## Azure App Configuration Extension release notes The Azure App Configuration extension in Azure DevOps pipeline has been published to [Azure DevOps marketplace](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=AzureAppConfiguration.azure-app-configuration-task&ssr=false#overview). The version of the Azure App Configuration task being used will print to the console when the task is executed: ![sample](pictures/AzureDevOpsExtensionVersionSample.PNG) ### v7.0.0 - November, 20 2023 **Breaking changes** - Updated to fail the task if any Key Vault references cannot be resolved or if the resolved values are unable to be set as a pipeline secret. To avoid failing the task due to Key Vault errors, you can enable the new option to treat these errors as warnings detailed below. **Enhancement** - Added an option to treat Key Vault resolution errors as warnings. ### v6.5.0 - October, 13 2023 * Added capability to use workload identity federation for authentication. ### v6.0.0 - February, 02 2023 **Breaking changes** - Updated the task to require Node.js 16. It previously required 10. - Updated the minimum supported azure pipeline agent version to [2.206.1](https://github.com/microsoft/azure-pipelines-agent/releases/tag/v2.206.1) or later. Previously it was [2.144.0](https://github.com/microsoft/azure-pipelines-agent/releases/tag/v2.144.0). **Bug fixes** - Fixed a bug that caused an invalid secret URL warning when resolving key vault references in sovereign clouds. ### v5.2.0 - March, 02 2022 Fixed a bug that caused an invalid_client error when using certificate-based authentication [#608](https://github.com/Azure/AppConfiguration/issues/608). ### v5.1.0 - January, 07 2022 * **Breaking change**: With the added support of sovereign clouds such as Azure Government and Azure China, the task inputs were updated. **Before**: Task input was *App Configuration Name* **After**: Task input was updated to *App Configuration endpoint*. The *App Configuration endpoint* can be gotten from the App Configuration store overview page. ### v4.0.0 - October, 12 2021 * Upgraded task to use Node 10. It previously used Node 6. ### v3.5.16 - July, 22 2021 * Added the capability to use certificate based authentication. * Added logs that show more details with reference to parameters used to run the task. * Fixed a bug that caused the warning "Can\'t find loc string for key:CouldNotFetchAccessTokenforAzureStatusCode causes app config azdo task to fail" [#520](https://github.com/Azure/AppConfiguration/issues/520). ### v3.4.16 - March, 12 2021 * Added the capability to use managed identity based authentication. ### v3.3.16 - February, 16 2021 * Fixed incorrect tooltip help messages for task parameters in task editor UI [#447](https://github.com/Azure/AppConfiguration/issues/447) * Updated error message when certificate based authentication is used to indicate that it is not supported. ### v3.2.16 - December, 10 2020 * Updated the readme ### v3.2.15 - December, 10 2020 * Fixed an issue causing the task to partially succeed when key-values are overwritten [#372](https://github.com/Azure/AppConfiguration/issues/372) * Improved error message when required parameters are not provided ### v3.0.14 - May, 15 2020 * Fixed an issue causing the task to fail when run in a Linux pipeline. [#327](https://github.com/Azure/AppConfiguration/issues/327) ### v3.0.13 - May, 04 2020 * Fixed the issue that some symbols, for example, percent sign (%), could not be set to Pipeline Task variables correctly. [#313](https://github.com/Azure/AppConfiguration/issues/313) ### v2.0.11 - March, 24 2020 * The Azure App Configuration pipeline task for the Azure DevOps is now generally available. * Added `FAQ` section to the [documentation](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=AzureAppConfiguration.azure-app-configuration-task). ### v2.0.10 - March, 21 2020 * Added support for trimming key prefixes before setting as pipeline variables. * Added support for resolving Key Vault references and setting as pipeline secrets. ### v2.0.9 - January, 21 2020 * **Breaking change**: With the support of Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) by the App Configuration service, the permission of this pipeline task can be granted with more granular and specific access control. **Before** The *Service Connection* of this pipeline task is granted `Contributor` role in access control of the App Configuration store. **After** The *Service Connection* of this pipeline task is granted `Azure App Configuration Data Reader` role in access control of the App Configuration store. ### v1.6.8 - December, 02 2019 * Fixed the issue that the `App Configuration name` dropdown is not populated if the App Configuration pipeline task is added to the pipeline YAML file via the `assistant` UI of Tasks. [#202](https://github.com/Azure/AppConfiguration/issues/202) ### v1.6.7 - September, 04 2019 * Updated to use the authorization header syntax that is compliant with the REST API spec. * Included API version for all requests sent to Azure App Configuration. ### v1.6.6 - June, 24 2019 * Improved [homepage documentation](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=AzureAppConfiguration.azure-app-configuration-task): * Added a link to this release notes. * Added an example of how to consume fetched key-values. ### v1.6.3 - June, 03 2019 * Added support for auto-populated `App Configuration name` dropdown from a textbox. * Reset environment variables with invalid keys now prints a masked value, `****`, instead of the actual value of the key-value. ### v1.4.48 - May, 06 2019 * Initial version. * Added Azure App Configuration Extension to [Azure DevOps Marketplace](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/). * Integrated with pipeline framework control `Azure subscription` so that user could use existing `Connection Endpoint` to auth with Azure App Configuration instance. * Added support for `Key filter` and `Label` to query matched key-values.