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Results Output

Matthew Kelly edited this page Jul 30, 2017 · 1 revision


Fogg now returns a resultant object on a successful deployment, containing details about what was just deployed. If you don't want Fogg to return this output than supply the -NoOutput argument when running Fogg.

The result object contains information for each Resource Group that is deployed, such as the Location, StorageAccount, VNets and VMs. The object is a simple Hash Table and can be tranversed like any hash table/json object in PowerShell.

The basics of the object look like the following for one Resource Group:

    "resource-group-name": {
        "Location": "westeurope",
        "VirtualNetwork": {
            "Name": "name-vnet",
            "ResourceGroupName": "resource-group-name",
            "Address": ""
        "StorageAccount": {
            "Name": "namestdsa"
        "VirtualMachineInfo": {
            "vm-tag": {
                "Subnet": {
                    "Name": "name-vm-tag-snet",
                    "AddressPrefix": ""
                "AvailabilitySet": "name-vm-tag-as",
                "LoadBalancer": {
                    "Name": "name-vm-tag-lb",
                    "PublicIP": "",
                    "PrivateIP": "",
                    "Port": 443
                "VirtualMachines": [
                        "Name": "name-vm-tag1",
                        "PrivateIP": "",
                        "PublicIP": ""
                        "Name": "name-vm-tag2",
                        "PrivateIP": "",
                        "PublicIP": ""

With the result object, you are now able to run further remote commands on just deployed VMs, as you can retrieve a VM's IP via:

$ip = $result.'resource-group-name'.VirtualMachineInfo.'vm-tag'.VirtualMachines[0].PublicIP
# returns: for 'name-vm-tag1'
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