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Cryptographic functions used in Ara modules.


This project is in active development.



$ npm install ara-crypto


const crypto = require('ara-crypto')

const message = Buffer.from('message')
const bytes = crypto.randomBytes(32)
const hash = crypto.blake2b(Buffer.from("message"))
const { publicKey, secretKey } = crypto.keyPair()
const signature = crypto.sign(message, secretKey)
const verified = crypto.verify(signature, message, publicKey)
const buffer = crypto.uint64.encode(80)
const number = crypto.uint64.decode(buffer) // 80


Most of the functions exported by this module will check for input correctness. If given incorrect input, a function will throw a TypeError with a message describing the error. In most functions, inputs should always be a Buffer.


Generate a buffer of random bytes where size is an unsigned integer greater than 0. This function will throw a TypeError if given incorrect input. This function calls sodium.randombytes_buf internally.

const bytes = crypto.randomBytes(32)

crypto.blake2b(buffer, size)

Generates a blake2b digest hash from input of a given size defaulting to 32 bytes. This function calls crypto_generichash_batch internally.

const hash = crypto.blake2b(Buffer.from("message"))

crypto.discoveryKey(buffer, size, key)

Generate a discovery digest useful for network keys. This function calls crypto_generichash internally.

const { publicKey, secretKey } = crypto.keyPair()
const discoveryKey = crypto.discoveryKey(publicKey)


Generate a public and secret key pair from an optional seed buffer. This function will throw a TypeError if given incorrect input. This function calls crypto_sign_seed_keypair and crypto_sign_keypair internally.

const seed = crypto.randomBytes(32)
const { publicKey, secretKey } = crypto.keyPair(seed)


Generate a Curve25519 public and secret key pair from an optional seed buffer. This function calls crypto_sign_seed_keypair and crypto_sign_keypair internally and converts to Curve25519 key pair calling crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519 and crypto_sign_ed25519_sk_to_curve25519.

const seed = crypto.randomBytes(32)
const { publicKey, secretKey } = crypto.curve25519.keyPair(seed)

crypto.sign(message, secretKey)

Sign a message buffer with a secret key buffer. This function will throw a TypeError if given incorrect input. This function calls crypto_sign_detached on a buffer of size crypto_sign_BYTES.

const { publicKey, secretKey } = crypto.keyPair()
const signature = crypto.sign(Buffer.from("hello"), secretKey)

crypto.verify(signature, message, publicKey)

Verify signature for a message signed with a given public key. This function will throw a TypeError if given incorrect input. This function calls crypto_sign_verify_detached internally.

const { publicKey, secretKey } = crypto.keyPair()
const message = Buffer.from("hello")
const signature = crypto.sign(message, secretKey)
const verified = crypto.verify(signature, message, publicKey)
if (verified) {
  // message was signed with secret key (corresponding
  // to the given public key) that generated the given signature

crypto.uint64.encode(value, size)

Encode an unsigned 64-bit big endian number into a buffer of a given size defaulting to 8 bytes.

const buffer = crypto.uint64.encode(80)


Decode an unsigned 64-bit big endian buffer into a number

const buffer = crypto.uint64.encode(80)
const number = crypto.uint64.decode(buffer) // 80

crypto.encrypt(value, opts)

Encrypts value into a "crypto" object configured by an initialization vector (iv) and secret key (key) with optional cipher and digest algorithms.

const message = Buffer.from('hello')
const key = Buffer.alloc(16).fill('key')
const iv = crypto.randomBytes(16)
const enc = crypto.encrypt(message, { key, iv })

Should output:

{ id: 'a83f4ea0-f486-4d32-82ec-8a047bd085a7',
  version: 0,
    { cipherparams: { iv: 'a292924998b67cf8d1abcb5f1174e7de' },
      ciphertext: '5e46475c92',
      cipher: 'aes-128-ctr',
      digest: 'sha1',
      mac: '702deecad7b3bf12ae9bcff7cfd13ee24e43cd13' } }

crypto.decrypt(value, opts)

