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Azure NVMe Preflight Check

Azure NVMe Preflight Check is a bash script that validates and prepares a Linux operating system before moving to NVMe enabled virtual machines.

NVMe enabled virtual machines provide higher IOPS and throughput for disk drives.

You can learn more about Azure NVMe enabled virtual machines on

How to run the script

azure-nvme-VM-update.ps1 [-subscription_id] <String> [-resource_group_name] <String>
    [-vm_name] <String> [[-disk_controller_change_to] <String>] [-vm_size_change_to] <String> [[-start_vm_after_update] <Boolean>] [[-write_logfile] <Boolean>] [-ignore_vmsku_check]

The script has some mandatory parameters:

Parameter Description
subscription_id Subscription ID of VM
resource_group_name Resource Group Name for VM
vm_name Virtual Machine name
vm_size_change_to New VM Size, if you want to stay with existing VM just enter the same VM type
disk_controller_change_to NVMe or SCSI
start_vm_after_update true or false, default is true
write_logfile also store log in file, default false
ignore_vmsku_check ignore the check for VM SKU availability in region