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Ara Identity Command Line Guide


Ara Developer setup

$ git clone [email protected]:AraBlocks/ara-identity.git
$ cd ara-identity
$ npm install && npm link

Ara User setup

$ npm install arablocks/ara-identity --global


$ aid --help
usage: aid [-hDV] <command> [options]

  aid create                      Create an identity
  aid archive [did]               Archive identity in network
  aid resolve [did]               Resolve an identity
  aid list                        Output local identities
  aid whoami                      Output current Ara identity in context (.ararc)
  aid recover                     Recover an Ara identity using a mnemonic
  aid keystore-dump [did] [type]  Recover a private ethereum|ara key
  aid revoke                      Revoke an Ara identity using a mnemonic

General Options:
  --help, -h     Show this help message
  --debug, -D    Enable debug output
  --version, -V  Show program version


1. aid create

Create an Ara ID through the command line. Prompts user for password for encryption.

$ aid create -h
usage: aid create [-D] [options]

General Options:
  --help, -h     Show this help message
  --debug, -D    Enable debug output
  --version, -V  Show program version


$ aid create
? Your identitys keystore will be secured by a passphrase.
Please provide a passphrase. Do not forget this as it will never be shown to you.
Passphrase: [hidden]

 ara: info:  New identity created: did:ara:4d7eba2809e627168054cae10a3a08fbdb9f5d58cd0e26a565c1c14c4157cb45
 ara: warn:  Will write identity file: ddo.json
 ara: warn:  Will write identity file: keystore/eth
 ara: warn:  Will write identity file: keystore/ara
 ara: warn:  Will write identity file: schema.proto
 ara: warn:  Will write identity file: identity
 ara: info:  Please safely store the following 12 word mnemonic phrase for this
 ara: info:  Ara ID. This phrase will be required to restore your Ara ID.
 ara: info:  It will never be shown again:
 ara: info:

║ glad kangaroo coyote rich detail grief matrix spirit jeans owner heart net ║

2. aid archive

Archive an Ara ID to a remote server from the command line. Prompts user for password for verification.

$ aid archive -h
usage: aid archive [-D] [options]

  did  [default: ]

Network Options:
  --secret, -s   Shared secret key for the associated network keys  [required]
  --keyring, -k  Path to Ara network keyring file  [required]
  --network, -n  Human readable network name for keys in keyring  [required]

General Options:
  --help, -h     Show this help message
  --debug, -D    Enable debug output
  --version, -V  Show program version


$ aid archive did:ara:4d7eba2809e627168054cae10a3a08fbdb9f5d58cd0e26a565c1c14c4157cb45 \
              -s test-secret \
              -n archiver \
              -k ~/.ara/keyrings/

? Please provide a passphrase for your identity. This is needed to archive your identity.
Passphrase: [hidden]
 ara: warn:  Archiving new identity for network /home/ubuntu/.ara/keyrings/
 ara: info:  Got hello from archiver node: key=35e2e3ec mac=5d8c8995
 ara: info:  Authenticated with archiver node: keys=c9e1b5f4 signature=dbb8c339
 ara: info:  Got okay from archiver node: signature=dbb8c339
 ara: info:  1 connection made
 ara: info:  Successfully archived identity to network archiver

3. aid resolve

Resolve an Ara ID to its DID document from a local copy or from a remote server.

$ aid resolver -h
usage: aid resolve [-D] [options]

  did  [default: ""]

Network Options:
  --secret, -s   Shared secret key for the associated network keys.
  --keyring, -k  Path to Ara network keyring file
  --network, -n  Human readable network name for keys in keyring

Resolution Options:
  --cache, -C    Enable or disable cache  [boolean] [default: true]
  --timeout, -t  Resolution timeout

General Options:
  --help, -h     Show this help message
  --debug, -D    Enable debug output
  --version, -V  Show program version


$ aid resolve 4d7eba2809e627168054cae10a3a08fbdb9f5d58cd0e26a565c1c14c4157cb45 \
              -s test-secret \
              -n resolver \
              -k ~/.ara/keyrings/

