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A Wordpress site by Pivotal Agency


1. Clone this repo

git clone <repo-url>

2. Copy .env.example to .env and add your environment's settings

cp .env.example .env

3. Import the DB

Once imported: scrub any sensitive data (eg. customer info, credit card tokens etc).

4. Install dependencies (composer, npm)

composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
( cd web/app/themes/pvtl; yarn )

Local development


Working in the Pivotal Docker Dev environment, you'll need to do the following:

  • You'll need DB_HOST=mysql in your .env
  • You'll need to create a symlink of /public to /web (ln -s web public)
  • Your Hostname will need to be {website}.pub.localhost (note the .pub)

Developing With NPM, Gulp, SASS and Browser Sync


From the pvtl theme directory: to work and compile your Sass files on the fly start:

  • $ gulp watch

Or, to run with Browser-Sync:

  • First change the browser-sync options to reflect your environment in the file /gulpconfig.json in the beginning of the file:
  "browserSyncOptions" : {
    "proxy": "localhost/wordpress/",
    "notify": false
  • then run: $ gulp watch-bs

[1] Visit for more information on Browser Sync

Wordpress Plugins

Wordpress Plugins are managed through composer.


  • Visit WP Packagist
  • Find the plugin (eg. akismet)
  • Copy the packagist name (eg. wpackagist-plugin/plugin-name) and run composer require wpackagist-plugin/plugin-name


Simply update the plugin's version number (to the desired version) in composer.json and run composer update.


Simply run composer remove wpackagist-plugin/plugin-name

Gutenburg (w/ ACF) Blocks


  • All blocks must reside in /template-parts/blocks
  • Blocks are a (PHP) Class made up of:
    • Config (eg. it's name, icon for backend, description etc)
    • A render method, which outputs HTML on the front-end (and a basic layout in the Gutenburg editor)
  • Blocks are automatically registered, based on the fact that they live in the blocks directory and contain what they need to (i.e. config, render method) in the correct format
  • A Block gets fields from the ACF Pro plugin. After registering a plugin (by simply creating a correctly formatted block file), you must then create a new ACF Field Group, add the fields you need and assign that field group to the Block registered


  • Blocks are built with ACF Pro, so require the ACF Pro plugin v5.8.0+ (installed and activated)
  • Block file names (and Gutenburg blocks) must ONLY start with a letter (eg. NOT a number)
  • Your Block's Class name and file name must match (file name in dash-case and class name in CamelCase)
    • eg. a filename of hero-banner.php must have the class name of HeroBanner