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376 lines (271 loc) · 25.7 KB

File metadata and controls

376 lines (271 loc) · 25.7 KB

Checks Available

IGNR - Ignored Warnings

These can be seen by running the tool with --show-ignore

Any WARN level item can be flagged as ignored (IGNR) if the file that changed, that initiated the check, was deemed to have not actually changed in any meaningful way.

For example

  • Changes to comments
  • Changes to php doc block (copyright headers etc)
  • Change to whitespace

These kinds of changes do not really require that we check for overrides or proceed to go through an actionable list of items to review.

Therefore, every WARN item can also be an IGNR item provided the file that triggered the check was not really changed.

WARN - Preference

A preference exists for a class which was modified as part of this upgrade


| Level | Type       | File                                                                                  | To Check                                          |
| WARN  | Preference | vendor/magento/module-advanced-pricing-import-export/Model/Export/AdvancedPricing.php | Ampersand\Test\Model\Admin\Export\AdvancedPricing |

You have a preference Ampersand\Test\Model\Admin\Export\AdvancedPricing on Magento\AdvancedPricingImportExport\Model\Export\AdvancedPricing.

The upgrade has changed Magento\AdvancedPricingImportExport\Model\Export\AdvancedPricing so you need to check Ampersand\Test\Model\Admin\Export\AdvancedPricing to see if it needs amended to be compatible.

WARN - Preference Removed

A preference exists for a class which no longer exists after this upgrade


| Level | Type               | File                                                                                                   | To Check                                            |
| WARN  | Preference Removed | vendor/ampersand/upgrade-patch-helper-test-module/src/module/Model/ToPreferenceAndExtendAndDelete.php  | Ampersand\Test\Model\ToPreferenceAndExtendAndDelete |

You have a preference Ampersand\Test\Model\ToPreferenceAndExtendAndDelete on Ampersand\TestVendor\Model\ToPreferenceAndExtendAndDelete.

The upgrade has removed Ampersand\TestVendor\Model\ToPreferenceAndExtendAndDelete so you need to rework or remove Ampersand\Test\Model\ToPreferenceAndExtendAndDelete.

WARN - Plugin

A plugin exists on function which was modified as part of this upgrade.


| Level | Type   | File                                                  | To Check                                                     |
| WARN  | Plugin | vendor/magento/module-adobe-ims/Model/UserProfile.php | Ampersand\Test\Plugin\AdobeImsUserProfile::afterGetUpdatedAt |

You have a plugin Ampersand\Test\Plugin\AdobeImsUserProfile::afterGetUpdatedAt and the core Magento\AdobeIms\Model\UserProfile::getUpdatedAt function has changed.

Check the changes to the core function to see if your plugin is still compatible. Sometimes plugins are used by developers to fix core behaviour, and it may no longer be necessary.

WARN - Plugin Enabled

A plugin exists on function which was added to the codebase as part of this upgrade. You have new plugin logic firing where previously you did not.


| Level | Type             | File                                                  | To Check                                                     |
| WARN  | Plugin Enabled   | vendor/magento/module-adobe-ims/Model/UserProfile.php | Ampersand\Test\Plugin\AdobeImsUserProfile::afterGetUpdatedAt |

You have a plugin Ampersand\Test\Plugin\AdobeImsUserProfile::afterGetUpdatedAt and the core Magento\AdobeIms\Model\UserProfile::getUpdatedAt function has been added, so the plugin becomes active.

WARN - Plugin Disabled

A plugin exists on function which was added to the codebase as part of this upgrade. You have new plugin logic firing where previously you did not.


| Level | Type             | File                                                  | To Check                                                     |
| WARN  | Plugin Disabled  | vendor/magento/module-adobe-ims/Model/UserProfile.php | Ampersand\Test\Plugin\AdobeImsUserProfile::afterGetUpdatedAt |

You have a plugin Ampersand\Test\Plugin\AdobeImsUserProfile::afterGetUpdatedAt and the core Magento\AdobeIms\Model\UserProfile::getUpdatedAt function has been deleted, so the plugin becomes deactivated. You have customisations which are no longer firing.

WARN - Override (phtml/js/html)

There is a phtml/html/xml/js extension or override in place for a file which was modified as part of this upgrade.


| Level | Type                     | File                                                                   | To Check                                                                       |
| WARN  | Override (phtml/js/html) | vendor/magento/module-checkout/view/frontend/templates/cart/form.phtml | app/design/frontend/Ampersand/theme/Magento_Checkout/templates/cart/form.phtml |

You have an override app/design/frontend/Ampersand/theme/Magento_Checkout/templates/cart/form.phtml which replaces vendor/magento/module-checkout/view/frontend/templates/cart/form.phtml.

