#include "types.h" #include "Task.h" #include "kmalloc.h" #include "VGA.h" #include "StdLib.h" #include "i386.h" #include "system.h" #include #include #include "MemoryManager.h" Task* current; Task* s_kernelTask; static pid_t next_pid; static InlineLinkedList* s_tasks; static bool contextSwitch(Task*); static void redoKernelTaskTSS() { if (!s_kernelTask->selector()) s_kernelTask->setSelector(allocateGDTEntry()); auto& tssDescriptor = getGDTEntry(s_kernelTask->selector()); tssDescriptor.setBase(&s_kernelTask->tss()); tssDescriptor.setLimit(0xffff); tssDescriptor.dpl = 0; tssDescriptor.segment_present = 1; tssDescriptor.granularity = 1; tssDescriptor.zero = 0; tssDescriptor.operation_size = 1; tssDescriptor.descriptor_type = 0; tssDescriptor.type = 9; flushGDT(); } void Task::prepForIRETToNewTask() { redoKernelTaskTSS(); s_kernelTask->tss().backlink = current->selector(); loadTaskRegister(s_kernelTask->selector()); } void Task::initialize() { current = nullptr; next_pid = 0; s_tasks = new InlineLinkedList; s_kernelTask = new Task(0, "idle", IPC::Handle::Any, Task::Ring0); redoKernelTaskTSS(); loadTaskRegister(s_kernelTask->selector()); } #ifdef TASK_SANITY_CHECKS void Task::checkSanity(const char* msg) { char ch = current->name()[0]; kprintf("<%p> %s{%u}%b [%d] :%b: sanity check <%s>\n", current->name().characters(), current->name().characters(), current->name().length(), current->name()[current->name().length() - 1], current->pid(), ch, msg ? msg : ""); ASSERT((ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z')); } #endif void Task::allocateLDT() { ASSERT(!m_tss.ldt); static const WORD numLDTEntries = 4; WORD newLDTSelector = allocateGDTEntry(); m_ldtEntries = new Descriptor[numLDTEntries]; #if 0 kprintf("new ldt selector = %x\n", newLDTSelector); kprintf("new ldt table at = %p\n", m_ldtEntries); kprintf("new ldt table size = %u\n", (numLDTEntries * 8) - 1); #endif Descriptor& ldt = getGDTEntry(newLDTSelector); ldt.setBase(m_ldtEntries); ldt.setLimit(numLDTEntries * 8 - 1); ldt.dpl = 0; ldt.segment_present = 1; ldt.granularity = 0; ldt.zero = 0; ldt.operation_size = 1; ldt.descriptor_type = 0; ldt.type = Descriptor::LDT; m_tss.ldt = newLDTSelector; } Task::Region* Task::allocateRegion(size_t size, String&& name) { // FIXME: This needs sanity checks. What if this overlaps existing regions? auto zone = MemoryManager::the().createZone(PAGE_SIZE); ASSERT(zone); m_regions.append(make(m_nextRegion, size, move(zone), move(name))); m_nextRegion = m_nextRegion.offset(size).offset(16384); return m_regions.last().ptr(); } Task::Task(void (*e)(), const char* n, IPC::Handle h, RingLevel ring) : m_name(n) , m_entry(e) , m_pid(next_pid++) , m_handle(h) , m_state(Runnable) , m_ring(ring) { m_nextRegion = LinearAddress(0x600000); Region* codeRegion = nullptr; if (!isRing0()) { codeRegion = allocateRegion(4096, "code"); ASSERT(codeRegion); bool success = copyToZone(*codeRegion->zone, (void*)e, PAGE_SIZE); ASSERT(success); } memset(&m_tss, 0, sizeof(m_tss)); memset(&m_ldtEntries, 0, sizeof(m_ldtEntries)); if (ring == Ring3) { allocateLDT(); } // Only IF is set when a task boots. m_tss.eflags = 0x0202; WORD dataSegment; WORD stackSegment; WORD codeSegment; if (ring == Ring0) { codeSegment = 0x08; dataSegment = 0x10; stackSegment = dataSegment; } else { codeSegment = 0x1b; dataSegment = 0x23; stackSegment = dataSegment; } m_tss.ds = dataSegment; m_tss.es = dataSegment; m_tss.fs = dataSegment; m_tss.gs = dataSegment; m_tss.ss = stackSegment; m_tss.cs = codeSegment; m_tss.cr3 = MemoryManager::the().pageDirectoryBase().get(); if (isRing0()) { m_tss.eip = (DWORD)m_entry; } else { m_tss.eip = codeRegion->linearAddress.get(); } kprintf("basically ready\n"); // NOTE: Each task gets 4KB of stack. static const DWORD defaultStackSize = 4096; if (isRing0()) { // FIXME: This memory is leaked. // But uh, there's also no kernel task termination, so I guess it's not technically leaked... m_stackTop = ((DWORD)kmalloc(defaultStackSize) + defaultStackSize) & 0xffffff8; m_tss.esp = m_stackTop; } else { auto* region = allocateRegion(defaultStackSize, "stack"); ASSERT(region); m_stackTop = region->linearAddress.offset(defaultStackSize).get() & 0xfffffff8; m_tss.esp = m_stackTop; } if (ring == Ring3) { // Set up a separate stack for Ring0. // FIXME: Don't leak this stack either. m_kernelStack = kmalloc(defaultStackSize); DWORD ring0StackTop = ((DWORD)m_kernelStack + defaultStackSize) & 0xffffff8; m_tss.ss0 = 0x10; m_tss.esp0 = ring0StackTop; } // HACK: Ring2 SS in the TSS is the current PID. m_tss.ss2 = m_pid; m_farPtr.offset = 0x12345678; // Don't add task 0 (kernel dummy task) to task list. // FIXME: This doesn't belong in the constructor. if (m_pid == 0) return; // Add it to head of task list (meaning it's next to run too, ATM.) s_tasks->prepend(this); system.nprocess++; kprintf("Task %u (%s) spawned @ %p\n", m_pid, m_name.characters(), m_tss.eip); } Task::~Task() { system.nprocess--; delete [] m_ldtEntries; m_ldtEntries = nullptr; // FIXME: The task's kernel stack is currently leaked, because otherwise we GPF. // This obviously needs figuring out. #if 0 if (m_kernelStack) { kfree(m_kernelStack); m_kernelStack = nullptr; } #endif } void Task::dumpRegions() { kprintf("Task %s(%u) regions:\n", name().characters(), pid()); kprintf("BEGIN END SIZE NAME\n"); for (auto& region : m_regions) { kprintf("%x -- %x %x %s\n", region->linearAddress.get(), region->linearAddress.offset(region->size - 1).get(), region->size, region->name.characters()); } } void Task::taskDidCrash(Task* crashedTask) { crashedTask->setState(Crashing); crashedTask->dumpRegions(); s_tasks->remove(crashedTask); if (!scheduleNewTask()) { kprintf("Task::taskDidCrash: Failed to schedule a new task :(\n"); HANG; } delete crashedTask; switchNow(); } void yield() { if (!current) { kprintf( "PANIC: yield() with !current" ); HANG; } //kprintf("%s<%u> yield()\n", current->name().characters(), current->pid()); if (!scheduleNewTask()) return; //kprintf("yield() jumping to new task: %x (%s)\n", current->farPtr().selector, current->name().characters()); switchNow(); } void switchNow() { Descriptor& descriptor = getGDTEntry(current->selector()); descriptor.type = 9; flushGDT(); asm( "ljmp *(%%eax)\n" ::"a"(¤t->farPtr()) ); } bool scheduleNewTask() { if (!current) { // XXX: The first ever context_switch() goes to the idle task. // This to setup a reliable place we can return to. return contextSwitch(Task::kernelTask()); } // Check and unblock tasks whose wait conditions have been met. for (auto* task = s_tasks->head(); task; task = task->next()) { if (task->state() == Task::BlockedReceive && (task->ipc.msg.isValid() || task->ipc.notifies)) { task->unblock(); continue; } if (task->state() == Task::BlockedSend) { Task* peer = Task::fromIPCHandle(task->ipc.dst); if (peer && peer->state() == Task::BlockedReceive && peer->acceptsMessageFrom(*task)) { task->unblock(); continue; } } if (task->state() == Task::BlockedSleep) { if (task->wakeupTime() <= system.uptime) { task->unblock(); continue; } } } auto* prevHead = s_tasks->head(); for (;;) { // Move head to tail. s_tasks->append(s_tasks->removeHead()); auto* task = s_tasks->head(); if (task->state() == Task::Runnable || task->state() == Task::Running) { //kprintf("switch to %s\n", task->name().characters()); return contextSwitch(task); } if (task == prevHead) { // Back at task_head, nothing wants to run. return contextSwitch(Task::kernelTask()); } } } static void drawSchedulerBanner(Task& task) { // FIXME: We need a kernel lock to do stuff like this :( //return; auto c = vga_get_cursor(); auto a = vga_get_attr(); vga_set_cursor(0, 50); vga_set_attr(0x20); kprintf(" "); kprintf(" "); kprintf(" "); vga_set_cursor(0, 50); kprintf("pid: %u ", task.pid()); vga_set_cursor(0, 58); kprintf("%s", task.name().characters()); vga_set_cursor(0, 65); kprintf("eip: %p", task.tss().eip); vga_set_attr(a); vga_set_cursor(c); } static bool contextSwitch(Task* t) { //kprintf("c_s to %s (same:%u)\n", t->name().characters(), current == t); t->setTicksLeft(5); if (current == t) return false; // If the last task hasn't blocked (still marked as running), // mark it as runnable for the next round. if (current->state() == Task::Running) current->setState(Task::Runnable); bool success = MemoryManager::the().unmapRegionsForTask(*current); ASSERT(success); success = MemoryManager::the().mapRegionsForTask(*t); ASSERT(success); current = t; t->setState(Task::Running); if (!t->selector()) t->setSelector(allocateGDTEntry()); auto& tssDescriptor = getGDTEntry(t->selector()); tssDescriptor.limit_hi = 0; tssDescriptor.limit_lo = 0xFFFF; tssDescriptor.base_lo = (DWORD)(&t->tss()) & 0xFFFF; tssDescriptor.base_hi = ((DWORD)(&t->tss()) >> 16) & 0xFF; tssDescriptor.base_hi2 = ((DWORD)(&t->tss()) >> 24) & 0xFF; tssDescriptor.dpl = 0; tssDescriptor.segment_present = 1; tssDescriptor.granularity = 1; tssDescriptor.zero = 0; tssDescriptor.operation_size = 1; tssDescriptor.descriptor_type = 0; tssDescriptor.type = 11; // Busy TSS flushGDT(); drawSchedulerBanner(*t); return true; } Task* Task::fromPID(pid_t pid) { for (auto* task = s_tasks->head(); task; task = task->next()) { if (task->pid() == pid) return task; } return nullptr; } Task* Task::fromIPCHandle(IPC::Handle handle) { for (auto* task = s_tasks->head(); task; task = task->next()) { if (task->handle() == handle) return task; } return nullptr; } FileHandle* Task::fileHandleIfExists(int fd) { if (fd < 0) return nullptr; if ((unsigned)fd < m_fileHandles.size()) return m_fileHandles[fd].ptr(); return nullptr; } int Task::sys$seek(int fd, int offset) { auto* handle = fileHandleIfExists(fd); if (!handle) return -1; return handle->seek(offset, SEEK_SET); } ssize_t Task::sys$read(int fd, void* outbuf, size_t nread) { Task::checkSanity("Task::sys$read"); kprintf("Task::sys$read: called(%d, %p, %u)\n", fd, outbuf, nread); auto* handle = fileHandleIfExists(fd); kprintf("Task::sys$read: handle=%p\n", handle); if (!handle) { kprintf("Task::sys$read: handle not found :(\n"); return -1; } kprintf("call read on handle=%p\n", handle); nread = handle->read((byte*)outbuf, nread); kprintf("called read\n"); kprintf("Task::sys$read: nread=%u\n", nread); return nread; } int Task::sys$close(int fd) { auto* handle = fileHandleIfExists(fd); if (!handle) return -1; // FIXME: Implement. return 0; } int Task::sys$open(const char* path, size_t pathLength) { Task::checkSanity("sys$open"); kprintf("Task::sys$open(): PID=%u, path=%s {%u}\n", m_pid, path, pathLength); auto* handle = current->openFile(String(path, pathLength)); if (handle) return handle->fd(); return -1; } FileHandle* Task::openFile(String&& path) { kprintf("calling vfs::open with vfs=%p, path='%s'\n", &VirtualFileSystem::the(), path.characters()); auto handle = VirtualFileSystem::the().open(move(path)); if (!handle) { kprintf("vfs::open() failed\n"); return nullptr; } handle->setFD(m_fileHandles.size()); kprintf("vfs::open() worked! handle=%p, fd=%d\n", handle.ptr(), handle->fd()); m_fileHandles.append(move(handle)); // FIXME: allow non-move Vector::append kprintf("Task::openFile(): FileHandle{%p} fd=%d\n", handle.ptr(), handle->fd()); return m_fileHandles.last().ptr(); } int Task::sys$kill(pid_t pid, int sig) { (void) sig; if (pid == 0) { // FIXME: Send to same-group processes. ASSERT(pid != 0); } if (pid == -1) { // FIXME: Send to all processes. ASSERT(pid != -1); } ASSERT_NOT_REACHED(); Task* peer = Task::fromPID(pid); if (!peer) { // errno = ESRCH; return -1; } #if 0 send(peer->handle(), IPC::Message(SYS_KILL, DataBuffer::copy((BYTE*)&sig, sizeof(sig)))); IPC::Message response = receive(peer->handle()); return *(int*)response.data(); #endif return -1; } uid_t Task::sys$getuid() { return m_uid; } bool Task::acceptsMessageFrom(Task& peer) { return !ipc.msg.isValid() && (ipc.src == IPC::Handle::Any || ipc.src == peer.handle()); } void Task::unblock() { ASSERT(m_state != Task::Runnable && m_state != Task::Running); system.nblocked--; m_state = Task::Runnable; } void Task::block(Task::State state) { ASSERT(current->state() == Task::Running); system.nblocked++; current->setState(state); } void block(Task::State state) { current->block(state); yield(); } void sleep(DWORD ticks) { ASSERT(current->state() == Task::Running); current->setWakeupTime(system.uptime + ticks); current->block(Task::BlockedSleep); yield(); } void Task::sys$sleep(DWORD ticks) { ASSERT(this == current); sleep(ticks); } Task* Task::kernelTask() { ASSERT(s_kernelTask); return s_kernelTask; } void Task::setError(int error) { m_error = error; } Task::Region::Region(LinearAddress a, size_t s, RetainPtr&& z, String&& n) : linearAddress(a) , size(s) , zone(move(z)) , name(move(n)) { } Task::Region::~Region() { }