  "@context": "",
  "id": "did:ara:4d7eba2809e627168054cae10a3a08fbdb9f5d58cd0e26a565c1c14c4157cb45",
  "publicKey": [
      "id": "did:ara:4d7eba2809e627168054cae10a3a08fbdb9f5d58cd0e26a565c1c14c4157cb45#owner",
      "type": "Ed25519VerificationKey2018",
      "owner": "did:ara:4d7eba2809e627168054cae10a3a08fbdb9f5d58cd0e26a565c1c14c4157cb45",
      "publicKeyHex": "4d7eba2809e627168054cae10a3a08fbdb9f5d58cd0e26a565c1c14c4157cb45",
      "publicKeyBase58": "6DWUK3mwZEGEBjazCWxURuLKgtw3BH8dEs4QfQCJxK32",
      "publicKeyBase64": "E1+uigJ5icWgFTK4Qo6CPvbn11YzQ4mpWXBwUxBV8tF"
      "id": "did:ara:4d7eba2809e627168054cae10a3a08fbdb9f5d58cd0e26a565c1c14c4157cb45#eth",
      "type": "Secp256k1VerificationKey2018",
      "owner": "did:ara:4d7eba2809e627168054cae10a3a08fbdb9f5d58cd0e26a565c1c14c4157cb45",
      "publicKeyHex": "6cc2eae7aa46f4fa81e06478b55db6e104e3cca5fbd30fef6254673475ce4b9c835ef60b1cf50bfe2d6c9112f6d8991634bc0027b63668906ff0cd11da06936a",
      "publicKeyBase58": "3B7yqU1AUBJ3d9o1pQ28pzQFd8Am7MJ75UaJV4ecbWWAphwV8bjL9YkuZgCVxkbB68tMd2CEhnHoAZtDAse1LeEm",
      "publicKeyBase64": "Bswurnqkb0+oHgZHi1XbbhBOPMpfvTD+9iVGc0dc5LnINe9gsc9Qv+LWyREvbYmRY0vAAntjZokG/wzRHaBpNq"
  "authentication": [
      "publicKey": "did:ara:4d7eba2809e627168054cae10a3a08fbdb9f5d58cd0e26a565c1c14c4157cb45#owner",
      "type": "Ed25519SignatureAuthentication2018"
      "publicKey": "did:ara:4d7eba2809e627168054cae10a3a08fbdb9f5d58cd0e26a565c1c14c4157cb45#eth",
      "type": "Secp256k1SignatureAuthentication2018"
  "service": [],
  "created": "2018-09-20T18:05:49.347Z",
  "updated": "2018-09-20T18:05:49.347Z",
  "proof": {
    "type": "Ed25519VerificationKey2018",
    "nonce": "9bfb9a6a2c96a5c8fb579b6906e4d7eba93da51945e9923db15fa89493db79d9",
    "domain": "ara",
    "created": "2018-09-20T18:05:49.351Z",
    "creator": "did:ara:4d7eba2809e627168054cae10a3a08fbdb9f5d58cd0e26a565c1c14c4157cb45#owner",
    "signatureValue": "f1bfaaed64ca2c19c1d25b3f9af31dc3b8a78cd2af9e73a218c3c76e0ac3d2fbd0656aaf4a00db6a4721132625cc2d9fe5e766fa07f3b93223d8cbaac7b4870b"

4. aid list

List all identities present locally in a given path. Defaults to Ara root directory.

$ aid list -h
usage: aid list [-D] [options]

List Options:
  --path, -p  Path to look for identities

General Options:
  --help, -h     Show this help message
  --debug, -D    Enable debug output
  --version, -V  Show program version


$ aid list

5. aid whoami

Resolve an Ara identity based on the runtime configuration in the .ararc file under [network.identity].

;; Example .ararc

whoami = did:ara:4d7eba2809e627168054cae10a3a08fbdb9f5d58cd0e26a565c1c14c4157cb45

[network.identity] is the variable from which the runtime value from which whoami is retrieved.

$ aid whoami -h
usage: aid whoami [-D] [options]

Resolution Options:
  --cache, -C    Enable or disable cache  [boolean] [default: true]
  --timeout, -t  Resolution timeout

General Options:
  --help, -h     Show this help message
  --debug, -D    Enable debug output
  --version, -V  Show program version


$ aid whoami

6. aid recover

Recover a lost Ara ID from a valid bip39 mnemonic provided during creation.

