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Cryptographic functions used in Ara modules.


$ npm install ara-crypto


const crypto = require('ara-crypto')

const message = Buffer.from('message')
const bytes = crypto.randomBytes(32)
const hash = crypto.blake2b(Buffer.from("message"))
const { publicKey, secretKey } = crypto.keyPair()
const signature = crypto.sign(message, secretKey)
const verified = crypto.verify(signature, message, publicKey)
const buffer = crypto.uint64.encode(80)
const number = crypto.uint64.decode(buffer) // 80


Most of the functions exported by this module will check for input correctness. If given incorrect input, a function will throw a TypeError with a message describing the error. In most function, inputs should always be a Buffer.


Generate a buffer of random bytes where size is an unsigned integer greater than 0. This function will throw a TypeError if given incorrect input. This function calls sodium.randombytes_buf internally.

const bytes = crypto.randomBytes(32)

crypto.blake2b(buffer, size)

Generates a blake2b digest hash from input of a given size defaulting to 32 bytes. This function calls crypto_generichash_batch internally.

const hash = crypto.blake2b(Buffer.from("message"))

crypto.discoveryKey(buffer, size, key)

Generate a discovery digest useful for network keys. This function calls crypto_generichash internally.

const { publicKey, secretKey } = crypto.keyPair()
const discoveryKey = crypto.discoveryKey(publicKey)


Generate a public and secret key pair from an optional seed buffer. This function will throw a TypeError if given incorrect input. This function calls crypto_sign_seed_keypair and crypto_sign_keypair internally.

const seed = crypto.randomBytes(32)
const { publicKey, secretKey } = crypto.keyPair(seed)

crypto.sign(message, secretKey)

Sign a message buffer with a secret key buffer. This function will throw a TypeError if given incorrect input. This function calls crypto_sign_detached on a buffer of size crypto_sign_BYTES.

const { publicKey, secretKey } = crypto.keyPair()
const signature = crypto.sign(Buffer.from("hello"), secretKey)

crypto.verify(signature, message, publicKey)

Verify signature for a message signed with a given public key. This function will throw a TypeError if given incorrect input. This function calls crypto_sign_verify_detached internally.

const { publicKey, secretKey } = crypto.keyPair()
const message = Buffer.from("hello")
const signature = crypto.sign(message, secretKey)
const verified = crypto.verify(signature, message, publicKey)
if (verified) {
  // message was signed with secret key corresponding to the
  // given public that generated the given signature

crypto.uint64.encode(value, size)

Encode an unsigned 64-bit big endian number into a buffer of a given size defaulting to 8 bytes.

const buffer = crypto.uint64.encode(80)


Decode an unsigned 64-bit big endian buffer into a number

const buffer = crypto.uint64.encode(80)
const number = crypto.uint64.decode(buffer) // 80

crypto.encrypt(value, opts)

Encrypts value into a "crypto" object configured by an initialization vector (iv) and secret key (key) with optional cipher and digest algorithms.

const message = Buffer.from('hello')
const key = Buffer.alloc(16).fill('key')
const iv = crypto.randomBytes(16)
const enc = crypto.encrypt(message, {key, iv})

Should output:

{ id: 'a83f4ea0-f486-4d32-82ec-8a047bd085a7',
  version: 0,
    { cipherparams: { iv: 'a292924998b67cf8d1abcb5f1174e7de' },
      ciphertext: '5e46475c92',
      cipher: 'aes-128-ctr',
      digest: 'sha1',
      mac: '702deecad7b3bf12ae9bcff7cfd13ee24e43cd13' } }

crypto.decrypt(value, opts)

Decrypt an encrypted "crypto" object into the originally encoded buffer.

const message = Buffer.from('hello')
const key = Buffer.alloc(16).fill('key')
const iv = crypto.randomBytes(16)
const enc = crypto.encrypt(message, {key, iv})
const dec = crypto.decrypt(enc, {key})
assert(0 ==, message))