If the upgrade changes vendor/magento/module-checkout/view/frontend/templates/cart/form.phtml you will get this warning.

Check the changes in the core file with your override/extension, it may be that some changes need to be ported across.

WARN - Redundant override

A file that was modified now matches an override of it in the codebase. It is very likely this override can just be removed as it is redundant.

This check is done after identifying the file as a WARN - Override (phtml/js/html), but has been converted to a "redundant override" after further analysis of the file contents.

There is some fuzzy matching going on here to ignore things that don't "really" matter, when comparing the files

  • Comments
  • Whitespace
  • .phtml files also
    • Ignore differences between short and long echo
    • Ignore trailing ; at end of single php lines


| Level | Type                     | File                                                                                                              | To Check                                                                                                             |
| WARN  | Redundant Override       | vendor/ampersand/upgrade-patch-helper-test-hyva-theme-stub/theme/Magento_Checkout/templates/cart/redundant.phtml  | vendor/ampersand/upgrade-patch-helper-test-hyva-theme-extended/theme/Magento_Checkout/templates/cart/redundant.phtml |

You have an override vendor/ampersand/upgrade-patch-helper-test-hyva-theme-extended/theme/Magento_Checkout/templates/cart/redundant.phtml which replaces vendor/ampersand/upgrade-patch-helper-test-hyva-theme-stub/theme/Magento_Checkout/templates/cart/redundant.phtml.

Those two files are now identical in functionality, and it is probable that the override can just be removed.

WARN - DB schema added

A third-party db_schema.xml affecting the highlighted table has been added.

This is promoted from an INFO to a WARN because it is a non-magento extension customising a table defined in a different db_schema.xml.


| Level | Type            | File                                                                           | To Check    |
| WARN  | DB schema added | vendor/ampersand/upgrade-patch-helper-test-module/src/module/etc/db_schema.xml | sales_order |

A new vendor/ampersand/upgrade-patch-helper-test-module/src/module/etc/db_schema.xml added in this upgrade modifies a table it does not "own" (ownership of a table is calculated by seeing which db_schema.xml defines the primary key). In this example it modifies the sales_order table.

You may want to review the table being modified in case this third party code is not taking into account the size of popular tables like customer_entity or sales_order.

WARN - DB schema removed

A third-party db_schema.xml affecting the highlighted table has been removed.

This is promoted from an INFO to a WARN because it is a non-magento extension customising a table defined in a different db_schema.xml.


| Level | Type              | File                                                                           | To Check |
| WARN  | DB schema removed | vendor/ampersand/upgrade-patch-helper-test-module/src/module/etc/db_schema.xml | wishlist |

A schema definition was removed from vendor/ampersand/upgrade-patch-helper-test-module/src/module/etc/db_schema.xml, it previously modified a table it does not "own" (ownership of a table is calculated by seeing which db_schema.xml defines the primary key). In this example a modification to wishlist was removed.

You may want to review the table being modified and verify that this schema modification is desired.

WARN - DB schema changed

A third-party db_schema.xml affecting the highlighted table has been changed.

This is promoted from an INFO to a WARN because it is a non-magento extension customising a table defined in a different db_schema.xml.


| Level | Type              | File                                                                           | To Check        |
| WARN  | DB schema changed | vendor/ampersand/upgrade-patch-helper-test-module/src/module/etc/db_schema.xml | customer_entity |

A schema definition that previously existed in vendor/ampersand/upgrade-patch-helper-test-module/src/module/etc/db_schema.xml was altered, this will modify a table this module does not "own" (ownership of a table is calculated by seeing which db_schema.xml defines the primary key). In this example some existing modification to the customer_entity table was altered.

You may want to review the table being modified and verify that this schema modification is desired.

WARN - DB schema target changed

A db_schema.xml which holds the main definition of a table has changed, highlighted are any third-party db_schema.xml which may need reviewing based on these changes.


| Level | Type                     | File                                             | To Check                                                  |
| WARN  | DB schema target changed | vendor/magento/module-wishlist/etc/db_schema.xml | app/code/Ampersand/Test/etc/db_schema.xml (wishlist_item) |

Your project has app/code/Ampersand/Test/etc/db_schema.xml which makes changes to wishlist_item for some custom functionality.

