package config import ( "fmt" "math" "net/url" "time" apiv1 "" metav1 "" "" wfv1 "" ) type ResourceRateLimit struct { Limit float64 `json:"limit"` Burst int `json:"burst"` } // Config contain the configuration settings for the workflow controller type Config struct { // NodeEvents configures how node events are emitted NodeEvents NodeEvents `json:"nodeEvents,omitempty"` // Executor holds container customizations for the executor to use when running pods Executor *apiv1.Container `json:"executor,omitempty"` // MainContainer holds container customization for the main container MainContainer *apiv1.Container `json:"mainContainer,omitempty"` // KubeConfig specifies a kube config file for the wait & init containers KubeConfig *KubeConfig `json:"kubeConfig,omitempty"` // ArtifactRepository contains the default location of an artifact repository for container artifacts ArtifactRepository wfv1.ArtifactRepository `json:"artifactRepository,omitempty"` // Namespace is a label selector filter to limit the controller's watch to a specific namespace Namespace string `json:"namespace,omitempty"` // InstanceID is a label selector to limit the controller's watch to a specific instance. It // contains an arbitrary value that is carried forward into its pod labels, under the key //, for the purposes of workflow segregation. This // enables a controller to only receive workflow and pod events that it is interested about, // in order to support multiple controllers in a single cluster, and ultimately allows the // controller itself to be bundled as part of a higher level application. If omitted, the // controller watches workflows and pods that *are not* labeled with an instance id. InstanceID string `json:"instanceID,omitempty"` // MetricsConfig specifies configuration for metrics emission. Metrics are enabled and emitted on localhost:9090/metrics // by default. MetricsConfig MetricsConfig `json:"metricsConfig,omitempty"` // TelemetryConfig specifies configuration for telemetry emission. Telemetry is enabled and emitted in the same endpoint // as metrics by default, but can be overridden using this config. TelemetryConfig MetricsConfig `json:"telemetryConfig,omitempty"` // Parallelism limits the max total parallel workflows that can execute at the same time Parallelism int `json:"parallelism,omitempty"` // NamespaceParallelism limits the max workflows that can execute at the same time in a namespace NamespaceParallelism int `json:"namespaceParallelism,omitempty"` // ResourceRateLimit limits the rate at which pods are created ResourceRateLimit *ResourceRateLimit `json:"resourceRateLimit,omitempty"` // Persistence contains the workflow persistence DB configuration Persistence *PersistConfig `json:"persistence,omitempty"` // Links to related apps. Links []*wfv1.Link `json:"links,omitempty"` // WorkflowDefaults are values that will apply to all Workflows from this controller, unless overridden on the Workflow-level WorkflowDefaults *wfv1.Workflow `json:"workflowDefaults,omitempty"` // PodSpecLogStrategy enables the logging of podspec on controller log. PodSpecLogStrategy PodSpecLogStrategy `json:"podSpecLogStrategy,omitempty"` // PodGCGracePeriodSeconds specifies the duration in seconds before a terminating pod is forcefully killed. // Value must be non-negative integer. A zero value indicates that the pod will be forcefully terminated immediately. // Defaults to the Kubernetes default of 30 seconds. PodGCGracePeriodSeconds *int64 `json:"podGCGracePeriodSeconds,omitempty"` // PodGCDeleteDelayDuration specifies the duration in seconds before the pods in the GC queue get deleted. // Value must be non-negative integer. A zero value indicates that the pods will be deleted immediately. // Defaults to 5 seconds. PodGCDeleteDelayDuration *metav1.Duration `json:"podGCDeleteDelayDuration,omitempty"` // WorkflowRestrictions restricts the controller to executing Workflows that meet certain restrictions WorkflowRestrictions *WorkflowRestrictions `json:"workflowRestrictions,omitempty"` // Adding configurable initial delay (for K8S clusters with mutating webhooks) to prevent workflow getting modified by MWC. InitialDelay metav1.Duration `json:"initialDelay,omitempty"` // The command/args for each image, needed when the command is not specified and the emissary executor is used. // Images map[string]Image `json:"images,omitempty"` RetentionPolicy *RetentionPolicy `json:"retentionPolicy,omitempty"` // NavColor is an ui navigation bar background color NavColor string `json:"navColor,omitempty"` // SSO in settings for single-sign on SSO SSOConfig `json:"sso,omitempty"` } func (c Config) GetExecutor() *apiv1.Container { if c.Executor != nil { return c.Executor } return &apiv1.Container{} } func (c Config) GetResourceRateLimit() ResourceRateLimit { if c.ResourceRateLimit != nil { return *c.ResourceRateLimit } return ResourceRateLimit{ Limit: math.MaxFloat32, Burst: math.MaxInt32, } } func (c Config) GetPodGCDeleteDelayDuration() time.Duration { if c.PodGCDeleteDelayDuration == nil { return 5 * time.Second } return