Decrypt an encrypted "crypto" object into the originally encoded buffer.

const message = Buffer.from('hello')
const key = Buffer.alloc(16).fill('key')
const iv = crypto.randomBytes(16)
const enc = crypto.encrypt(message, { key, iv })
const dec = crypto.decrypt(enc, { key })
assert(0 ==, message)), opts)

"Boxes", or encrypts, a buffer from a 32 byte encryption key and a 24-byte nonce.

const key = Buffer.alloc(32); key.fill('SECRET!KEY')
const nonce = crypto.randomBytes(24)
const secret = Buffer.concat([ key, nonce ])
const buffer = Buffer.from('hello!')
const boxed =, { secret }) // or, { nonce, key })
console.log(boxed) // <Buffer 11 8f 40 2b 8a f5 10 08 1f fe 59 b9 97 9c b8 a2 89 e7 b8 78 50 75 ed d9 8e 9c 09 38 0e 81 31 ff fa c6 96 df 57 db 85 ae>


Creates a transform stream that "boxes" messages written to it.

const key = Buffer.alloc(32); key.fill('SECRET!KEY')
const nonce = crypto.randomBytes(24)
const secret = Buffer.concat([ key, nonce ])
const buffer = Buffer.from('hello!')
const stream = crypto.createBoxStream({ secret }) // or crypto.createBoxStream({ nonce, key })
stream.on('data', (chunk) => console.log(chunk)) // cipher text

crypto.unbox(buffer, opts)

"Unboxes" or decrypts a buffer from a 32-byte encryption key and a 24-byte nonce.

const key = Buffer.alloc(32); key.fill('SECRET!KEY')
const nonce = crypto.randomBytes(24)
const secret = Buffer.concat([ key, nonce ])
const buffer = Buffer.from('hello!')
const boxed =, { secret }) // or, { nonce, key })
const unboxed = crypto.unbox(boxed, { secret }) // or crypto.unbox(boxed, { nonce, key })
console.log(unboxed) // hello!


Creates a transform stream that "unboxes" messages written to it.

const key = Buffer.alloc(32); key.fill('SECRET!KEY')
const nonce = crypto.randomBytes(24)
const secret = Buffer.concat([ key, nonce ])
const buffer = Buffer.from('hello!')
const stream = crypto.createUnboxStream({ secret }) // or crypto.createUnboxStream({ nonce, key })
const boxed =, { secret })
stream.on('data', (chunk) => console.log(chunk)) // hello!

crypto.auth(message, key)

Generates and returns a message authentication code (MAC) for a given message and secret key.

const message = Buffer.from('hello')
const key = crypto.randomBytes(32)
const mac = auth(message, key)

Secret + Nonce based message authentication codes:

const message = Buffer.from('hello')
const secret = getSecretFromSomeWhere()
const nonce = crypto.randomBytes(32)
const key = crypto.blake2b(Buffer.concat([secret, nonce]))
const mac = auth(message, key)

crypto.auth.verify(mac, message, key)

Verifies the authenticity of a message with a given message authentication code (MAC) and secret key.

const message = Buffer.from('hello')
const key = crypto.randomBytes(32)
const mac = auth(message, key)

if (false === verify(mac, message, key)) {
  throw new Error('Message forged!')


Generates a key exchange key pair.

const seed = crypto.randomBytes(32)
const kp = crypto.kx.keyPair(seed)


Compute sender (tx) and receiver (rx) session keys for a client based on a remote's public key.

const remotePublicKey = getRemotePublicKey()
const { publicKey, secretKey } = getClientKeyPair()
const client = kx.client({
  remote: { publicKey: remotePublicKey }


Compute sender (tx) and receiver (rx) session keys for a remote based on a client's public key.

const clientPublicKey = getClientPublicKey()
const { publicKey, secretKey } = getRemoteKeyPair()
const remote = kx.remote({
  client: { publicKey: clientPublicKey }


See Also