During a magento upgrade the core vendor/magento/module-wishlist/etc/db_schema.xml make changes to wishlist_item.

You now have a possible issue where the third party custom code may be conflicting with the core definition. Review the changes in the main definition alongside your customisation to see if it is still compatible or necessary.

INFO - Queue consumer added

A queue consumer has been added.


| Level | Type                 | File                                                           | To Check                     |
| INFO  | Queue consumer added | vendor/magento/module-inventory-indexer/etc/queue_consumer.xml | inventory.indexer.sourceItem |

If you manually manage cron_consumers_runner/consumers in your app/etc/config.php you may want to add inventory.indexer.sourceItem.

INFO - Queue consumer removed

A queue consumer has been removed.


| Level | Type                   | File                                                 | To Check                        |
| INFO  | Queue consumer removed | vendor/magento/module-catalog/etc/queue_consumer.xml | product_action_attribute.update |

If you manually manage cron_consumers_runner/consumers in your app/etc/config.php you may want to remove product_action_attribute.update.

INFO - Queue consumer changed

A queue consumer has been changed.

| Level | Type                   | File                                                       | To Check        |
| INFO  | Queue consumer changed | vendor/magento/module-import-export/etc/queue_consumer.xml | exportProcessor |

Often no action is needed, this is just information that something in the definition of exportProcessor has changed.

INFO - DB schema added

A db_schema.xml affecting the highlighted table has been added.


| Level | Type                     | File                                                    | To Check               |
| INFO  | DB schema added          | vendor/magento/module-admin-adobe-ims/etc/db_schema.xml | admin_adobe_ims_webapi |

Often no action is needed, this is information that some table definition for admin_adobe_ims_webapi was added within vendor/magento/module-admin-adobe-ims/etc/db_schema.xml.

INFO - DB schema removed

A db_schema.xml affecting the highlighted table has been removed.


| Level | Type               | File                                                                                          | To Check           |
| INFO  | DB schema removed  | vendor/ampersand/upgrade-patch-helper-test-module-to-be-removed/src/module/etc/db_schema.xml  | some_removed_table |

Often no action is needed, this is information that some table definition for some_removed_table was removed within vendor/ampersand/upgrade-patch-helper-test-module-to-be-removed/src/module/etc/db_schema.xml.

INFO - DB schema changed

A db_schema.xml affecting the highlighted table has been changed.


| Level | Type              | File                                            | To Check    |
| INFO  | DB schema changed | vendor/magento/module-captcha/etc/db_schema.xml | captcha_log |

Often no action is needed, this is information that some table definition for captcha_log was changed within vendor/magento/module-captcha/etc/db_schema.xml.

INFO - Setup Patch Data

A data patch has been added or changed.


| Level | Type              | File                                                                                              | To Check                                              |
| INFO  | Setup Patch Data  | vendor/ampersand/upgrade-patch-helper-test-module/src/module/Setup/Patch/Data/SomeDataChanges.php | Ampersand\TestVendor\Setup\Patch\Data\SomeDataChanges |

Often no action is needed. A setup data patch Ampersand\TestVendor\Setup\Patch\Data\SomeDataChanges has been added/changed. You may want to have a look at the code to see what it is doing.

INFO - Setup Patch Schema

A schema patch has been added or changed.


| Level | Type               | File                                                                                                   | To Check                                                  |
| INFO  | Setup Patch Schema | vendor/ampersand/upgrade-patch-helper-test-module/src/module/Setup/Patch/Schema/SomeSchemaChanges.php  | Ampersand\TestVendor\Setup\Patch\Schema\SomeSchemaChanges |

Often no action is needed. A setup schema patch Ampersand\TestVendor\Setup\Patch\Schema\SomeSchemaChanges has been added/changed. You may want to have a look at the code to see what it is doing.

INFO - Setup Script

A legacy style setup script (InstallSchema, InstallData, UpgradeData, UpgradeSchema) has been added or changed.


| Level | Type         | File                                                                                 | To Check                                 |
| INFO  | Setup Script | vendor/ampersand/upgrade-patch-helper-test-module/src/module/Setup/InstallSchema.php | Ampersand\TestVendor\Setup\InstallSchema |

Often no action is needed. A setup script Ampersand\TestVendor\Setup\InstallSchema has been added/changed. You may want to have a look at the code to see what it is doing.