Model and Patient information.) |
cd generator/ramdomdoc_analyze/ | Switch Path. | |
7 | vi randomdoc_constant.py | Choose DC-AI-SpeedRCTs Simulator model between Specialized 0h, Generalized 0h, or Generalized 3h. |
8 | python main_diag_randomdoc.py | Output the number of samples, the diagnosis accuracy of virtual clinician. |
9 | python main_diag_truedoc.py | Output the number of samples, the diagnosis accuracy of human clinician. |
10 | python main_diagtime_randomdoc.py | Output the number of samples, the diagnosis time of virtual clinician. |
11 | python main_diagtime_truedoc.py | Output the number of samples, the diagnosis time of human clinician. |
12 | python main_normal_nextact_randomdoc.py | Output examination item percentage to be viewed for final diagnosis of virtual clinician. |
13 | python main_normal_nextact_truedoc.py | Output examination item percentage to be viewed for final diagnosis of human clinician. |
No. | Code | Description |
cd usage-example-coxphm/ | Change directory. | |
1 | python coxphm_feature_embedding.py '***_preliminary' | Generating preliminary specialized and generalized model input data on the coxphm data.(Including Clinician, Model and Patient information.) |
cd simulator/specialized/click_sequence/ | Change directory. | |
2 | python predict_nextact_coxphm.py | Predicting with the specialized model for patient advanced item ratio to be tested on the coxphm data.The predicted results will be loaded into the final model input. |
cd simulator/generalized/ | Change directory. | |
3 | python 0h/2_preliminary_0h_action.py 'predict' | Predicting with the generalized 0h model for patient advanced item ratio to be tested on the coxphm data.The predicted results will be loaded into the final model input. |
4 | python 3h/2_preliminary_3h_action.py 'predict' | Predicting with the generalized 3h model for patient advanced item ratio to be tested on the coxphm data.The predicted results will be loaded into the final model input. |
cd usage-example-coxphm/ | Change directory. | |
5 | python coxphm_feature_embedding.py '***_final' | Generating final specialized and generalized model input data on the coxphm.(Including Clinician, Model and Patient information.) |
6 | vi model_name_constant.py | Choose DC-AI-SpeedRCTs Simulator model between Specialized 0h, Generalized 0h, or Generalized 3h. |
7 | python main_diag_coxphm.py | Output the number of samples, the diagnosis accuracy of human clinician or virtual clinician on the coxphm data. |
8 | python main_diagtime_coxphm.py | Output the number of samples, the diagnosis time of human clinician or virtual clinician on the coxphm data. |
9 | python main_nextact_coxphm.py | Output examination item percentage to be viewed for final diagnosis of human clinician or virtual clinician on the coxphm data. |