c.PodGCDeleteDelayDuration.Duration } func (c Config) ValidateProtocol(inputProtocol string, allowedProtocol []string) error { for _, protocol := range allowedProtocol { if inputProtocol == protocol { return nil } } return fmt.Errorf("protocol %s is not allowed", inputProtocol) } func (c *Config) Sanitize(allowedProtocol []string) error { links := c.Links for _, link := range links { u, err := url.Parse(link.URL) if err != nil { return err } err = c.ValidateProtocol(u.Scheme, allowedProtocol) if err != nil { return err } link.URL = u.String() // reassembles the URL into a valid URL string } return nil } // PodSpecLogStrategy contains the configuration for logging the pod spec in controller log for debugging purpose type PodSpecLogStrategy struct { FailedPod bool `json:"failedPod,omitempty"` AllPods bool `json:"allPods,omitempty"` } // KubeConfig is used for wait & init sidecar containers to communicate with a k8s apiserver by a outofcluster method, // it is used when the workflow controller is in a different cluster with the workflow workloads type KubeConfig struct { // SecretName of the kubeconfig secret // may not be empty if kuebConfig specified SecretName string `json:"secretName"` // SecretKey of the kubeconfig in the secret // may not be empty if kubeConfig specified SecretKey string `json:"secretKey"` // VolumeName of kubeconfig, default to 'kubeconfig' VolumeName string `json:"volumeName,omitempty"` // MountPath of the kubeconfig secret, default to '/kube/config' MountPath string `json:"mountPath,omitempty"` } type PersistConfig struct { NodeStatusOffload bool `json:"nodeStatusOffLoad,omitempty"` // Archive workflows to persistence. Archive bool `json:"archive,omitempty"` // ArchivelabelSelector holds LabelSelector to determine workflow persistence. ArchiveLabelSelector *metav1.LabelSelector `json:"archiveLabelSelector,omitempty"` // in days ArchiveTTL TTL `json:"archiveTTL,omitempty"` ClusterName string `json:"clusterName,omitempty"` ConnectionPool *ConnectionPool `json:"connectionPool,omitempty"` PostgreSQL *PostgreSQLConfig `json:"postgresql,omitempty"` MySQL *MySQLConfig `json:"mysql,omitempty"` SkipMigration bool `json:"skipMigration,omitempty"` } func (c PersistConfig) GetArchiveLabelSelector() (labels.Selector, error) { if c.ArchiveLabelSelector == nil { return labels.Everything(), nil } return metav1.LabelSelectorAsSelector(c.ArchiveLabelSelector) } func (c PersistConfig) GetClusterName() string { if c.ClusterName != "" { return c.ClusterName } return "default" } type ConnectionPool struct { MaxIdleConns int `json:"maxIdleConns,omitempty"` MaxOpenConns int `json:"maxOpenConns,omitempty"` ConnMaxLifetime TTL `json:"connMaxLifetime,omitempty"` } type DatabaseConfig struct { Host string `json:"host"` Port int `json:"port,omitempty"` Database string `json:"database"` TableName string `json:"tableName,omitempty"` UsernameSecret apiv1.SecretKeySelector `json:"userNameSecret,omitempty"` PasswordSecret apiv1.SecretKeySelector `json:"passwordSecret,omitempty"` } func (c DatabaseConfig) GetHostname() string { if c.Port == 0 { return c.Host } return fmt.Sprintf("%s:%v", c.Host, c.Port) } type PostgreSQLConfig struct { DatabaseConfig SSL bool `json:"ssl,omitempty"` SSLMode string `json:"sslMode,omitempty"` } type MySQLConfig struct { DatabaseConfig Options map[string]string `json:"options,omitempty"` } // MetricsConfig defines a config for a metrics server type MetricsConfig struct { // Enabled controls metric emission. Default is true, set "enabled: false" to turn off Enabled *bool `json:"enabled,omitempty"` // DisableLegacy turns off legacy metrics // DEPRECATED: Legacy metrics are now removed, this field is ignored DisableLegacy bool `json:"disableLegacy,omitempty"` // MetricsTTL sets how often custom metrics are cleared from memory MetricsTTL TTL `json:"metricsTTL,omitempty"` // Path is the path where metrics are emitted. Must start with a "/". Default is "/metrics" Path string `json:"path,omitempty"` // Port is the port where metrics are emitted. Default is "9090" Port int `json:"port,omitempty"` // IgnoreErrors is a flag that instructs prometheus to ignore metric emission errors IgnoreErrors bool `json:"ignoreErrors,omitempty"` // Secure is a flag that starts the metrics servers using TLS Secure *bool `json:"secure,omitempty"` } func (mc MetricsConfig) GetSecure(defaultValue bool) bool { if mc.Secure != nil { return *mc.Secure } return defaultValue } type WorkflowRestrictions struct { TemplateReferencing TemplateReferencing `json:"templateReferencing,omitempty"` } type TemplateReferencing string const ( TemplateReferencingStrict TemplateReferencing = "Strict" TemplateReferencingSecure TemplateReferencing = "Secure" ) func (req *WorkflowRestrictions) MustUseReference() bool { if req == nil { return false } return req.TemplateReferencing == TemplateReferencingStrict || req.TemplateReferencing == TemplateReferencingSecure } func (req *WorkflowRestrictions) MustNotChangeSpec() bool { if req == nil { return false } return req.TemplateReferencing == TemplateReferencingSecure }