$ aid recover -h
usage: aid [-D] recover [options]

Recovery Options:
  --mnemonic, -m  Valid bip39 mnemonic  [required]

General Options:
  --help, -h     Show this help message
  --debug, -D    Enable debug output
  --version, -V  Show program version


$ aid recover -m 'glad kangaroo coyote rich detail grief matrix spirit jeans owner heart net'
? Your identity's keystore will be secured by a passphrase after recovery.
Please provide a passphrase. Do not forget this as it will never be shown to you.
Passphrase: [hidden]
 ara: info:  Identity recovered : did:ara:c293cfc3f1bb21c5dec7e6273961aa2e3565f3db4d896851dd13612b02918478
 ara: warn:  Will write identity file: ddo.json
 ara: warn:  Will write identity file: keystore/eth
 ara: warn:  Will write identity file: keystore/ara
 ara: warn:  Will write identity file: schema.proto
 ara: warn:  Will write identity file: identity
 ara: info:  Identity recovered successfully.

7. aid keystore-dump

Recover secret keys and secret storages for Ara and Web3 for a given an Ara ID. Requires a password for verification.

$ aid keystore-dump -h
usage: aid keystore-dump [-D] [options]

  did  [default: "did:ara:c293cfc3f1bb21c5dec7e6273961aa2e3565f3db4d896851dd13612b02918478"]

  --type, -t            Type of private key to be recovered
  --secret-storage, -S  Set true if secret storage needs to be retrieved [boolean] [default: false]
  --path, -p            Path to look for did directory
  --quiet, -q           Only output errors and results  [default: false]

General Options:
  --help, -h     Show this help message
  --debug, -D    Enable debug output
  --version, -V  Show program version

Example (Ara keystore)

$ aid keystore-dump did:ara:c293cfc3f1bb21c5dec7e6273961aa2e3565f3db4d896851dd13612b02918478 ara
? Please enter the passphrase associated with the identity.
Passphrase: [hidden]

 ara: info:  Ara private key: 1845786828b7dfc7273d10617899306476756385bab550214647b8bd......

Example (Eth keystore)

$ aid keystore-dump did:ara:c293cfc3f1bb21c5dec7e6273961aa2e3565f3db4d896851dd13612b02918478 eth
? Please enter the passphrase associated with the identity.
Passphrase: [hidden]

 ara: info:  Ara ID Ethereum private key: b50955c58c7e773da62b85e0e6a38f5c2283f4bfdad7d7ddaaa9d8b43f21991a

Example (Ethereum secret storage keystore)

$ aid keystore-dump did:ara:c293cfc3f1bb21c5dec7e6273961aa2e3565f3db4d896851dd13612b02918478 eth --secret-storage true
? Please enter the passphrase associated with the identity.
Passphrase: [hidden]


Example (Ara secret storage keystore)

$ aid keystore-dump did:ara:c293cfc3f1bb21c5dec7e6273961aa2e3565f3db4d896851dd13612b02918478 ara --secret-storage true
? Please enter the passphrase associated with the identity.
Passphrase: [hidden]


8. aid revoke

Revoke your Ara identity by providing the valid bip39 mnemonic returned during creation. This action cannot be reverted once published into the network.

Note: Once revoked, please archive your identity to publish the changes into the ara network

$ aid revoke -h
usage: aid [-D] revoke [options]

Revoke Options:
  --mnemonic, -m  Valid bip39 mnemonic  [required]

General Options:
  --help, -h     Show this help message
  --debug, -D    Enable debug output
  --version, -V  Show program version

  --quiet, -q  Only output errors and results  [default: false]


$ aid revoke -m 'glad kangaroo coyote rich detail grief matrix spirit jeans owner heart net'
? Please provide a passphrase. Do not forget this as it will never be shown to you.
Passphrase: [hidden]
 ara: info:  Identity to be revoked : did:ara:c293cfc3f1bb21c5dec7e6273961aa2e3565f3db4d896851dd13612b02918478
 ara: warn:  Will write identity file: ddo.json
 ara: warn:  Will write identity file: keystore/eth
 ara: warn:  Will write identity file: keystore/ara
 ara: warn:  Will write identity file: schema.proto
 ara: warn:  Will write identity file: identity
 ara: info:  Identity revoked successfully.