## dde-dock datetime plugin (modified version) English | [简体中文](README_zh_CN.md) *Please notice that this is **NOT** an official project* ### Screenshot ![Screenshot of pineappledatetime](https://github.com/BLumia/dde-dock-pineappledatetime/raw/media/screenshot.png) ### Info Simple quick hack to make it display year/month/day on it's `Dock::Efficient` mode. Also some really little simple tweak to make it compilable without fetching the full dde-dock repo. Current codebase is fork from [dde-dock#39c1a6b](https://github.com/linuxdeepin/dde-dock/commit/39c1a6b609c65026a505bd6b74a451bff26ee456). You can checkout the commit history and do a `diff` to see what I did changed. ### Usage We assume you already enabled a `deb-src` source in your `/etc/apt/sources.list` thus you can use `apt build-dep ` to install build depts. Then you need do `apt build-dep dde-dock` first, and install `dde-dock-dev` package by doing `apt install dde-dock-dev`. Of course you can also install the build depts manually if you like. To compile and run: ``` bash # you should clone it first: git clone https://github.com/BLumia/dde-dock-pineappledatetime.git && cd dde-dock-pineappledatetime/ # create a folder for building it: mkdir build cd build/ # then build it: cmake ../ make # then you got `libpineappledatetime.so` # this will copy this into `/usr/lib/dde-dock/plugins/` sudo make install # finally, restart `dde-dock` (kill it and dde will restart it automatically) killall dde-dock ``` > Notice: You can put your plugin inside `~/.local/lib/dde-dock/plugins/` instead of `/usr/lib/dde-dock/plugins/` after dde-dock version `4.10.4` (version `>4.10.4`). Then done! ### License GPLv3 (as required, same as original license)