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Read out something swiftly. Download

Update: The version after 0.6 includes a new keyword pronounce. If you prefer not having it, you could either download the old version or delete disable the keyword in the workflow manually.

Does this ever happen to you? That you want to have a quick check of the pronunciation of a word/sentence without being diverted too much, Or you want to surprise your classmates in a boring lecture (and no one would realise that's you)?

Now with say-workflow, you can do all of these just with simple clicks on your keyboard.

This workflow is designed for Alfred3 or above. For full functionality, you should have the following:

Keyword \ Requirements Alfred Powerpack requests* afplay OED API
say Yes No No No
pronounce Yes Yes Yes Yes

* for for python (/usr/bin/python).


Double-click on say_command.alfredworkflow or info.plist in the folder, Alfred will start loading it.

For pronounce, you should register at Oxford English Dictionary API to get a developer API id and key. Fill them into the workflow manually to enable this keyword.


It reads text swiftly without open terminal or a text file.


  1. Toggle Alfred 1

  2. Type in the keyword 2
    say and return, or

  3. Type in either Language code or the text directly by default, it will speak in the language of your system's preference:
    this is the same from saying
    say: Can't understand at all! in the Terminal.
    or you could indicate what language do you want it to speak in:
    with or without blank space after it:
    and return, bob's your uncle!

Since ver. 0.4, say-workflow is able to recognise anagrams of the language codes. E.g. Pj and Jp are valid synonyms for jp.

Pronounce (after ver. 0.6)

pronounce followed by a word that you want to check. You should fill in your own API into the workflow to enable this function.



  • If you would like to change the voice or add more languages, just add them in the dictionary called langs in the source code.
    langs = {'jp':'Kyoko','en':'Daniel'}
    add it like this:
    langs = {'jp':'Kyoko','en':'Daniel','ch':'Sinji'}
    for voices names and their corresponding abbreviations, check “say” in different language?.
  • If you type in a word but nothing has happened. check if the text you've typed in is valid under the language you chose. If it doesn't help, raise an issue and I will sort it ASAP.


  • It keep returns (pronouncing) error, check if the OED API has been correctly configured as the following: 6